I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 312: The Redhead Strikes With All His Strength! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】



in an instant,

two burly figures,

Like two shining meteors falling,

Wrapped with supreme power and sword intent,

At a speed beyond the reach of the naked eye,

facing each other,

Rush forward.


The blades in the hands of the two have not yet been officially cut off,

The terror unleashed,

It has already made the sea area around the port agitated.


The monstrous waves kept rolling up and down.

the whole sea,

It seemed that they were about to be torn apart by this terrifying power.

"Then... the coercion on that guy is... so terrifying?!"

"Even against Captain Shanks, there is no disadvantage at all..." "Two Ninety" "Fake it, no one can surpass Captain Shanks on [Conqueror's]..."

Everyone except Beckman,

Even Yasopp and other surviving cadres,


All the same peripheral members of the Red Hair Pirates,

I was stunned by the sight in front of me.

Each of them looked stiff,

The eyes are frightened.

all the time,

In the usual cognition of this group of people,

never seen before,

Who in the sea will have a higher [Conqueror's Haki] than their captain Shanks.


After witnessing Lin Xiao's mutated Gold 【Imperial Color】,

The "myth" created by red hair in their hearts


was completely broken....

As the figures of Lin Xiao and Shanks got closer,

public view,

It was also gradually shrouded in a dazzling light.

People can't look straight at all.

at the same time,

The terrifying aura emanating from the blades of the two men also erupted completely.

That shocking sword intent like an ancient beast,

To all members of the Red Hair Pirates,

While re-recognizing Lin Xiao's true strength,

An incomparable shock rose again in my heart.

"Great swordsman, you will never be wrong..."

"That guy, like the captain, has reached the realm of a great swordsman..."

"It's too scary. Lin Daoming is only about 20 years old, but whether it's [Conqueror's Haki], or the achievement of swordsmanship, they have all reached such a terrifying level. This... this monster!!"

All the pirates were moved by it.

The power of this knife,

Even the most common pirates can feel it clearly.

The terrifying aura that made them fear from the soul,

keep them in mind,

There is no desire to fight at all.

"Damn it, how could this guy's strength have improved so much compared to two years ago..."

Benn Beckman's eyes widened in astonishment, and he didn't even notice that the cigarette in his mouth fell to the ground.

two years ago,

The astonishing increase in Lin Xiao's strength is really unbelievable.

Rao is Beckman who is used to big scenes,

calm mind,

People who are not surprised at all can't calm down anymore.

"Shanks, come on, if even you are not his opponent, then today we..."

"I'm afraid I will really be buried here!!"

Beckman can see,

The red hair had already exerted all his strength in this blow,

So in amazement,

He prayed secretly in his heart.

Across the sea for decades,

from nameless,

The first [Emperor's Deputy] recognized by New World.

Beckman's mood has never been as disturbed as it is today.

It's like riding a roller coaster.

From the very beginning, the surprise attack was carried out with high spirits,

Now in prison,


It has long been out of the calculation and control of him and the red hair.

On the contrary, Lin Dao,

There is always a strategizing look on his face.

This made Beckman extremely unhappy and jealous.

As the "strongest brain" with shoulder-to-shoulder red hair

How could he be willing to admit,

own scheme,

Wouldn't it be better than a boy in his twenties?

But that's the way it is...

Everyone's moods were constantly circulating in an instant.

And the next moment,

The figures of Lin Xiao and Shanks finally collided.


The blades in the hands of the two have not yet completely collided with each other,

There was already an explosion like thunder in the air.

Terrifying air waves surged out like a hurricane.

There is no need for active release at all,

Lin Xiao and the [Conqueror's Haki] in the body of the red hair belong to the top powerhouses,

collided together..



The area near the two of them was instantly covered by the dark red "black thunder".

Ripples like water ripples appeared in the air,

Spread out continuously.

Between the two blades,

Like a wall of air separating the

Intense collision and friction in the air.


The stalemate lasted only a few seconds before it officially ended.

next second.

The blades of the two knives finally collided for real.


In an instant.

Time seemed to stand still.

A loud noise far surpassing the previous one resounded through the sky in an instant and spread throughout the entire sea area.

near the sea,

All in the aftermath of this terrifying collision,

Rolled up directly.

The sky is covered by huge waves,

As if to swallow everything that appeared in front of them.

the whole sea,

All of them became extremely turbulent and turbulent.

The turbulent sea keeps beating against the coastline,

Make a loud "bang bang" sound.

But it was directly overwhelmed by the huge roar caused by Lin Xiao and the red hair.

Even if everyone has covered their ears in advance,

But the sting and hum of the bang,

But still lingering in people's ears and minds,

Can't calm down for a long time.


When all the pirates barely opened their eyes and wanted to see who would win, they were directly overwhelmed by the sight in front of them.

They stared blankly at the sea in front of them.

over there,

The entire sea area seemed to be penetrated by someone,

in the middle of the sea,

A very large and terrifying Uzumaki appeared out of nowhere.

Like an ancient monster hidden in the seabed,

I am opening my mouth,

Want to devour everything on the sea.

In front of it, the [Red Force], which can be unscathed under regular shelling,

There is no room for struggle at all,

directly while being drawn into the depths,

Crushed into a pile of crumbs.


The pirates froze in place with chills down their spines. Without [Red Force], how would they leave De Reiss Rosa alive?

Could it be...

Everyone is really going to die here today?!!.

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