I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 321 Akainu's Rage! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Your Majesty, you seem to have gone too far this time...

Zephyr looked at Hawkeye who was getting far away on the boat, and an extremely complicated light flashed in his old eyes.

Excited, worried, excited

At the same time, there are countless emotions.

this battle,

The Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa even destroyed two Four Emperors regiments at the same time with its own power~.

Such an astonishing feat,

Simply unprecedented.

Even Naval Headquarters,

They absolutely dare not make such a crazy move.

Presumably tomorrow morning,

His majesty's reputation will follow the news of the destruction of the two Four Emperors regiments,

Shock the whole world, right?!

【One Piece】?

【World's Strongest Man】?

I really don't know how the world will give this powerful young man this time,

Come up with a new title.


Your Majesty's courage is too great.

Send Red to the Five Elders,

This wave of horse flea operation is simply tingling.

in this world,

Is there anything else this man is afraid to do?

"Sorry, because I haven't had such a happy battle for a long time, so I can't control it..."

Lin Xiao shrugged his shoulders slightly, he naturally knew what Ze was worried about.


What they planned before the war was,

After slaying the dragon and Blackbeard,

For the [Red Hair Pirates] who came at the same time,

Just kill Shanks' core cadre and let them go.

After all, Kaido cannot be cheap for no reason.

After the redhead returned,

Will definitely go to Kaido desperately.


Except for those 25-year-old samurai of the Kozuki clan,

Red hair can consume Kaido again.

In this case.

Even if Kaido sweeps the red-haired territory,

make a lot of money,

However, they still need to rely on the [Man-made Devil FruitSMILE] provided by Lin Xiao to supplement their combat power.

The "restricted alliance" between the two

There is no possibility of breaking up or even turning against each other in a short period of time.

But who would have thought,

The rise of Lin Xiao's war,

It even directly wiped out 【Red Hair Pirates】......

"Don't worry about World government and Five Elders for the time being!"

"Even if I provoke them with red hair, these cautious old dogs will never dare to act recklessly for the time being.

Lin Xiao pinched his chin, pondered for a while and said, "It's just... we really need to find a way to restrain that guy Kaido."

"Otherwise, it won't be long before he will definitely come up with some kind of moth to disgust people!"

[seastone] transaction with Kaido,

It can be said that it is a hole card in Lin Xiao's hand that restricts the World government.

Although not the only one,

But it also has a lot of weight.

That's why he was so sure that the World government didn't dare to attack him.

Because everyone is accumulating strength at this stage.

The Lin Xiao Group is like this,

The same goes for World government and Naval Headquarters.

"I see."

Zephyr did not doubt Lin Dao's judgment at all, and nodded heavily:

"Your Majesty, [Momousagi] has just sent back news that [World Summit] has decided to end two days early due to the impact of the previous battle between you and Garp."

"If it is true as you predicted, the World Government will attack the royal family of Alabasta) on the way home..."

"This will undoubtedly be an excellent opportunity to take the opportunity to annex [Alabasta]..."

In the end,

Zephyr's eyes sparkled with excitement.

To know,

[Alabasta] is the most massive superpower in the first half of [Grand Line].

Not only is it rich in geological resources,

at the same time,

With a huge population of 10 million,

It made Lin Xiao salivate since a long time ago.

And the number of the standing army of 【Alabasta】,

It has reached an astonishing 600,000 people.

It was much more than all the troops controlled by Naval Headquarters.


The combat power between the two is simply not the same.

But if Lin Xiao succeeds in annexing 【Alabasta】,

Then Zephyr has full confidence,

From these 600,000 soldiers,

Refined an absolutely elite team of no less than 30,000 to 50,000 people for Lin Xiao.

while others,

Whether as cannon fodder or cooperative operations,

Both can play a small role.

This is not counting the new source of soldiers that can be brought by launching the [Great Conscription].


·Ask for flowers: 0

Lin Xiao immediately had the strength to wrestle with Marine and World government head-on.

"Let Katakuri replace..."

Lin Xiao thought for a while, and finally waved his hands, hugged the empress and said, "Forget it, I'd better go there myself..."

"Just borrow the hands of the World Government to get rid of that stubborn old guy Cobra!"

at the same time.

Naval Headquarters.

Marshal's office.

"Trash... What a bunch of trash..."

"Such a big event happened, and you can't even get any useful news?!"

"What's the use of Marine keeping you bastards?!"

Akainu sits on the seat of Marshal,


face gloomy like water,

The right arm resting on the desk has already burned a big hole in the pure solid wood desktop.

The hot magma constantly exudes a pungent sulfur smell.

And the officers kneeling below,

All of them were terrified and silent.

He didn't even dare to take a breath.


As early as the first day of the war between Lin Xiao and the Red Hair Pirates,

Marine received the corresponding news.

However, due to the constraints of [Elephant Master] and [212 Nautical Mile Territorial Sea Regulations],

No spies can, without permission,

Successfully sneaked into that country.


The message is extremely general and vague.

It's not even certain that the Red Hair Pirates actually went to war.


Even if the war of De Reiss Rosa is over at this moment,

The outside world is unaware,

Still in the Primary stage of guessing the authenticity and reliability of the news.

"Sakazuki, don't blame them."

Staff Officer Crane said kindly, "Even the powerful CP organization can't get accurate information from that area..."

Regarding the [212 Nautical Mile Territorial Sea Regulations] formulated by Lin Xiao,

Even Crane had to be amazed.

Who would have thought,

At that time, it was ridiculed by the world as a "laughing and generous" move.

After that, it played such a big role.

"Damn it, Lin Dao and the red-haired bastards are so cheap this time!!"

Akainu growled furiously ten. .

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