I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 322 Delivery To Five Elders! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

the next day.

As Zephyr had predicted.

Several news that shocked the world spread throughout the world like a hurricane in an instant.

【Red Hair Pirates attack the Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa......】

[A large "Red Sea" appeared in the territorial waters of Reiss Rosa, and it was suspected that the Red Hair Pirates were wiped out...  

[The Blackbeard Pirates came out in full force, their whereabouts are unknown, and their residence on Hive Island and its territory were all taken over by the Royal Marine of De Reiss Rosa]

【Kaido raided Red Hair Pirates affiliated site, looting and killing wantonly but no one stopped...】

[A large number of meteorites rained in the sky over De Reiss Rosa, and the specific casualties are unknown.....]

【Shocking inside story!!! The Red Hair Pirates were wiped out...】

【Shocked!! Shocked!! The strongest emperor killed two Four Emperors regiments...one zero zero"...】

Although these reports have not been confirmed by anyone,

just guessing,

But still set off a stormy sea in the sea.

People immediately focus on

From the just-concluded 【World Summit】,

Transferred to this huge war of "catching wind and shadow".

And at this moment,

Akainu who is the Marshal of the Marine,

but can only look depressed,

Speculate on the authenticity of this battle through a few words in the newspaper.


How could Laozi's men be useless.

How many days has it been?

So far there is no accurate news.

However, whether the news is true or not,

He has obviously missed the best time to ambush the two forces.

Now, of course, I can only sit in the office angrily and read the newspaper.

"Blu blu blu...."

A phone bug with a special appearance on the desktop suddenly rang.

After seeing Akainu,

The expression on his face froze for a moment.

Subconsciously straightened his collar,

Then the phone was connected: "Five... I'm Sakazuki!"

[World Summit] has officially ended, and the five of us decided to pass the [Revocation of Seven Warlords of the Sea] proposal submitted at this meeting, and you Marines can convey 3..."

The person who spoke was one of the Five Elders.

Regardless of tone or attitude,

They all reveal their toughness and aloofness all the time.


Akainu's complexion suddenly became ugly,

And Nima is bad news,

Immediately, he yelled at the phone bug: "Although I hate the [Shichibukai] guys..."

"But their existence is to more effectively restrict the [Four Emperors] of the New World. This is a necessary trade-off that can be tolerated..."

"Now you want to cancel [Shichibukai]. Aren't you afraid that the balance of the sea will be broken?"

Although Akainu has always had zero tolerance for pirates.

But in the face of this general trend,

He can still distinguish between priorities.

[Summit War] is the best example.

"What are you, do we need to explain to you the decisions we made?!"

There was a sharp shout from the phone bug.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward.

Although Akainu's face has become extremely ferocious,

But he didn't dare to refute at all.

after all,

The person who helped him to the top,

It is the Five Elders.

"Let me tell you..."

The phone bug came from another Five Elders voice:

"The reason why we made such a decision is entirely because [Shichibukai] has long existed in name only..."

"Except for [Hawkeye] Dracule Mihawk, the other new members have all been instigated or killed by Lin Xiao."

"Continuing to keep [Shichibukai] will only increase the laughing stock... What's more, we have already found the combat power to replace [Shichibukai]."

"Damn Lindau again!!"

Akainu cursed and said,

But the expression on his face has softened,

Asked with some doubts: "The combat power you mentioned, could it be [SSG]?!"

Akainu as the Marine Marshal,

Naturally, he is no stranger to the research of World government and Vegapunk.

It's just that he didn't expect,

This supposedly impossible experiment,

It turned out to be a success.

Vegabon really deserves to be a scientist who has surpassed human wisdom for 500 years!

"We will inform you of the specific details step by step..."

Five Elders obviously didn't want to waste too much time on this kind of question, and continued bluntly:

"In addition, the escort troops related to [Alabasta] can be cancelled, they have their own escorts to protect.."

"Marine should focus more on maintaining the balance and stability of the sea.

"Recently, there has been a lot of rumors about the war between Guan Linxiao and the red hair. Have you Marine found conclusive evidence?"

"This...not yet."

Akainu's old face turned red when he heard this,

Attention is also directed directly to this last question.

Little did he realize,

What is the reason,

That's why the Five Elders are so concerned about the [Alabasta] royal family's escort issue.

"Useless trash!!"

Immediately, a curse from one of the Five Elders came from the phone bug.

Akainu's face became extremely ugly again.

damn it,

It's not you five old dogs,

At the beginning, Lin Xiao agreed to so many conditions of humiliating power and humiliating the country,

Is that why Marine is struggling now?

Now it's Laozi who is to blame?


Akainu only dared to curse in his heart,

Even if I lend him a hundred courage,

He also absolutely did not dare to be presumptuous in front of the Five Elders.

"Okay, you... huh?!"

The members of the Five Elders were about to say something, but were unexpectedly interrupted by a sudden knock on the door.

1.9 Immediately after,

Akainu heard a flustered voice coming from the phone bug.

"Five adults, one of [Seven Warlords of the Sea], Dracule Mihawk just sent a box, saying that it is a gift from [Emperor De Reiss Rosa] Lin Xiao specified to give to the five adults... ..”


The members of the Five Elders had puzzled looks on their faces.

Lin Xiao would be so kind?

Only ghosts will believe it!

"What's in it?"


One second before the phone bug was hung up, Akainu only heard the soldier hemming and saying: "It's the red-haired Shanks from [Four Emperors]......"

Immediately afterwards, the Five Elders all exclaimed.

"What did you say?!!!" X5.

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