I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 328 I Am The【King】! ! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

after one day.

【Alabasta】The capital 【Albana】.

The square in front of the palace was crowded with people.

Within half an hour of being notified,

Nearly 50,000 civilians gathered in the square.

and farther away,

There are still many figures coming in a hurry to join in.

These people, without exception,

All heard the news of King Cobra's death from the radio phone bug,

Just arrived in a hurry.

If the person who posted the news was not Princess Vivi,

I'm afraid no one will believe it at all.

but now....…

Everyone's faces were filled with panic and sorrow.

Although Cobra is a mediocre and incompetent king,

But fortunately, he loves the people like a child.

Especially after taking out Klocke Dahl,

Loved by the people.

Now so unexplainably dead,

While people are worried about their future destiny,

Can't help feeling suspicious.

King Cobra's death,

Will it be related to World government?

This happened during the return flight from 【World Summit】.

"The people of [Alabasta]..."

The delicate figure of Princess Wei Wei slowly appeared at the highest point of the palace.

Everyone turned to look at the

was surprised to find,

behind her,

There was a tall and handsome man standing there.

The majestic aura on the opponent,

It made people dare not look directly at it.

Who is that man?!

Just when everyone was wondering,

Princess Vivi continued to say: "Today, here, I will tell all of you the truth about my father's death..."

"My father...was actually killed by the CPO members sent by the World government!!!"


As soon as this remark came out,

There was a sudden panic in the square.

Confusion and fear appeared on the faces of the people.

"Really, why is this happening?!!"

"Your Highness, why did the World Government attack His Majesty Cobra?!"

"That's right, [Alabasta] is obviously a member country of World Government, why would they do this?!"

"Princess Vivi, you must seek justice for His Majesty Cobra..."

"That's right, His Majesty Cobra must never be allowed to die in such an unexplained way......

"Revenge for His Majesty..."

"For Your Majesty..."

Facing the angry crowd,

Princess Vivi did not interrupt.

Until the people spontaneously quiet down,

Then she continued: "In addition, I have an important decision to announce today..."

"In order to prevent the tragedy that happened to my father from happening again, and to prevent the great [Alabasta] from falling into the hands of those despicable guys from the World government..."

"I, Neferutali Vivi, the only heir to the [Alabasta] royal family."

"I hereby swear [Alabasta] in the name of the ancestors of the Neferutali family for generations. From today onwards, the [Kingdom of De Reissrosa] ruled by His Majesty Lin Xiao will unconditionally obey

Become its vassal state, and obey all orders and commands of His Majesty Lin Xiao... If you break this oath, God will punish you!!!”

While the voice fell,

Princess Vivi is already in front of nearly 100,000 people in front of the square,

Kneeling towards Lin Xiao behind him.

"Your Majesty Lin Xiao... From today onwards, you are the [Lord] that I and "Alabasta" believe in!!!"

The firm and powerful voice of Princess Vivi,

Passing through broadcast phone bugs,

In an instant, it resounded through every corner of the entire [Alabasta].

The people froze in place,

There was an expression of disbelief on his face.

What's the situation?

How did 【Alabasta】become someone else's vassal state in the blink of an eye?

Isn't Princess Vivi's approach too hasty?!

But... why does the name Lin Xiao sound so familiar?

Wait a minute, Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa...

Isn’t this the country ruled by the man who holds the title of 【World’s Strongest King】?!!

Could it be that......


More and more people reacted from the shock.

They raised their heads,

He looked at the figure at the top of the palace who was supporting Princess Vivi up with extremely elegant movements.

Although many people still have puzzled looks in their eyes,

but more people,

His eyes gradually became eager.

Whether it is Lin Xiao, the young emperor with the title of [World's Strongest].

It is still called the "paradise" by the world [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom]

Even for them Common people,

It's not unfamiliar at all.

It can even be said to be thunderous.

Equality, freedom, rule of law, abundance, power...

[De Reiss Rosa Kingdom] has been endowed with many labels by the world.

But without exception,

It's all positive.


No matter which label is taken from it,

These are the dreams of civilians who have been affected by wars and pirates.

not to mention,

[Alabasta] is the "private property" of the Neferutali royal family

Princess Vivi didn't need to consult them at all.

Nuo Da's square soon became quiet again.

this moment,

All eyes were on Lin Dao.

revisit old place,

Lin Xiao actually had a lot of emotion in his heart.

right here,

It is in this square,

For the first time, he plundered【Sand-Sand Fruit】from Klockedar,

Thus took the first step of that crazy plan.

【Alabasta】In a sense,

It can be regarded as the place where his dream began. 157

Who would have thought,

When he set foot on this land again,

This country has a land area of ​​more than 1 million square kilometers,

with a superpower of 10 million people,

It turned out to be something in his pocket.


He got it without any effort at all.

Lin Xiao took Princess Vivi's jade hand,

Walk slowly to the front of the stage.

Overlooking the hundreds of thousands of people below,

He raised the hand that the two were holding.

"His Majesty...……"

Princess Vivi's beautiful eyes widened in surprise,

Tears of gratitude flow down,

Only this time,

On her fair and pretty face,

But he had a beautiful smile.

If we say that Princess Vivi simply worshiped Lin Xiao before.

Then from this moment on,

Princess Vivi has completely surrendered

in her heart,

From now on, I can only pretend that this man frowns and smiles.

Lin Xiao didn't speak.

at such moments,

No matter what you say, it seems so superfluous.

He doesn't need to make any promises,

There is no need to say impassioned words.

As long as he Lin Xiao stands here,

It means everything!!

The calm was soon broken.

The shouts of mountains and tsunamis soared into the sky.

"Long live His Majesty Lin Xiao....!!!"

"Long live His Majesty the Great Emperor...!!!".

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