I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 329 The King Who Fights Against Five Elders! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Lin Xiao stood at the top of the palace.

watching this scene,

A sense of excitement and grandeur arose in my heart.

He did not expect,

myself one day,

It can annex a superpower like 【Alabasta】.


He already has the strength to wrestle directly with the World government.

You just need to give him more time to prepare,

Then the final decisive battle with the World government can officially begin.

And this time...

Definitely not too long!

Over the next few days.

The whole [Alabasta] has entered into an extremely busy atmosphere.

Lin Xiao first ordered,

Send Katakuri with [Transporter] Bray,

In all the towns throughout the kingdom,

As well as docks, ports, strongholds and other important checkpoints and military facilities,

all installed,

A huge [portal gate] (mirror) that is enough for five people to pass side by side.

And send powerful guards.

To strengthen the strategic synergy between 【Alabasta】 and 【De Reiss Rosa Kingdom】


Lin Xiao does not need to invest too much troops in [Alabasta],

And when a strong enemy invades,

with the fastest speed,

Give the opponent a crushing head-on blow.

It can be said that it has achieved multiple goals!

at the same time......

Lin Xiao sent Zephyr to take over the 600,000 standing army of [Alabasta].

After sifting out the best of them,


Then they will all be reorganized into the regular naturalized combat corps.

These soldiers of the Common,

Although the combat power is limited,

But under the blessing of Bello Betty's [Encouraging Fruit] ability,

During large-scale army battles,

It can still unleash considerable power.

It is also an indispensable force.

More importantly,

Lin Xiao wanted to be prepared.

After all now...

With the financial resources of [Alabasta] alone,

It is enough to easily support all the daily expenses of the 600,000 standing army.

in other words,

Lin Xiao is quite rich now...

A few more days passed.

A piece of big news that shocked the whole world swept the world.

First [Alabasta] the current queen, Neferutali Vivi, officially announced her withdrawal from the World Government franchise country.

Immediately after...

Queen Vivi publicly announced again,

【Alabasta】has joined【De Reiss Rosa Kingdom】.

become its vassal state.

And changed the national flag to the black dragon flag of [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom].

for a while,

The world is in an uproar.......

The public is in an uproar....

However, just when everyone felt a little confused.

An article titled [On the Seven Deadly Sins of the World Government] came out hot.

The author is empress Vivi.

The article not only tells the truth about the killing of King Cobra by the CPO.

at the same time,

It will also spy on the despicable deeds and crimes of the "treasure" passed down from generation to generation by the World government,

They are also listed one by one.

The whole world was in an uproar again.


The world government actually sent CPO members to assassinate the king of the franchise country?!

This wave of horse flea operation,

Immediately frightened the royal families of many allied countries.

Many countries have withdrawn from the membership of the World Government.

And sent a request to Lin Xiao to join.

for a while,

The whole sea was outraged.

The credibility of the World government and Marine plummeted to the bottom.

On the other hand, Lin Xiao and [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom],

rise to fame,


And since Lin Xiao's king's flag was flying in the sky above【Alabasta】,

To everyone's surprise,

Not to mention that the pirates in the past were afraid to commit crimes,

Even World government and Marine,

Both also need to detour.

【Holy Land · Mariejois】.

[Hall of Power].

"Damn it, it's that bastard Lin Xiao again, is he openly provoking us?!"

"Did he really think... that we wouldn't dare to take action against him if he had the [seastone] business in his hands?!"

"The credibility of the World government has been severely damaged, and we cannot allow this to continue..."

"Do you want to do something?!"

"But how to solve that guy's [Poseidon] status? As long as we start a war in the sea, we are definitely not his opponent..."

As soon as this statement came out.

The Five Elders, who were originally in a state of dismay, suddenly fell silent.

Even if they now wish they could peel Lin Dao's skin with their own hands,

but the reality is,

In addition to abuse and impotent rage,

five of them,

I couldn't think of a good way to deal with Lin Dao at all.

long silence,

A helpless voice sounded.

"..Right now, let's think about how to calm down the debate and restore the credibility of the World Government..."

"That's right... We can't let this 'distrust' sentiment continue to develop."

"Hey, the balance I managed to maintain has been completely broken now..."

"Let that bastard Lin Xiao continue to be complacent for a few more days..."

Almost on the same day.

The World government issued a document to clarify.

There is absolutely no truth in what Neferutali Vivi said.

King Cobra's death has nothing to do with World government.

The three assassins were also not members of the CPO.


In view of Neferutali Vivi's despicable deeds of framing,

World government decides,

Permanently expel [Alabasta] from the ranks of the joining countries of the World Government (Qian Hao),

and added to the [Blacklist].

As for the [Kingdom of De Reissrosa] that is illegally developing a dependent country

While the World government expresses its deep protest,

I also strongly condemn this immoral act.....

but other than that,

Nothing else.

The true nature of bullying and fearing the hard is instantly exposed.

It's scoffing.

And many thoughtful people on the sea,

Already from this matter,

An unusual signal was detected.


The era when the world government covered the sky with one hand,

It's over!

On the sea of ​​the New World,

the young emperor,

It has grown into an existence capable of threatening the dominance of the World government.

This is something that hasn't happened in 800 years.

the future direction of the world,

It has already been held tightly in his hand. .

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