I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 331 Treasure Presented By The Golden Emperor! ! ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

Not long.

led by the guards,

A middle-aged man with gray and green short hair, fancy dress, and many gold ornaments all over his body came to the main hall of the palace.

Gilder Tezzolo!

Known as [Golden Emperor].

[Paramecia·Golden Fruit] ability user.

at the same time,

He is also the head of the world's largest entertainment city [Gulan-Tezolo],

Controls many industries around the world.

There are rumors outside,

Tezzolo holds 20% of the world's Pele,

And black and white take both.

You can even use the power of money to influence the decisions of Celestial Dragons,

Mobilize the power of the world government.

And he used money to dominate most of the underground world.

Its influence spreads all over the world.

These rumors are true and false Lin Xiao is not interested in identifying them,

but he knew,

In front of this man who looks like a nouveau riche,

Is really rich.

in those days......

When Lin Xiao was just rising.

Tezolo was once listed as the target of his wooing.


Later, because of the continuous war,

It is logical to forget this guy.

And now……….

Lin Xiao controls two superpowers,

The huge wealth in his hands,

No less than Tezolo.

over time,

Naturally, he lost interest in the [Golden Emperor] in Legendary.

"Dear [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom] His Majesty the Great Emperor, please allow me to introduce myself to you first!!"

Tezolo's attitude was very attentive, and he bowed a little smugly and said:

"The next one is the head of [Gulan Tezolo] Entertainment City—Gilder Tezolo."

"Also known as [Golden Emperor] by the outside world, this time"



Tezzolo's somewhat ostentatious self-introduction has not yet finished,

He was interrupted by a cold snort like thunder.

"Dress like a fucking nouveau riche...how dare you use the word 'Emperor' in front of the captain?!"

Bullet had a look of disgust that Laozi really wanted to crush you, and shouted disdainfully: "You deserve it too?!"

"Hey, fit bastard, this time the two of us have surprisingly the same opinion..."

How can things like pretending to be B be less common, Comrade Shiryu.

【Second Generation Onitoru】Slightly unsheathed,

Shiryu said sullenly: "Let Laozi teach him the most basic etiquette first!!"

"Damn it, big chin, why are you everywhere?!"

Bullet's anger suddenly became even bigger...

And Shiryu raised his neck proudly.

He looked at Tezuolo with a sinister gaze, and thought: I am enough for the captain's pretender, and Laozi doesn't need someone who steals the show...!!


Tezolo was stunned for a moment.

The powerful aura emanating from the two of them,

It immediately made him sweat.

Brother, I just said my nickname just now...

Why don't you know etiquette?!


Lin Xiao spoke lightly, and Bullet and Shiryu immediately fell silent.

Look away.

Lin Xiao looked down at Tezolo, and said impatiently:

"I know who you are, just explain why you are here!"


Tezzolo became much more obedient this time,

Immediately, he took out an exquisite brocade box made of pure gold from his bosom,

As attentively as a (licking) dog, he said:

"I am here this time to present a rare treasure to His Majesty Lin Xiao!! At the same time..."

"I also dare to implore Your Majesty to allow me to join your command?!"


Lin Xiao frowned, and a little surprise appeared in his eyes.

He never thought,

Tezzolo came here this time,

It turned out to be an active surrender?

This Nima......

Could this guy be overwhelmed by my arrogance?

A series of question marks suddenly rose in Lin Xiao's heart.

It seems to have seen the doubt in Lin Xiao's eyes,


Tezzolo took the initiative to explain the process of his voluntary surrender this time,

Asking for flowers……………

Explained it in detail.

turn out to be,

As early as when Lin Xiao was facing two Four Emperors regiments at the same time.

Momousagi, who is in charge of monitoring Marine and world government trends from the outside,

Then took the opportunity to find Tezolo.

And gave him the mummified bodies of three Celestial Dragons.

(Note: The three guys who were initially killed by Lin Xiao in front of the empress)

The meaning of Momousagi is simple.

If you wish to avenge the Celestial Dragons,

The whole world,

Only Lin Xiao can do this kind of thing.


Come and surrender to my king!!


Although Tezzolo felt extremely shocked,

But did not act on it.


But has been in a wait-and-see attitude.

Until the sea, there were rumors of Lin Xiao fighting the Double Emperor alone.

Tezzolo was moved.

It made him more determined to take the initiative to cast his mind,

It was just a few days ago [Alabasta] publicly announced its withdrawal from the membership of the World government,

And officially surrendered to Lindau's news.

Tezolo no longer hesitated.

It cost a lot of money to bring him,

A special gift carefully prepared for Lin Xiao,

He came here alone.

After listening to Tezzolo's narration,

Including Lin Xiao,

all eyes,

All focus was already on that exquisite golden brocade box.

Shiryu and Bullet et al.,

I'm even guessing what's in it.

Devil Fruit?

Impossible, the box is too small.

Treasure Map?

It is also impossible, who folded the treasure map into this size and kept it?

they are very curious,

what the hell is it,

Only then can it be called "rare treasure"!!

"Your Majesty, I can assure you that you will definitely like the thing in the brocade box..."

Tezzolo didn't talk too much,

While slowly opening the golden brocade box,

Confidently said: "In order to show my sincerity and respect to His Majesty, this time..."

"I specially brought it for His Majesty..."

"The [Eternal Pointer] leading to the [Ultimate Island]!!!! Mouth!".

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