I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 332: The Eternal Pointer To 【Raftel】! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】


In the palace, almost everyone was shocked by Tezolo's words.

【The Last Island】 Raftel…………

That is the ultimate island where the [big secret treasure] that countless people dream of is stored.

The red-haired person who recorded the coordinates of the island [road sign text]

It is regarded as a treasure by 【Four Emperors】.

If there really is a [Eternal Pointer] that can be reached directly by people,

I'm afraid it has already set off a bloody storm on the sea.

Just a [Golden Emperor],

"Garbage" that even the elite Vice Admiral can't reach,

There is simply no strength to protect such a treasure.

"Bastard, Laozi sees that you have lived enough, how dare you tell such a big lie in front of the captain?!"

Shiryu growled with a fierce look in his eyes.

"That's right, there should be no "one zero zero" in this kind of thing..."

Even Zephyr, who has always been calm and experienced, kept shaking his head and said: "Otherwise, World government and Marine, it would be impossible to live so peacefully these years!!"

The others nodded in agreement.

If the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel] really exists,

Impossible that in the twenty-odd years since Roger's death,

Still no one got there.

This is obviously very unreasonable.


The cold sweat on Tezolo's forehead flowed down again.


even himself,

Then I began to doubt the authenticity of the [Eternal Pointer] in the golden brocade box.

Could it be that Festa guy tricked Laozi?

Thinking of this,

And look at all the villains in the palace who might attack and kill him instantly at any time,

Tezolo only felt that his legs were a little soft,

The body also trembled.

"What he said.....is true!!"

At this moment, Lin Xiao's voice full of imperial majesty suddenly came from above.

Including Tezzolo,

Everyone was taken aback at the same time.


Your Majesty actually said that this [Eternal Pointer] is true?!

those present at this moment,

All of them are Lin Dao's cronies.

They have always believed in the words of their boss.

so now,

They were really shocked by this shocking news.

Only Princess Vivi who just joined is left,

Blinking a pair of lovely big eyes,

A look of bewildered.

"Your Majesty...does such a thing really exist?!"

Zephyr's voice trembled with excitement.

And when he saw the calm look on Lin Xiao's face,

My heart was shocked beyond measure.

Your Majesty, he actually...

Did you know the existence of this 【Eternal Pointer】?!

"That's right."

Lin Xiao nodded slightly, and said calmly: "25 years ago, Roger and his party successfully arrived at [Raftel], dominated the Grand Line, and were called One Piece by the world!"

"Before the official return, a certain crew member of the Roger Pirates secretly made a [Eternal Pointer] with the mark of [Raftel] on it."

"It's just that later, this pointer was discovered by Roger, and it was directly thrown into the depths of the sea!"

"The captain is right."

A rare serious look appeared on Bullet's face, and he said loudly:

"Although I quit the Pirates two years before Roger arrived at [Raftel], I also heard about this matter from the original crew..."

As Lin Xiao told,

And Bullet's second confirmation,

Everyone had a look of sudden realization on their faces.

No wonder they before that,

I have never heard of the existence of this [Eternal Pointer] on the sea.

It turned out to be thrown into the sea...

Roger that bastard,

Sure enough, I don't want the [Great Secret Treasure] to be found so easily.

Obviously some kind of selfishness is hidden.


How to confirm now,

The [Eternal Pointer] in Tezolo's hand,

Is it the one that Roger threw into the sea?

Lin Xiao waved his hand,

Ain, who stood in front of him, immediately understood.

to your highness,

Then he took the golden brocade box held high by Tezolo.

"Who did you buy this [Eternal Pointer] from?!"

Lin Xiao picked up the pointer and looked at it, then asked casually.


Tezzolo obviously didn't expect Lin Xiao to ask this question,

After being stunned for a moment, he quickly replied:

"I bought this from Festa, the captain of [Celebration Pirates], at a high price of 3 billion Berry!!"

"Although that guy's personality is very despicable, he is extremely trustworthy, so I didn't doubt the authenticity of this pointer..."

"You're lucky it's true!!"

After Lin Xiao heard the name of "Festa", he said with great certainty..

In the original work,

This [Eternal Pointer] appeared in the hands of Bullet and [Celebration Pirates] Captain Festa.

The two used this as "bait"

Attract Luffy and other supernovas to gather together,

Get ready for a big kill.


Bullet, which could have been able to hammer 11 supernovas,

In the end, it was turned over by Luffy alone.


Luffy's title of "King of Movie Version" has been firmly established!!

"Hey, Captain, this way, we don't have to continue collecting Red [road sign text]..."

A look of joy appeared on Shiryu's face.

[Big Secret Treasure] left by Roger,

Perhaps it is not attractive to Lin Xiao.

but for others,

That is an existence that can make people feel heart-warming just thinking about it.

"Yes, Your Majesty 4.9, as long as we have this [Eternal Pointer], we can directly reach [Raftel] and reveal the truth of [Blank 100 Years]!!"

Nicole Roni also became excited.

her greatest wish,

It is to unravel the history of [Void Century] in Legendary.

Let the truth come out to the world.

"And [Ancient Weapon: Pluton]..."

Zephyr thought brightly: "If it can still be used, it will undoubtedly provide His Majesty with another powerful bargaining chip!!"

inside the hall,

Excitement was revealed on almost everyone's faces.

In their view,

【OnePiece】is already in Lindau's pocket.

Lin Dao: "It's not that simple...!!".

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