I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 344 Kaido: I Don't Want To Lose Face! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

【Ghost Island】Inside.

Kaido's mansion.

"Damn it, isn't that guy Lin Xiao trying to trick Laozi on purpose?!"

Kaido's angry roar filled the whole room, and smashed wine jars and wine bowls were everywhere on the ground.

for a week in a row,

Lin Xiao just ate and drank with Fujitora in the banquet hall every day.

Don't mention [Treasure] at all.

Even if Kaido asks,

He also always finds a random excuse to prevaricate.

This pissed off Kaido, who was short-tempered.

But unfortunately,

He didn't dare to turn against Lin Xiao rashly.


only to return to the mansion,

Randomly let go of the anger in my heart.


quinn and jel,

And all the members of【Six Sons in the Sky】,

All stood respectfully.

Following Kaido these years,

It was the first time for them to see their boss being so popular.

But he couldn't do it.

"Brother Kaido, why don't we just stop doing it and just kill that guy Lin Xiao..."

Quinn proposed again,

There was a treacherous look on his fat and oily face,

Excitedly said: "In this way, not only will the money for helping Hongfa's land last time not be shared with him anymore.

"Maybe, he can also snatch his [Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa]."

"By then, we'll have as much [artificial Devil FruitSMILE] as we want..."

Kaido gave Quinn a cold look.

but this time,

He did not directly refuse.

It seems that my heart has been slightly moved.

after all,

In the decades since his debut,

no one has ever

Teased him like Lin Xiao did now.

Say no to anger,

That is impossible.

"Quinn, you trash, shut your mouth quickly||!"

At this moment, Jhin flapped his wings and fell from the sky quickly, and said with a very solemn expression: "Brother Kaido, now is not a good time to confront Lin Xiao head-on.

"Then what do you say?!"

Quinn glared angrily.

Kaido also turned his attention to Jhin.


He was in a fit of anger,

Also want an answer.

"With the strength of Lin Xiao and that blind warrior, unless we have a very thorough plan, we will not be sure to wipe them out here."

Jhin analyzed calmly: "Besides, Lin Xiao has recently annexed Blackbeard's territory, and his strength has skyrocketed..."

"If there is a full-scale war with [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom], with our current combat strength, we will not have any advantage at all, and we may suffer a big loss..."

"Under such circumstances, it is extremely unwise to act against Lin Xiao..."

"It's better to entertain the two of them well, and we will make plans after he takes out the so-called [treasure]..."

Speaking of which,

Jhin seemed to recall something,

After a short pause, he continued:

"Also, I think that the [treasure] that Lin Xiao brought this time is likely to be related to a piece of news that has gone viral in the sea recently!!"


Although [Beasts Pirates] from top to bottom,

He has always been a guy who doesn't use his hands.

But no one refuted Jhin’s words.


most of them,

All of them have witnessed the battle between Lin Xiao and Kaido.

For this terrifyingly powerful young man,

Has a deep fear.

Especially half a year ago, Lin Xiao fought alone against Blackbeard and the redhead [Four Emperors]

It made these guys realize clearly,

The horror of Lin Xiao.


Except for the daring fellow Quinn,

other people,

They all disapproved of taking action against Lin Xiao.

"what news?!"

Kaido's face was uncertain, and he asked very unhappy.

Others stretched their necks,

Waiting for Jhin's answer.

"Half a month ago, a piece of news suddenly spread from the sea, the content is...someone found the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [The Ultimate Island Raftel]!"

"What did you say?!"

Everyone in the room was shocked for a moment.


Kaido was even more excited and smashed the table in front of him.

"Hey, Jhin, you idiot, how could that kind of thing exist?!"

"That's right, if there really is an [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel], I'm afraid it would have caused a sensation in the sea long ago!!"

"..That's right, except for Roger, no one has found [Raftel] at all, how could there be such a thing......"

"That's obviously just a joke..."

Quinn and the members of [Six Volleyers] shook their heads in denial.

"I have already sent someone to inquire, and the person who found this [Eternal Pointer] was Fusta of the Celebration Pirates who was rumored to have died in a shipwreck."

Ember Leng ignored the doubts of several people, but continued to explain to Kaido: "It is reported that Festa was swallowed by Sea Kings, and the [Eternal Pointer] was found there."

"This [Eternal Pointer] was secretly recorded by Roger's crew when they arrived at [Raftel]...but it was thrown into the sea by Roger himself."

"I think the 【Treasure】 that Lin Xiao brought this time is probably this 【Eternal Pointer】!!"

"F (of) Star?"

Kaido fell into deep thought for a moment.

"I also received news that Marine is trying to hunt down Festa's whereabouts recently..."

Jhin added.

"Is there really an [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel]?!"

A greedy gleam suddenly flashed in Kaido's eyes.

【Big Secret Treasure】It is not only unprecedented wealth.

It is also the symbol of [One Piece].

Kaido is extremely skeptical about this.

"Brother Kaido, why don't you invite Lin Xiao for another drink?!"

Jhin asked tentatively.

"Fuck! Force!"

Thinking of Lin Dao's handsome face that deserved a beating, Kaido couldn't help but get angry.

Laozi has been patient enough for the past two days.

Now you actually want to take the initiative to send it to your door to please that bastard?!

Am I so shameless?.

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