I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 345 Wait, Big Mom Is Coming Too? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

【Ghost Island】.

In Lin Xiao's temporary residence.

"Your Majesty, since the big riot half a year ago, [Wanokuni]'s samurai loyal to Kozuki Oden have all been surrendered by that tauren Kaido."

"And the CPO members of the World government, during this period, have been in frequent contact with Kaido, and it seems that they are planning something..."

Yamato knelt down in front of Lin Xiao,

Looking at his idol with eyes full of admiration,

A detailed account of all Kaido's developments in the past six months,

Say it all.

She really is a "filial" daughter!

Lin Xiao was thoughtful after listening.

No wonder the last six months,

Kaido always finds various reasons to reduce the supply of [seastone products].

Sure enough, the World government is behind the scenes.

After the puppet Kurozumi Orochi is killed.

In order to limit the rapid development of Lin Xiao and [De Reiss Rosa Kingdom], the World government,

It can be said that it took a lot of painstaking efforts.

He did not hesitate to directly send CPO members to contact Kaido who is a pirate [Four Emperors].

The two parties that should have been at odds with each other,

They even joined forces secretly in private.

Such a move, 820

It's really ironic!!

If the world finds out,

The world government, which should have regarded pirates as its deadly enemy,

They secretly colluded with the evil [Four Emperors] for [seastone products],

I am afraid that many people's beliefs will collapse in an instant.


Lin Xiao was not surprised by this at all.

after all,

In the original work,

When Luffy, Luo, Kid, and the remnants of the Kozuki clan attacked [Ogre Island],

Several members of the CPO,

already as a guest,

Appeared in the castle of [Ogre Island].

That was obviously no coincidence.

"Your Majesty, someone is coming here, judging from the momentum, it should be Kaido of the Beasts..."

at this moment,

Fujitora's steady voice came from outside the room.

During the conversation between Lin Xiao and Yamato,

He has been guarding outside the door.


He also uses the ability of 【Heavy Fruit】,

Successfully cleaned up several trash fish that came to eavesdrop and monitor.

These are all in 【(bbeg) Beasts Pirates】,

An animal mechanism created by a "watcher" named Baohuang.

They can pass the charm with "eyes" painted on the face,

will see everything,

everything heard,

All are shared with the "eyes" to protect the emperor.

at the same time......

These animal mechanism beasts can also be used as a tool for royalists to convey information.

Comes with loudspeaker properties.

Although this mansion is in Kaido's lair.

But Lin Xiao didn't care at all.

Directly sent to Fujitora,

As long as the plotters are found,

They all ordered to kill without mercy.


Naturally, Fujitora will not hold back.

"Not good, why did my tauren father come here in person?!"

There was a look of doubt on Yamato's face: "Couldn't he come to fight with your Majesty?!"

"No...he just couldn't hold back the throbbing in his heart."

Lin Xiao's signature smirk flashed from the corner of his face,

Obviously already guessed Kaido's purpose.

"Yamato, you did a great job, please lend me this [Oden Sailing Notes] first!"

Lin Xiao picked up an old diary and shook it, and the smile on the corner of the mouth became more and more evil: "I'm going to use it to knock Kaido and BIG MOM for a while.

"Your Majesty, just take it and use it..."

Yamato said generously, wishing he could also dedicate himself to Lin Xiao.


Immediately her heroic face froze,

eyes wide open,

Asked in disbelief:

"Wait a minute... BIG MOM? Isn't that the same [Four Emperors] guy as Kaido?"

"Your Majesty, you...won't you call her here too?!"

"That's right."

Lin Xiao didn't explain too much, but said meaningfully: "Yamato, just wait and see a shocking show!"

"If this king's plan is successful, from now on, you will never be oppressed by Kaido again..."

After all,

Lin Xiao is directly using the ability of 【Op-Op Fruit】,

will stunned Yamato,

Moved to the next room.

Almost at the same time.

There was a strong knock on the door.

Boom boom boom......

The entire door trembled.

It can be seen how powerful the people outside the door are.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Kaido asks to see..."

Fujitora's voice is still so calm,

Not at all because of the arrival of Kaido,

And there was a little panic.

across the sliding door,

Lin Xiao could clearly see Kaido's huge shadow on the door.

"Let him in!"

Lin Dao said lightly.

The door opens.

Kaido walked in directly.

"Brother Lin Xiao, I have arranged a sumptuous dinner in the banquet hall, let's go to the bar together!!"

Kaido said with a familiar face.

Yamato, who was hiding next door and eavesdropped, suddenly showed an incredulous look on his face.

the tauren,

When did your temper become so good?

His Majesty Lin Dao is still amazing,

To make Kaido speak in such a low voice.

Yamato's heart,

There was another burst of admiration for no reason.

"Okay, otherwise I'm going to find you too!"

Lin Xiao stood up slowly, and said with a half-smile: "After all, I've been here for two or three days, so it's time to talk about serious business."

"You mean..."

Kaido's eyes suddenly lit up, and he kept rubbing his hands excitedly.

Are you finally going to take out the 【Eternal Pointer】?

Hey, wait for Laozi to find【Raftel】,

Get 【Big Secret Treasure】.

I'll kill you the first time I come back!!

Although I hate to die in my heart,

But the smile on Kaido's face became brighter and brighter.

It was as if Lin Xiao was his long-lost father.

The two went out chatting happily.

Immediately will guard the door,

Jhin and Quinn were afraid that Kaido would fight Lin Xiao if he couldn't help it,

It seemed a little skeptical.

It surprised me that,

You are such a big brother Kaido......

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