I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 353 The Shameless Marine! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Actually, [Valley of the Gods] has indeed disappeared... and there is no trace left behind!!"

"The island that the World government tried so hard to hide in the past has really disappeared..."

"Do you still want to know more about that island?!"

"The former careerist Rocks wanted to become the [King of the World] because he touched the taboo of the world. Now there is no consultation about [Rocks Pirates]..."

"Only in the memory of a small number of people of our generation, there is a place for them..."

meeting room,

Including Akainu,

Everyone listened attentively to this history.

Many of them were already dripping with cold sweat.

Although in the past.....

But who dares to imagine,

Someone actually commanded the three of [Four Emperors]?!

This is too amazing!

"Perhaps for Roger, they may also be the first and strongest 11 enemies!!"

Crane ignored everyone's expressions, as if he was trapped in his own memory, and continued: "That captain, others only call him Rocks..."

"But actually, his real name is 'Rocks Baker.'"

"Although he is no longer in this world, there are occasional pirates with a 'D' in their name..."

"It's true that Kaido and BIG MOM were in the same boat in the past, but..."

"Their current strength and power are completely different from those thirty-eight years ago!!"

"Now that the news is that their alliance is real...."

"That means, they want to reorganize the most vicious pirate group in the world!!"

Having said that,

Staff Crane twisted his neck and looked at Brannew, who was completely stunned, and said:

"What's the bounty for those two now?!"

"Please wait."

Brannew came to his senses,

Quickly searched for the corresponding ones among the many reward orders,

Then hang on the blackboard and say:

"In order to let everyone fully understand the importance of this task, let's review the bounties of previous [Four Emperors] members!!"

"The first is Blackbeard, which began to be called [Four Emperors] about a year ago..."

"He acquired Mr. Sengoku's ability through [Summit War] two years ago..."

"Then Blackbeard gathered the remnants of [Whitebeard Pirates] and became a new force living in [New World]..."

"It's just that there are rumors recently that he has died at the hands of Lin Dao..."

"And according to the latest news, all of Blackbeard's sites have been taken over by the Lin Xiao Group..."

"It can be seen that the rumor should be true!!"

Brannew then amplifies Blackbeard's bounty with a projection phone bug.

【Admiral of the Blackbeard Pirates, Marshall D Teach, with a reward of 2.2467 billion Berry!!】

"Great. This damn bastard finally got what he deserved!!"

"That's right, Mr. Sengoku's revenge has finally been avenged..."

"I didn't expect that Lin Xiao would do something very satisfying this time..."

"I really wish I could crush Blackbeard with my own hands..."

Everyone in the meeting room suddenly started discussing with indignation.

Sengoku's accidental death in battle,

For these Marine commanders,

It was a shame that could never be erased.

Now seeing Blackbeard finally killed,

Their hearts suddenly felt happy.

"Enough, shut up!!"

Akainu suddenly let out a loud shout,

His face was already gloomy,

His sharp eyes slowly swept across the crowd,

Angrily said:

"You guys...do you still have any sense of shame?"

"Lin Dao, who avenged Mr. Sengoku...how could he not be one of the culprits who killed him?!"

"Looking at how happy you all are, is this your explanation to Mr. Sengoku...a bunch of useless things!!"

There was a sudden silence in the conference room.

After receiving Akainu's signal, Brannew continued to introduce:

"Next, I have been among the [Four Emperors] for six years, the youngest among the four, and deeply trusted by my subordinates..."

"The leader of [Red Hair Pirates] with a super high average bounty and the most balanced strength!!"

【Red-haired Shanks, the reward amount is 4,049,800,000 Berry!!!】

While showing off the redhead bounty, Brannew added:

"It's just that, according to related sources, the redhead seems to have participated in Blackbeard's sneak attack on the 【Kingdom of De Rakessa】half a year ago, and it ended in failure..."

"In the next six months, he and the other members of [Red Hair Pirates] have never appeared on the sea again, and most of them have died in battle!!"


Suddenly there was a gasp in the meeting room.

Everyone was shocked by 740.

Defeat two Four Emperors regiments at the same time,

The strength of that guy Lin Xiao......

Isn’t it too strong?!!

"The next one is rumored to have attacked a certain village of the Titan tribe [Al Baf] when he was young..."

"A natural born monster who doesn't trust anyone other than blood..."

"The dictatorial queen who established the strange country [All Nations] with her eighty-five children!!"

【Captain of BIG MOM Pirates, Charlotte Linlin, with a reward of 4.388 billion Berry!!!】


The huge reward order of BIG·MOM appeared in front of everyone.

"Also, during the [Rocks Pirates] period, I was just a pirate trainee..."

"Afterwards, relying on his own strong strength, he gained many [Beasts Pirates] admirals from brutal subordinates!!"

【Kaido of the Beasts, the reward amount is 4,611,100,000 Berry!!!】

As one after another reward order flashed by,

The breathing of everyone in the conference room stagnated.

The atmosphere also became a little depressed.

these monsters,

It's simply not something people like them can deal with! .

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