I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 354 The Four Emperors Form An Alliance! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"In the future, we will no longer be able to use [Seven Warlords of the Sea] as combat power to deal with these [Four Emperors]!!"

Brannew's face gradually became serious, and he emphasized:

"Whether it is correct to directly abolish the [Shichibukai] system depends on whether the [SSG Special Science Unit] specially invested by the World government this time is effective!!"

"Next, by the way, let me tell you about the amount of rewards offered by Legendary characters!!"

【Captain of the Whitebeard Pirates, Edward Newgate, reward amount: 5 billion 46 million Berry!!!】

【Captain of the Roger Pirates, One Piece Gore·D·Roger, reward amount: 5,564,800,000 Berry!!J

【Emperor De Reiss Rosa, Lin Dao, reward amount: 6 billion Berry!!!】

"In the history of pirates, no one has surpassed the amount of reward offered by these three..."

"But if Kaido and BIG MOM are established at the same time, their 'total reward amount' will undoubtedly exceed the above three people!!"

"And this alliance, at the moment, is planning a conspiracy to go to [the final island Raftel] in [Wanokuni], a non-alien country of the World government..."

*Once they find the 【Great Secret Treasure】 left by Roger, then..."

"The whole world will usher in an unprecedented chaos!!!"

"That's right!!"

Akainu suddenly spoke,

Then stand up,

He walked up to the crowd and shouted loudly:

"Since the [Summit War] in the past two years, the prestige and influence of our Marine has almost been continuously declining..."

"So, this battle is very important for us to restore our image in the hearts of the world..."

"Whether it is the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel], or the revived [Rocks], we cannot let them exist!!"

The voice fell.

There was silence in the meeting room at first.

Then there was a burst of inspiring roars.

"For [Justice]...!!!"

"For [justice]

"For 【Justice】....!!!"

Everyone was excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

until a moment later,

An obscene voice sounded before it stopped.

"Oh, yo, everyone looks really motivated......"

Kizaru's old face wears an eternal obscene expression,

Glancing at Akainu, he asked:

"But Mr. Sakazuki, that guy Lin Xiao is also in 【Wanokuni】."

"If he joins forces with Kaido, I'm afraid that even if we form a large fleet with the World Government, we won't be able to successfully destroy it?!"

The voice fell.

There was a sudden silence in the meeting room.

all eyes,

All focus on Akainu.

after all…………

Lin Xiao had previously wiped out an army of 200,000 from the World Government.

say no to fear,

That is impossible.

"You don't have to worry about that."

Akainu said with a displeased face:

"Five Elders will personally negotiate with Lin Xiao..."

Polusalino, this time you will be the vanguard officer!!"

Now Akainu can't wait to suffocate Kizaru, a big bastard, with a single punch.

When did you speak badly,

It was chosen at this time.

Wouldn't knowing dismotivate others?

"Ah this..."

Kizaru's old face twitched suddenly.

He looked at Akainu with resentful eyes.


He did not expect,

Sakazuki actually avenged himself?!


Curiosity killed the cat!


Akainu and Crane made a detailed strategic plan for this battle.



【Ghost Island】.

Inside the huge skull castle, two wild laughter shook the rock wall to buzz.

Kaido sits side by side with BIG MOM,

Sipping fine wine while hooking shoulders.

that posture,

It's as close as an old friend reunited after many years.

He completely lost the appearance of fighting with his life three days ago.

"Today should be seen as a day of remembrance."

Big Mom laughed loudly.

"That's right, today will be the best banquet ever..."

Kaido grabbed the wine gourd and announced to the bewildered subordinates all around: "Hey, listen to me.

"We [Beasts Pirates] are going to form [Pirate Alliance] with [BIG-MOM Pirates]......"

"After taking down this world together, it's not too late to kill each other...... !!!"


There was an uproar in the banquet hall.

All pirates including Jhin and Quinn,

All were stunned by the scene in front of them.

What's the matter with Nima?

How did two people kill each other and still have a friendship?!

"It's been over 2 years since Whitebeard's [Summit War], and the gears of the world are finally turning!!"

Kaido grabbed a video phone bug, and said in a loud voice: "Abolishing [Seven Warlords of the Sea] is not a stupid trick of the World government..."

"It's a show that they have enough confidence in Naval Headquarters and their new combat power. They think they can suppress us..."

"However, while the world government is blindly confident, we will join forces with [BIG MOM Pirates] to seize the unique [Big Secret Treasure] in this world!

The banquet hall fell into silence for an instant.

After a while. (no good)

Loud cheers erupted.

All the pirates cheered happily.

Just ask,

Who wouldn't want to get their hands on the treasure Roger left behind?

"Your Majesty, is it really as you predicted?!"

Yamato blinked his big eyes and said with admiration.

A smile flashed across Lin Xiao's corner.

he knows

Even without the [Eternal Pointer] in his hand.

In the original work,

Kaido and BIG MOM also chose to form an alliance committee because of the temptation of [Big Secret Treasure].

Now Lin Xiao is just bringing the two of them back on the "right track".

The main event has just begun.

at this moment.

Kaido and BIG MOM walked towards Lin Xiao at the same time.

"Brother Lin Xiao..... Now it's time for us to take a look at that [eternal pointer] with our own eyes?!".

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