I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 356 100 Billion? Why Don't You Just Die? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Linlin, don't be so excited and angry!!"

Kaido acted as a peacemaker in the rare case.

no way....……

Who told him that he had just spent huge sums of money to repair the castle.

If Lin Xiao and BIG MOM fight here now,

With Lindau's destructive power,

The Skull Castle is definitely gone.

How could Kaido just sit idly by.

"I have absolutely believed in Lin Xiao's reputation......

There was a look of pain on Kaido's face, but he still gritted his teeth and nodded: "[Eternal Pointer] No matter what, we must-buy it.

"It's just that, brother Lin Xiao, you have to give the two of us a few days to collect money..."

"After all... more than 30 billion Berry is not a small number!!"

"no problem."

Lin Xiao agreed very readily.


Under the greedy eyes of Kaido and BIG MOM,

Put away [Eternal Pointer] and [Oden Diary].

free hand,

First hand delivery.

Want to grab something first?

There are no doors!!

The banquet lasted until late at night.

After eating and drinking, Lin Dao returned to his residence early.

"Your Majesty, will the Five Elders really contact you?!"

Fujitora asked curiously.

Although he didn't doubt Lin Xiao's methods at all.

but after all,

Five Elders is the apparent helm of the World government.

In the face of such a big event that can shake the world,

Maybe Lin Xiao and [Kingdom of De Reissrosa] will be liquidated together.

"Do not worry.

Lin Xiao said with a confident look:

"As long as De Rake confirms the existence of [Eternal Pointer] for the second time, these five old dogs will definitely call me."

"Your Majesty is amazing!!"

Yamato leaned on his chin with his hands and looked at Lin Xiao with admiration.

at this moment.


A phone bug in Lin Xiao's hand suddenly rang.

The phone just connected.

The high and domineering voice of Five Elders came out.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, we are Five Elders!!"

"What can I do for you?!"

Lin Xiaoqi gave a trademark smirk from the corner of his face, and asked knowingly.

"If my guess is correct..."

"Mr. Lin Xiao should be in [Wanokuni] Kaido of the Beasts' lair at this moment, right?!"

The Five Elders' voice is full of arrogance and arrogance.

that posture,

as if to say,

forest road

Do you see it,

We now have all your whereabouts.

for your every move,

Know everything!

Hurry up and obediently surrender to us?!


Five Elders imagined,

The scene of Lin Xiao panicking did not appear.

"Yes, I am indeed at [Wanokuni]."

Lin Xiao did not deny it, but responded with a very flat expression: "But... so what?!"

"Uh...?!! I'

Five Elders' aura suddenly disappeared.

They didn't expect it at all,

Lin Xiao said it so happily.

In their imagination,

In order to cover up this dangerous move, the other party

He should be looking for excuses to prevaricate.

Why isn't this guy acting from the script?

"Do you know what you're doing now?!"

The five Elders with the bald mustache suddenly flew into a rage, and said sharply:

"[Four Emperors] are recognized enemies of the world government. As the king of a country, you actually colluded with pirates..."

"Aren't you afraid that the world will criticize you when they find out?!"

"Why should I be afraid?"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly with disdain: "What do other people say to me?!"


Five Elders, bald and mustache, almost spit blood out of anger.


The trap prepared before,

It was completely useless on this guy.

"Say something, let it go

Lin Xiao didn't wait for the other Five Elders to speak, and said mercilessly: "I don't have so much time here to listen to you grinding your teeth!!"

"Your Majesty is really handsome..."

Yamato immediately turned into (lick) Gou Xiaomeier, looking at Lin Dao with golden stars in his eyes.

Those who dare to talk to the highest authority in the world government like this,

across the sea,

I'm afraid I won't be able to find a second one.

Five Elders:

ask for flowers

There was a moment of silence.

Just before Lin Xiao was about to hang up the phone,

Five Elders couldn't hold back at last.

"Mr. Lin Xiao, let's get straight to the point..."

"The reason why I took the initiative to contact you this time is entirely because of the [Eternal Pointer] in your hand that can directly lead to [The Ultimate Island Raftel]..."

"That's right, we already know that you bid 31 billion Berry and sold it to Kaido of the Beasts and BIG MOM..."

"We are now willing to pay a sky-high price of 50 billion Berry to buy this [Eternal Pointer]. I wonder what Mr. Lin Tong wants?!"

"Not for sale!!"

The words of the Five Elders have just fallen.

Lin Xiao categorically refused.

The speed is so fast that the Five Elders are a little suspicious of life.


That's 50 billion Berry.

It is already comparable to the annual fiscal revenue of any superpower.

not to mention...…

You fucking obviously only bid 31 billion.

Why did Mao refuse?!

But before the five of them opened their mouths to ask.

Lin Xiao has already given his answer: "Ben Wangsheng is the most particular about credibility..."

"I have promised that Kaido will sell it to him, so no matter how much you bid, the king will not change his mind."

"Unless...you bid 100 billion Berry!!"


Five Elders heard Qiqi gasp.


Why don't you just die?

Even the World government,

There is no way to come up with such a huge wealth in a short period of time.

"In that case..."

After a moment of silence, Five Elders spoke again: "Then we hope that Mr. Lin Xiao will not join the alliance between Kaido and BIG MOM."

"Give me a reason?"

Lin Xiao's signature smirk flashed from the corner of his face.

it seems that

The prey is hooked.

"It is inconvenient for us to disclose the specific situation now."

Five Elders said helplessly: "But there is one thing I can assure you in advance, as long as you agree to our proposal just now"

“The control of [Wanokuni] in the future...will be taken over by Mr. Lin Xiao!!”

Lin Dao: "Deal!!! On!".

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