I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 357 Super Large Fleet, Pre-War Forecast! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Your Majesty, the super fleet formed by the World Government and Marine will formally enter the waters where [Wanokuni] is located in about two days..."

In Yamato's boudoir, Zephyr and Zi Roland walked out through a special [portal gate] and reported to Lin Xiao the latest movements of the government coalition forces.

in the past three days.

Violet Roland has been using her ultra-far detection ability,

Monitor the movement of the large fleet.

this time,

Whether it is Marine or World government.

It can be said that they are all elites.

Marine has the most gorgeous lineup.

Headed by Marine Marshal Akainu,

The current three Admirals are assistants,

and dozens of powerful Marine Vice Admiral,

Leading 100,000 elite troops to dispatch.

As for the World government,

It is headed by [Kong] Kong, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces.

Gathered a number of CPO members.

And 100 [SSG Special Corps] members,

Composed of nearly 200,000 huge fleet.

Although anticipated,

But after Lin Xiao heard the scale of the World government's troop dispatch,

Still inevitably some emotion.

Since the last [De Reiss Rossa naval battle], 200,000 soldiers were killed,

It's been just over a year.

In such a short period of time, the World government can,

and once again assembled an army of two hundred thousand men,

large in size,

Even Lin Xiao dare not underestimate him.

This is the real background of ruling the sea for 800 years.

absolutely no one,

can compete with it.

"Your Majesty, the World government has really spent a lot of money this time..."

Zephyr said with a smile on his face: "In order not to let you participate in the war, I reluctantly handed over [Wanokuni] to you."

"Those five old dogs don't have any good intentions, they are just a stopgap measure like mine.

Lin Xiao shook his head disapprovingly, then said:

"Mr. Zephyr, do you think that in this battle, the World government has a better chance of winning, or the Kaido and BIG MOM alliance has a better chance of winning?!"

"It's really hard to say..."

After thinking about it seriously, Zephyr said:

"Judging from the comparison of combat power alone, the World Government coalition forces clearly have the upper hand."

"In terms of Marine alone, there are four [General Emperors]..."

"If you add [Kong] Kong from the world government, and the mysterious powerhouse in the CPO......"

"The number is enough to crush the combination of the two [Four Emperors] Kaido and BIG MOM."

"But there are too many variables and external influences in this battle..."

"First of all, due to [Wanokuni]'s special geographical conditions, if the coalition forces of the World government cannot find a way to successfully land on the island,

Without the ability of Aokiji【Frozen Fruit】, there is no way to create a large enough ground to step on, and I am afraid that their large fleet will easily become a living target in the end. "

"After all, this is a naval battle..."

"Accordingly, Kaido and BIG MOM are both very good at air combat, while only Akainu and Kizaru have the ability to fly in Marine

"Even if other people can use [Moonwalk] to launch into the air for a short period of time, they consume a lot of physical strength, and the gains outweigh the losses..."

"So... If this battle is considered comprehensively, even if the World government can win in the end, the loss must be extremely heavy!!"

Zephyr's analysis can be said to be extremely accurate.

Directly make a comprehensive comparison of the strengths and weaknesses of the two forces.

Gives a feeling of enlightenment.

His tactical skills are high,

Even Lin Xiao had to feel admiration.

"You said that if the World Government coalition forces are wiped out again this time..."

Lin Xiao smiled his trademark smirk, and said with deep meaning:

"Will the Five Elders spit blood directly?!"


Zephyr's face suddenly became weird, and he persuaded very cautiously:

"Your Majesty, you must not mess around..."

"Didn't we agree before that this time we will only watch the battle and not participate in the battle?!"

"Besides..... Now [Battle Uniform] has just started mass production, and it's far from what we expected!!"

Taking Zephyr's understanding of Lin Xiao..

Once he asked this question.

Then prove it.

His Majesty the Emperor is about to mess up again.

Oh My God!!


Your Majesty Lin Xiao, please don't mess around again this time, okay?

The old man's heart can no longer withstand the shock of the roller coaster.

Let's have a good time first,

and wait until everything is ready,

Wouldn't it be nice to wrestle with the World government again?

this battle,

can't do it,

It's really fatal...

"Don't be nervous."

Lin Xiao grinned, and comforted her very perfunctorily:

"I'm just asking, I won't do anything out of the ordinary, so don't worry."

I let go of your sister's heart!!

Zephyr said,

Every time you mess around,

That's all it said.

Island of ghosts.

Kaido mansion.

"Brother Kaido, that kid Lin Xiao went to Yamato's room again today, and he hasn't come out for more than two hours now.

Jack pushed the door and walked in, speaking in a low voice.

"damn it!!!"

Kaido scolded with an unhappy face,

Immediately, angrily picked up the wine gourd and poured it wildly.

Lin Dao, you bastard 3.3 bastard.

I said, you kid won't leave even after taking the money.

turn out to be.....…

Fucking Laozi's daughter!!

Thinking of this,

Kaido's teeth itched with hatred.

until yesterday,

He and BIG MOM barely made up the 31 billion Berry that Lin Xiao bid.

But Lin Dao, who got the money,

But there was no intention of leaving at all.

Instead, he drilled into Yamato's room all day long.

This made Kaido suddenly feel that the [Eternal Pointer] and [Oden Diary] in his hand are not fragrant.


He also felt that he had lost a lot in this transaction.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma..."

"Kaido, why are you so angry, this is obviously a good thing!!"

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