I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 359 Marine Without Admiral, Kizaru As The Vanguard? ! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

"Brother Kaido, do you want me to sink it directly?!"

Jhin, as the head of the 【Three Disasters】,

alone against a warship,

Still very sure.

as long as the people you meet,

Not an old pervert like Garp.

As for other Vice Admiral generals,

Jhin ignored everything.

"Then just sink it, it's really bad luck to dare to spoil Laozi's interest at this moment!"

Kaido didn't even think about it, and blurted out with a displeased face.

However at this moment,

Jin's exclamation suddenly came from the phone bug.

"Wait a minute, that's..."

At the end of Jhin's line of sight.

Between the sea and the sky.

The figure of the second warship slowly emerged.

Although only the outlines can be seen clearly,

But he was very sure.

Immediately afterwards,

third ship

The fifth ship...

The tenth ship...

A fleet not inferior to the [Buster Call] class,

Between the sea and the sky,

Gradually reveal its true capacity.


Jhin no longer suspects that Marine strayed into their territory by mistake.

A fleet of this class,

There is no possibility of mistaken entry.


It is for 【Beasts Pirates】.

Do not know why,

Jhin suddenly had an ominous premonition.

These warships in front of me,

Not all.

What the hell is going on?

Why did Marine suddenly kill him at this time?

Too strange!!

"Brother Kaido, not one, but a dozen warships are heading towards [Wanokuni] at the same time. They should come here specially for us..."

Jhin hurriedly reported everything to Kaido truthfully.


His words were not finished yet.

An extremely obscene voice sounded from behind him.

"Yo yo eh~~~Humans with black wings are really scary~~~"

Kizaru pinched his chin and asked curiously: "But my little brother, are you giving Kaido a tip-off?!"


Jhin's eyes widened immediately, and the boss was terrified in his heart.

It never occurred to him.

The commander of this fleet will be Admiral Kizaru.

Just when he was about to draw his knife and slash backwards,

Then take the opportunity to escape.

Kizaru behind him struck him one step ahead.

"It's very dangerous to do this~~~Speed ​​​​is power, have you ever been kicked by the speed of light?!"


After a loud bang, there was a busy tone from the phone bug.

Jhin knows no life or death.


Kaido suddenly became furious, and directly smashed the huge wine gourd in his hand.

Marine not only entered his territory,

He dared to take the initiative to attack his people.

Is this true when Laozi doesn't exist?

at the same time.

The phone bug in Big Mom's arms also rang.

Pero Ross Pero sent her the same message.

Marine more than ten warships,

It is speeding up and approaching [Queen Mother Anthem].

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma dare to attack two [Four Emperors] rashly with this strength, Marine is really a bit reckless!!"

Big Mom showed a ferocious grin on his face.


She didn't pay attention to the fleet led by Kizaru.

Kaido has the same attitude.

"Hmph, they dared to come to [New World] to act wildly, so let's sacrifice their heads to the flag!!"

"That's right, that's it!!"

The two hit it off.

Immediately, one dragon and one person directly soared into the sky,

Fly towards [Hezhibian] at high speed.

And other members of [Beasts Pirates] also gathered one after another,

He chased after the two of them.

"What, there are only a dozen warships here. Didn't you say that there is an Epic-level super fleet?"

Yamato grumbled and muttered with a depressed face: "This is not enough for that tauren Kaido to fight!!"

"Don't be so impatient...

Lin Xiao frowned with a smile, and said with deep meaning: "If the World government doesn't give Kaido them a little sweetness first, will they obediently take the bait?!"

"Your Majesty, do you mean..."

Yamato seemed to have thought of something, and said with surprise on his face: "This is just a bait to lure the snake out of the hole?!"

"That's right."

Lin Xiao had no doubts about Zi Roland's scouting ability.

The opponent has a "super clairvoyance" with a super long-distance reconnaissance radius of 4,000 kilometers.

Any layout of the World government,

There is no way to escape her detection and surveillance.

And the reason why we use Kizaru and a dozen warships to attract Kaido and BIG MOM to play.

Obviously on the part of the World government,

I also realized the factors of [Wanokuni] dangerous terrain.

Prepare to play a little trick to lure you into the urn.

But I have to say,

They succeeded.

"..It seems that the World government is not as idiotic as imagined......"

Lin Xiao said with a smile: "Okay, the show is about to start, let's join in the fun!"

Fujitora directly activates the ability of 【Heavy Fruits】.

Purple's gravity waves appear.

The ground beneath the three of them broke apart.

Then, under the astonished eyes of the pirates,

Fly directly into the sky.

When the three of Lin Xiao came to the outer waters of [Wanokuni].

At a glance, Kaido and Big Mom were confronting Marine.


[Queen Mother Anthem (Zhaoma Zhao)] has been completely surrounded by more than a dozen warships.

Presumably this is also the key reason why Kaido and BIG MOM did not directly attack Marine.

But the atmosphere at the scene was extremely dangerous.

The war is imminent at any time.

"This scene is really spectacular."

Fujitora said with emotion in a rare way: "I missed the wonderful [Summit War] and [De Rake Sasa naval battle] before."

"I didn't expect that in my lifetime, I would be able to 'see with my own eyes' a war of this level."

"Compared to [Summit War], the scale of this time is far greater than before..."

Lin Xiao glanced at the warships below, and said lightly: "The decoys sent out alone amount to as many as a thousand and five warships."

"If the World government showed such determination to deal with Whitebeard... I am afraid that even if he is not troubled by injuries, he will definitely die in the period of complete victory!!".

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