I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 360 Kizaru Failed To Pretend To Be B, And The Situation Was Reversed! [Kneeling To Subscribe

World government is absolutely serious this time.

Just the vanguard.

It has already exceeded the configuration of [Buster Call].

More than a dozen large warships surrounded the [Queen Mother Anthem] tightly.

Even if the core combat power of [BIG MOM Pirates] is listed above,

But before such a battle,

Still looks a little flimsy.

After all, this is on the sea.

Most of the children of the Charlotte family are [Devil Fruit] ability users.

If you really fight.

The Marines just need to sink their pirate ship.

Most of these people only have the fate of sinking into the sea.

first shot,

Turn your weaknesses into strengths.

have to say,

Even Lin Xiao felt that World government played beautifully.

"Yo yo eh~~~ Two【Four Emperors】appeared at the same time, this scene is really weird~~~~

Kizaru held his chin and stood at the bow of the boat with a wretched face.

Raise your head at a 45-degree angle and squint at the giant dragon Kaido and BIG MOM in the sky,

He looked extremely calm and composed.

The style of Admiral is undoubtedly evident.

But that's just the surface.

Actually... 613

His heart was already flustered.

Those two [Four Emperors]!!

Moreover, they are also the two most perverted Constitutions in [Four Emperors].

Just a Kaido,

That's enough of a headache.

When this guy was young,

Once challenged Marine and other [Four Emperors] alone.

A total of 18 arrests were made.

He was tortured thousands of times.

He was also sentenced to death for betrayal a full 40 times.

But no one has ever been able to kill him.

Marine has always had a headache with Kaido.

And BIG MOM is even more so.

Born 【Steel Balloon】 Constitution,

It's even more pervert than that Kaido guy.


The two come together.

Kizaru just watched from a distance,

Then I felt that I would definitely not be able to beat it.


You avenging bastard...

Kizaru secretly greeted all the eighteen generations of female close relatives in Akainu's family, and then continued:

"You two, long time no see..."

"But today, the old man is not here to catch up with you!"

"We Marine got the news that the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [Raftel] finally fell into your hands..."

"That kind of thing is very dangerous, if you can take the initiative to hand it over, our Marine can treat it as nothing happened~~~~

Kizaru finished speaking.

The expressions of Kaido and BIG MOM changed drastically in an instant.

They turned their heads together first,

He looked at Lin Dao, who was sitting in the height at the moment, drinking and enjoying the scene below.

Then they looked at each other tacitly.

from each other's eyes,

They all saw puzzled looks.

This transaction has just been completed,

Marine just appeared,

Isn't this too much of a coincidence?!

Could it be that Lin Xiao is betraying them?

But this is impossible.

That guy Lin Xiao has never dealt with Marine very well.


Disclose the news of [Eternal Pointer] to Marine,

It's not good for him at all, is it?

Could it be that.....…

Kaido seems to have thought of a possibility.

His face instantly became extremely ugly.

Oh shit.

Laozi's underlings actually got in with Marine's ghost!!

That's right.

It must be so!!

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma... Kizaru, with your strength, how dare you shout so loudly in front of my mother?"

BIG(bbaa)-MOM coldly snorted mercilessly: "Did you forget that you were beaten up by your old lady ten years ago?!"

Don't slap someone in the face when you hit someone, and don't expose your shortcomings when you curse someone.

BIG·MOM's words immediately made Kizaru a little bit embarrassed.

A dozen years ago.

Comrade Polusalino, who served in Vice Admiral at the time,

During a pursuit of pirates,

Occasionally, I met BIG MOM who went out to rob and returned with a big victory.

The big bastard who thinks that [Sparkling fruit] is invincible in the world,


He took the initiative to attack BIG MOM.

But who would have thought......

BIG MOM relies on pervert's Constitution,

Leng is to recover Kizaru from [New World] to [the first half of Grand Line].

Fortunately, the big bastard ran fast enough.


He is likely to be the first Admiral to be hammered to death by 【Four Emperors】.

It was also that tragic experience.

Let Huang Dahunzi develop a salty fish character of "bullying the weak and fearing the hard" and "doing no effort".

after all…………

The old man is paid dead wages,

There's no need to fight with such a dangerous guy all day, right?!

No way?

No way?

No one really thinks that I became Admiral for the sake of justice, right?!

"That's all in the past..."

The expression on Kizaru's face gradually became serious, and he said confidently: "Hand over [Eternal Pointer], Marine will not blame the past, and [New World] will still be your paradise.

"Otherwise, Naval Headquarters will launch the most severe blows and sanctions against you!!"

"Oh lol lol lol, how dare an Admiral act so presumptuously in front of us?!"

Kaido laughed like a beast.

While the voice fell,

A mouthful of [Hot Breath] that is enough to evaporate a mountain in an instant comes out.


His patience has been exhausted.

Laozi spent 31 billion to buy 【Eternal Pointer】,

Why should I leave it to you Marine?


Those surrounded below are not his Kaido's men.

Even if they all die,

He wouldn't feel any pain either.


Kizaru also didn't expect Kaido's sudden attack.

The figure suddenly turned into a streamer soaring into the sky.

And the warship he was on,

Then it will be hit by [Heat Breath] in the next second,

In an instant, it was reduced to a sea of ​​flames.

Nearly a thousand Marine soldiers on the warship,

There is no chance to react at all.

He was directly buried in the sea of ​​fire. .

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