I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 364: Poisonous Dragon And Green Bull Come Together! [Kneeling To Subscribe! 】

above the sea.

Nearly 400 warships surrounded [Wanokuni].


An atmosphere of depression and despair,

It began to pervade every pirate's heart.

Let them rattle slightly,

Can't do it.

front of the battle,

Obviously different from those battles they had experienced before.

Even the frightening [Buster Call],

Compared with the present situation,

They all seemed so small and insignificant.

on the deck of every warship.

Hundreds of elite soldiers looked up into the air.

over there,

Kaido regained his dragon form,

And BIG MOM standing proudly above the thundercloud,

Like two demon gods,

He stared down ferociously.

these two people,

This is the goal of their crusade.

But what really scares all coalition soldiers,

But it is located above the two [Four Emperors],

The young figure sitting cross-legged on a stone slab suspended in mid-air.

Lin Xiao!!

【The strongest emperor in the world】!!

King of the Kingdom of Reiss Rosa.

Not only has he killed Whitebeard, Aokiji, Monkey·D·Dragon, Blackbeard, Doflamingo and many others.

Also in [De Rake Sasa naval battle],

Killed 200,000 soldiers of the World Government at one time.

In the hearts of allied soldiers,

Lin Xiao is a demon and nightmare who kills without blinking an eye.

Even if he just sits there,

But it still made the 300,000 soldiers below feel deep fear and anxiety.

Why is that man here?!

He is 【Poseidon】!!

If he makes a move,

Can we really win?!

Many coalition soldiers have already retreated secretly in their hearts.

This is 【New World】.

It is very close to the nest of Sea Kings.

It can be said,

As long as Lin Xiao joins the battle,

Control giant Sea Kings in minutes,

Destroy all their great fleets.

No one is not afraid.

"Everyone, don't panic, that man... will not make a move today! 々w!"

A group of generals standing at the bow all spoke to comfort people at this moment.

Before they leave,

Already got accurate information from Akainu.

That's why he's so calm and calm.

"Lin Xiao, he... really can't make a move?!"

"Is Marshal Sakazuki having any deal with him?"

"No, it should be the five saints from [Sacred Land Mariejois] who made the move... In this sea, I am afraid that only those five adults can make Lin Xiao compromise.

"That's right, that's definitely the case..."

"That's really great, if there is no obstacle from that man, even two [Four Emperors], with our lineup this time, there is absolutely no chance of winning...

"Yes, this time we have three Admirals together, as well as Marshal Sakazuki, and many strong men from the World government. This battle... We will win!

"A combined large fleet of 300,000 people, even if it was against Whitebeard, it has never been dispatched on such a scale..."

"We will win this battle...!!!"

The morale of the coalition soldiers was immediately boosted.

Without the influence of Lin Xiao, the fatal disaster,

Even in the face of two [Four Emperors],

They were also unafraid.

"Da da da.....…"

On the large warship at the forefront, there was a sudden sound of heavy footsteps.


Thousands of Marine soldiers looked there one after another.

I saw a tall figure,

Slowly walk from the cabin to a high place.

head double horns,

back with wings,

Wearing a Purple suit,

Covered with a 【Cloak of Justice】...

It was [Poisonous Dragon Admiral] Magellan.

"It's Magellan Admiral!!!"

"With【Dragon Admiral】here, we will win this battle!!!"

Seeing this, the Marine soldiers held their heads up one after another,

He looked at Magellan in reverence.

For this [Impel down] former warden,

In just over two years,

With its own powerful strength,

and the dedication to "justice",

It has already been recognized and respected by all Marine officers and men.

Prestige is returning to super old bastard Kizaru,

Faintly became the head of the three Admirals.


The appearance of Magellan,

Like a reassurance pill,

Immediately appease the restless hearts of many soldiers.

'..Mr. Magellan is really loved as always~~

Kizaru appeared on the deck of another large warship in a very embarrassed figure.

Looking sideways in Magellan's direction,

There was a look of jealousy in his eyes.

That much-anticipated admiration,

he wants it too!!!



His gaze then turned to Kaido and BIG MOM in midair,

With lingering fear, he complained:

"That blow just now was really scary~~~~"

"If Mr. Kong hadn't appeared, I might have died here today..."

"Hahaha, Senior Polusalino is really careless!!"

at this moment,

A wild and wild laughter sounded from the side of Kizaru's warship.

Immediately afterwards,

I saw a man with curly black hair,

A tall man in a dark green suit stepped onto the deck.

Admiral (good money Zhao) [green bull].

One of the current Admiral of Headquarters.

Same as Magellan,

Green Bull was also in the two years after 【Summit War】,

With super strength,

Through [World Conscription], he was promoted to Marine Admiral all the way through the exception.

Although he has always seldom shot,

Rarely seen in the outside world,

But in the original,

He was Donquixote Doflamingo, one of [Seven Warlords of the Sea],

It is called "a powerful monster without borders"!

On the fourth day of [World Summit] in the original book,

Sabo and the commanders of the commanding army,

To recapture Bartholemew Kuma,

In [Holy Land·Mariejois], there was a conflict with the green bull,

In the end, he was defeated.

It was even rumored that Sabo died because of this.

From this it can be seen that,

The strength of the green bull is by no means an idle generation. .

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