I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 365 Akainu Comes In Person, Marine's High-End Combat Power Comes Out! [Kneeling To Subs


Because the green bull hates troublesome things extremely.

It's even more troublesome to eat,

Because of this, he never ate any food for three years.

But the most surprising thing is that,

In such a "hunger strike" state, the green cow

Instead of dying.

Instead, they are alive and well.

Not even the slightest drop in combat effectiveness.

This astonishing move,

Even inside the Marine,

All caused shock on a large scale.

His [Devil Fruit] ability is even more mysterious.

In the Marine camp,

In addition to Akainu,

Others have never seen him cast.

However, since Green Bull became the Admiral of Headquarters.

They were frequently sent to protect the Celestial Dragons.

The relationship with the World government is therefore very close.

There have even been rumors that

Said that after Akainu stepped down,

The position of the next Marine Marshal,

Will be taken over by Green Bull.....

Under the support of various rumors,

Even Huang Dahunzi, an old fritter,

They dare not easily entrust 577 in front of the green bull.

Hearing his jokes now,

Kizaru could only smile wretchedly, and explained to himself:

"Those two people's combination skills are enough to kill any strong [general level] head-on..."

"Green Bull, you have to be careful later!!"

"Thank you, Senior Polusalino, for your reminder."

The green bull raised its head,

Looking scorchingly at Lin Dao who is in a higher position,

He said bravely, "But compared to Kaido and BIG MOM [Four Emperors], the person I want to challenge more is him..."

Although this is the first official encounter between Green Bull and Lin Dao.

But in the past two years,

The green ox said to the name of the young 【King】,

It can be said to be thunderous.

Even the ears are almost callused.

wherever he goes,

Naval Headquarters…………

Or 【Holy Land · Mariejois】......


Almost all of them were secretly discussing this young man in private.

Killed [World's Strongest (bbed) Man] Whitebeard head-on in [Summit War]. …

Snatch [Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa]

[De Reiss Rosa Naval Battle] Killing the 200,000 World Government Fleet in the Pit

Before killing Marine Admiral Aokiji...

A piece of heaven-defying record,

Let the green bull face Lin Xiao, the 【Most Strong Emperor】

Infinite curiosity arose in my heart.

being strong,

He really wanted to compete with this man.

Seeing Lin Dao with my own eyes at this moment,

In an instant, he was attracted by the strong aura emanating from the other party.

Even if Lin Dao is just sitting there drinking and watching a play,

But invisibly,

the momentum released,

It still made the green bull's pretentious body tremble slightly.

That is the unique sense of danger that belongs to ferocious beasts.

Even if the green bull faces Akainu,

Never had such a feeling.

that man......

It's really unbelievably strong!!

"I advise you not to mess around..."

Kizaru's expression turned ugly instantly,

He wants Lindau out more than anyone else,

But no one can kill this hateful guy.

And now this super war,

Whether Lin Xiao stays out of the incident is already the key to the battle situation.

Although Kizaru didn't know what method the Five Elders used to make Lin Xiao choose not to make a move.

but he knows,

If that guy gets pissed off by the green bull here,

I am afraid that the entire Allied Grand Fleet,

These 300,000 people,

Will repeat the same mistakes in [De Reiss Rossa naval battle],

All buried under the sea,

Become giant Sea Kings,

And other rations for various seabed animals.

Even Kizaru,

Recalling the scene of floating corpses two years ago,

Can not help but feel a chilling feeling.

"Our goal this time is the [Eternal Pointer] in the hands of Kaido and BIG MOM. Once we anger Lin Dao and let him join the battle, our situation will become extremely passive..."

"Hahaha, senior Polusalino, don't worry, I'm just talking casually."

The green bull smiled heartily, waved his hand and said:

"Anyway, there are still opportunities in the future. At this critical moment, I will never act recklessly!!"

Can sit in Admiral's seat,

How could the green bull be an idler?

"However, even if the world government and marine are all powerful, we still have to be afraid of his own strength..."

"The [Ancient Weapon] that can destroy the world in Legendary is truly terrifying."

When it comes to 【Ancient Weapon】,

Even Kizaru sighed.


Although Lin Dao's strength is very strong,

Absolutely not lost to any of them Admiral and [Four Emperors].

Even worse than that.

But it really makes everyone feel jealous,

And the reason why they dare not attack 【Kingdom of De Reiss Rosa】.

But it is his [Poseidon·Poseidon] identity.

So Lin Xiao, the title of [The Strongest Emperor],

It can be said to be a real name.

Lin Xiao is definitely not a showy guy.

He is a real monster.


This time he will not fight.

Thinking of this,

Kizaru couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

The appearance of Magellan, Kizaru, and Green Bull,

It greatly inspired the hearts of Marine soldiers.

They fought this battle,

I am more confident.

at this moment.

Another heavy footstep,

It came from the deck of the largest warship in the center.

"Da da da......"

Not long.

Wearing a dark Red suit,

Wearing a Marine hat,

Akainu with the marshal's coat behind him,

It appeared in front of everyone.

Akainu stepped to the front of the deck,

Looked up,

Looking blankly into the air.

Those fierce and disdainful eyes,

As if Kaido and BIG·MOM have been combined,

It was like two dead bodies.

Only when his gaze glanced at Lin Xiao who was higher up,

Couldn't help but send out a wave of fluctuation.

It was the superposition of anger, helplessness, hatred, and deep fear.

Complicated to Akainu himself,

It's all indescribable. .

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