I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 393 Reappearing Variables, Quinn Takes Action! [Please Subscribe! 】

"These damn beasts..."

The tea dolphin fighting 【Drought】Jack,

Seeing the Marine soldiers retreating steadily,

After the Common Vice Admiral is seriously damaged,

An anxious look suddenly appeared on his face.

He never thought,

The aftermath of BIG MOM's blow,

They instantly killed five Vice Admirals,

And more than 3,000 Marine elites.

Although his strength has initially stepped into the threshold of [General Emperor Level],

Otherwise Naval Headquarters would not be able to promote him to Admiral alternate.

But today I see,

With [Four Emperors] like BIG MOM,

There is still a huge gap in strength.

Tea dolphins see themselves......

If he is the one who is fighting BIG MOM and Kaido on the top platform at the moment,

It is very likely that you will not be able to persist for three rounds,

will be killed directly.

However, what makes him feel unwilling is that...

If you can't even deal with BIG MOM and Kaido,

Then it proves sideways,

his strength,

He was no match for Lin Dao, who was sitting higher up in the sky at the moment.

When I think of the unparalleled beauty of Momousagi,

Was "robbed" by the opponent

The tea dolphin's heart felt sour to death.

But unfortunately...

There was absolutely no way he could undo this situation.

more importantly…………

Because of the impact of the blow from BIG·MOM on the top platform,

Right now, the morale of the soldiers in the Marine camp,

Almost bottomed out.

Panic has begun to spread outward.

But the fundamental reason,

But because they were before the war,

Wrongly evaluated the true combat power of [Beasts Pirates].

The troop configuration data in their hands,

It is already an old version from two years ago.

At that time, the number of [Giver] under Kaido,

Not even 300 people...

Even Marshal Akainu and Staff Crane did not expect that,

【Beasts Pirates】by Kaido,

In just over two years,

The number of [Giver] who owns [Artificial Devil Fruit·SMILE],

It has increased by more than 10 times......

if they know

The instigator of all this turned out to be Lin Dao's words,

I'm afraid Akainu and the others will be vomited blood on the spot!

Due to an incorrect assessment of this "significant" force,

leading directly to the present battle,

into a dangerous situation.

Even if their number is several times that of pirates,

But still to no avail.

"Kong Commander... When are you going to use [SSG Special Operations Team]?!"

Tea dolphins in between battles,

Looking into the distance, sitting firmly in Zhongjun's [Kong] space,

I kept shouting in my heart.

Judging from the current situation,

If【Kong】Kong doesn't give orders anymore,

The battle line on the Marine side,

It is likely that there will be a large-scale rout immediately.

"Hey, you ugly bastard..."

Jack roared furiously: "How dare you get distracted while fighting Laozi?!"

The two sickles in his hand slashed down heavily.

But it was easily dodged by the tea dolphin on the opposite side with 【Observation Haki】.

"You reckless man is no match for me at all..."

The tea dolphin used the fist wrapped around【Armament Haki】to blow back Jack directly,

Said contemptuously:

"Let the guy behind you come and fight with me!!"

What he said was obviously standing with his hands behind his back all the time,

[Plague] Quinn watching the theater behind the battlefield.

"Bastard, Big Brother Quinn doesn't have time to deal with small characters like you..."

Jack suddenly flew into a rage,

His tall and strong stature suddenly swelled,

in the blink of an eye,

Jack then entered the strongest [human-beast form].

Regardless of speed,


or destructive power,

Jack has all been maxed out.

"What a troublesome guy..."

Seeing this, the tea dolphin suddenly had a headache.

Although Jack's strength is very average,

but the blood is thick,


Endurance enough,

Make it difficult for him to hit Jack in a short time.

"Well said..……"

at this moment,

Quinn, who had been standing behind and fiddling with something, suddenly laughed and said:

"Tea dolphin, your opponent is not me..."

While the voice fell,

Quinn slowly raised a Gatling gun.

but the target,

But it wasn't the tea dolphins and the Marine soldiers who were fighting.

but further back,

A soldier of the world ZF who has been accumulating strength.

"Well, that's..."

The tea dolphin's pupils shrank suddenly.

But I haven't had time to speak yet,

The violent gunshots have already sounded.

Da da da......!!!

Da da da......!!!

The specially made bullets poured into the ZF camps of the world like a torrential rain.

Immediately there was a large number of casualties.

"Ah...it hurts..."

"Hey, cheer up 430, cheer up..."

"This.....What kind of bullet is this, why do I feel so cold all of a sudden?!!"

"Cut...is this the true strength of [Three Calamities] in Legendary?!"

"That's right, it feels like that guy's strength isn't very good..."

"That's right, although his attack injured many people, it's obviously not enough lethal..."

After checking the casualties, the generals in the world ZF,

There were expressions of disdain on their faces.

Although many soldiers were shot and fell in the sudden attack just now,

But the people who really died because of it,

But very few.

However, after seeing this scene, the tea dolphins not far away,

The cold sweat on the forehead has already flowed down.

"Damn it, the bullet you used is...!!!"

"Marine's news is really well-informed, you guessed it right..."

There was a smug grin on Quinn's plump face,

Shaking his head, he said:

"Tea dolphin, good show.....has begun!!!"

Almost at the same time as his voice fell.

The direction of the ZF camp in the world,

There was a sound of exclamation and screams. .

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