I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 394 [Plague Bomb·Ice Ghost]! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Ahhh...it's dangerous, run away from here!!!"

"Don't push me, I don't want to be caught by those monsters..."

"Hurry up and run away, even if you get hacked, you will be turned into a monster..."


There was a terrified scream.


I saw the position of ZF in the world behind,

Countless soldiers fled in all directions in panic and panic.

The look of horror on their faces,

There is simply nothing to add.

It was as if he had seen some terrible monster.

"Hey, hey, that's... what kind of monster?!!"

Marine Vice Admiral, who was fighting [Six Ling Kong Sons] and others,

All startled.

And the other Marine soldiers,

They all turned their heads to look behind at the same moment.

I saw......

In the smoky depths.

Suddenly, strange figures appeared.

Their whole bodies were covered with ice.

all the time.......

The biting cold is no longer exuding outside.

The skin is as cold as frost,

Sharp claws grew from all four limbs.

Even on the weapon in hand,

Also covered in thick frost!

The whole person looks.....

It's as terrifying as "evil ghosts".

But most amazingly,

Or the sharp horns of the head formed by ice crystals.

Like a "ghost".

As soon as these monsters appeared,

Then they began to hunt and kill "human beings" like crazy


"It's so cold... so cold, who will save me..."


"It hurts...`||."

The "ghosts" kept attacking and killing the panicked soldiers around them.

And just being touched by them,

The body will quickly become extremely cold,

Then in the screams,

Transformed into another "evil ghost".


These "evil ghosts" are very powerful in fighting.

Unless their necks are cut off on the spot,

if not.....…

no matter what kind of attack,

They were all indifferent to pain as if nothing had happened.

So the situation on the scene,

They were reversed almost instantly after the group of "evil ghosts" appeared.

"Quinn, you bastard... did you really use "Plague"?!"

The tea dolphin frowned.

It was obvious at a glance that this was Quinn's best weapon.

The name of 【Epidemic Disaster】is really worthy!!

Where the world ZF is located,

New "evil ghosts" are constantly emerging early,

Pounce on the surrounding "human beings" indiscriminately.

The soldiers watched their companions gradually become different,

The panic in his eyes reached the peak in an instant.

However, in such a trance,

And more people were recruited.

"This......... is contagious?!!"

【Kong】kong sitting on the main seat,

After seeing this sudden scene,

He couldn't help showing a look of shock on his face.

He could never have imagined,

Among Kaido's subordinates,

There are still people who can create such a terrifying and contagious plague.

And the doctor on board the ZF side of the world,

There is obviously no cure for this condition.

If the current situation cannot be brought under control as soon as possible,

I'm afraid Kaido and BIG MOM are not needed,

The coalition forces will be wiped out by these "evil spirits".


The dominant situation of the world ZF coalition forces has officially been reversed.

"You trash from the Charlotte family, quickly use your abilities to block all the roads leading here......

"Let them kill each other over there first!!"

at this moment,

The culprit of this mess, Quinn,

Already secretly proud of his invention with a smirk on his face.

Like a commander on the battlefield,

Quinn gave the order to block the road directly to the children of BIG MOM.

"Bastard Quinn... who do you think you are?"

Perot suddenly became furious: "How dare you order us...... We only obey the orders of mother alone!!"

"Oh, is it so?!!"

"Then don't blame me for not reminding you..."

There was a sinister smile on Quinn's plump face,

He said unkindly:

"..in front of my best masterpiece [Plague Bomb·Ice Ghost], this place will soon become a terrifying "Freezing Hell"!!!"

"If your people are accidentally infected with... Laozi doesn't have an extra 'antidote' for you.


Perot's complexion suddenly turned pale.

But after seeing the terrifying effect of [Ice Ghost],

He had no choice but to activate the ability of [Licking Fruit] directly,

on the periphery close to one's own side,

Create a huge barrier as thick as steel.

It directly blocked the connection with the world ZF and some Marines.

And this huge mountain-like barrier,

In addition to the disadvantage of melting when encountering flames,

Only [Armament Haki] is far more than Ross Perot,

to shake it.

On the battlefield at this moment,

Those who can fulfill this promise,

It seems that there is only one tea dolphin.

But how could Quinn let the tea dolphin interfere with the good show he (Qian Lizhao) just staged?!

Directly tell my younger brother Jack,

Launched a new round of attacks on the tea dolphins.

above the sky.

After Lin Xiao saw this scene,

The corner of the scorpion suddenly raised an arc of interest.

【 Kong】empty,

My king would like to see,

The "trump card" in your hand or,

Can you save it until the end?!"

"Your Majesty, the power of [Plague Bomb Ice Ghost] cannot be underestimated..."

Fujitora reminded with lingering fear.

If this weapon is used properly,

Enough to turn the tide of any battle in an instant.

Right now is the best proof.

Fujitora found that,

He really underestimated him before that,

Take "reckless" as the [Beasts Pirates] of corporate culture. .

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