I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 395: Ice Ghosts Rampage, The Coalition Forces Are Defeated! [Please Subscribe! 】

"That dead fat Quinn..."

At this time, Yamato said with disgust: "I usually like to tinker with these things, it's disgusting..."


For the [Plague Bomb] that Quinn usually researches,

Very disgusting.

"Don't underestimate this fat man..."

Lin Dao said lightly: "Before he joined Kaido, he worked with Vegapunk and Vince Mo Ke Judge in a scientific research team called [MADS]."


Always calm Fujitora,

This time he almost cried out in surprise.

It’s because Vegapunk’s reputation is too great………

It has scientists who are 500 years ahead of today's technology.

The whole world,

His Legendary is being circulated.

"Who is Vegapunk...is he good?!"

Yamato asked with a cute face.

Because [Wanokuni] has been in a closed state for a long time.

So she doesn't know much about Vegapunk.

"Yamato, you don't need 440 to know who he is..."

Lin Dao said lightly: "You just need to know that Vegapunk is the most outstanding genius scientist today.

"Most Genius Scientist?!"

Yamato widened his eyes,

His face was full of curiosity.

The guy who can be called "the most genius" by His Majesty,

He must be a talented person, right?!

the other side.

The deadly "plague" on the Fang Ping stage at the bottom is spreading at an accelerated pace.

"Ahhh...I was bitten..."

"I don't want to become a ghost, who will save us......"

"I'm so cold, help..."

"What the hell is this? Why are the companions killing each other..."

"I can't control my body anymore, so.....It's so cold, I'm about to be turned into a ghost..."

More and more soldiers of the world government have been infected into the terrifying murderous "ice ghost".

Whether it is a soldier of the Common,

Also (bbbi) is one of the generals,

In the face of this fast-spreading virus,


Elite soldiers of the world ZF,

All became Quinn's pawns to spread the virus.

The body froze rapidly,

Then it was completely covered by frost.

became only known to kill,

The terrifying "ice ghost" who doesn't know pain.

Regardless of defense,

or resistance to blows,

All have been greatly improved.

The "ice ghosts" on the platform continued to attack the surrounding humans.

Everyone is the target of their attacks.

And after Ross Perot separated the two sides with the [Candy Wall],

On the side where Marine and world ZF are,

However, it has become an endless ice hell.

"Be careful, this is an infectious disease..."

"Don't let them touch the skin, hold them with weapons..."

"Is this the true strength of [Pandemic]?!!"

"That hateful fat man.....used such a despicable method!!!"

"These evil spirits simply pounce on anyone they see..."


As long as anyone is touched by the claws or weapons of the "ice ghost",

Soon it will be turned into another monster.

Soldiers can only use sharp swords and long knives,

Barely withstood the impact of the "ice ghosts".

But just think of it,

These monsters were just my companions,

many of them,

can't help but find it hard to hold on,

Caught in a dilemma.

The scene was extremely chaotic for a while.

The coalition soldiers fell into a bitter battle.

"I'm sorry, Vice Admiral, the flying squirrel. If this continues, I will hurt my companions. Why don't you just take advantage of the fact that you are still conscious?"

A senior who was blocked on the other side,

Half of his body has been completely covered by frost,

And still at a speed visible to the naked eye,

Erosion to the other side.

A man who cannot endure such torments,

directly with the blade in his hand,

Aimed at his own crescent chamber.

even in death,

He also didn't want to become such a terrifying evil ghost.

Then attack your colleagues.

"Idiot...don't make such hasty decisions!!"

The flying squirrel saw the situation deteriorate rapidly,

Abandon Foz Fow now,

Use【Moonwalk】to come across the sky,

Swing the knife to knock out the weapon in the officer's hand.

"But Mrs. Vice Admiral, I... don't want to become such an evil spirit!!!"

The schoolmaster said with a look of grief and indignation.

"There should be a way to cure it, in case it really doesn't work..."

There was a look of grief on the flying squirrel's face, and he said in a deep voice: "At that time, I will take action to finish the break for you!!"

The long-killed flying squirrel,

I firmly believe that even the most terrifying virus,

There must also be a cure.

Even if it doesn't work in the end,

He will also kill his own subordinates himself.

but before that,

Everyone must cherish their lives.

However, this "plague"

But it is challenging the friendship and bond between people.

the same scene,

It was repeated in every corner on this side of the platform.

"Hey, brother, hurry up and stop..."

"I said... Aren't we the world ZF we joined together?!"

"Don't force me to attack you..."

for self-preservation,

more and more people,

With the butcher knife in hand,

Shout out to my best friend...



Just because the other party was infected with a terrible, contagious virus.

In the face of life and death,

If someone has to sacrifice,

other people's lives,

Always seem so cheap and humble.

to survive,

Killing became the easiest way.

This "plague" really crushed,

Not just the bodies of soldiers,

At the same time, it also broke down the unity and belief of the coalition forces.

"Master Commander, it's really unrealistic to create an antidote to cure this C poison in a short period of time..."

The doctor in charge of the treatment reported to [Kong] with a solemn expression. .

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