I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 397 Kaido's Strongest Form! [Please Subscribe! 】

Even an optimistic and militant green bull,

The smile on his face also subsided.

The three of Akainu looked into the thick smoke intently.

"That's... Kaido?!"

"The other party is [Zoan]'s ability user, and that posture should be [Human Lu type?!"

"Besides Mr. Sengoku, this is the first time I've seen [Phantom Beast]'s [Human-beast form]~~It's really scary~~

While several people were discussing.

The "monster" in the thick smoke had already come out with a mace in his hand.

The whole body of skin is covered by dragon scales as hard as steel horns.

The fierce claws are like blades.

"Hey, Linlin... I really enjoyed playing today!!!"

Facing the aggressive "April 20" attack by the four of Akainu, Kaido was finally aroused with all the killing intent he hadn't seen for a long time.

The power of a beast that has not stirred up in my heart for a long time,

Finally today...……………

The days that determine the life and death of the two parties were rekindled.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma"

BIG MOM standing on top of the thundercloud laughed wildly, "Kaido, you are right!!!"

"My mother's current mood.....is exactly the same as yours!!!"

These two are from the [Rocks Pirates] strong.

Once on the sea of ​​【New World】,

Countless lunatics and strong men were eliminated.

Fight all the way down...

There are very few guys who can be considered "rivals" by the two.

Even if it is said to be "rare and rare", it is not an exaggeration.

As the sea emperor who dominates one side,

The two of them have been alone for too long.

But right now...

Kaido and BIG·MOM can finally let go and fight to the fullest!!

Reproduce the fear that the [Hex Pirates] brought to this world in the past.

Chess meets opponent......

Then let go and fight to the end.

Both of them are no longer worried about [Wanokuni] and the safety of their subordinates.

In their eyes...

Only hope and enthusiasm for the battle remained.

Akainu looked at Kaido and BIG·MOM who came out of the smoke.

The mood instantly became extremely heavy.


Using 【Observation Haki】, he also noticed the situation on the battlefield under Fang Ping.

I couldn't help but feel a sense of anxiety in my heart.

to be honest……………

The strength of Kaido and BIG MOM was completely unexpected to him.

Originally he thought,

The strength of the two is at most similar to that of Whitebeard in the [Summit War] period.

but did not expect,

Just the defense of the body,

BIG MOM and Kaido are strong enough to resist the attacks of at least two of them.

Now in a 4-on-2 situation,

It turned out to be evenly divided.

How could this not make Akainu feel depressed.

"Kaido, you two stop talking so shamelessly!!"

Akainu became more and more angry, and the anger surged out.

And the green bull, Kizaru and Magellan standing behind him,

There was no sign of relaxation on his face either.

Already in high spirits.

Don't dare to be careless at all!

Even the famous Salted Fish Yellow Hunzi,

It has also become meticulous.

The severity of the battle,

It can be said that it surpassed all his previous fights.

Because he knew in his heart,

Even if this battle is fought to the end,

He also had absolutely no reason to escape early.


He is likely to be sent to the execution ground as a defector.

And the two enemies in front of me,

The strength has already exceeded their expectations.

As long as there is any slack and carelessness,

Even if they are Admiral,

It is also possible to be killed by the opponent in the battle.

It can be said to be extremely dangerous.

this level of fighting,

It has already stimulated all his concentration.

This time, you must not put water in the salted fish.

But somehow...

Kizaru always felt that the forest road at the top of the sky,

It is the enemy they should pay attention to the most.

"La ha ha ha ha...."

The green bull also glanced up and said: "Senior Polusalino, are you worried about Lin Xiao?!"

"That's right!!"

Kizaru nodded his head heavily, his face more serious than ever: "I always feel that behind all these incidents, this guy is playing tricks!!"

"Even so... we should first consider how to defeat these two monsters in front of us right now?!"

The smile on Green Bull's face gradually faded..

Although he really wanted to fight Lin Xiao,

But the present crisis,

But all of them come from Kaido and BIG MOM.

Especially Kaido,

It has become [Zoan]'s strongest posture [human-beast form].

The terrifying strength when he just turned into a dragon,

It has already made several people feel palpitations.


I am afraid that the next battle will become extremely difficult.

As the "monster" he has always been called within Marine.


Very consciously use this name,

Transferred to the opposite of the two people.

They are the real "monsters".

The limit of human talent.

"The battle below has also reached a stalemate. If we can't end the battle here as soon as possible, I'm afraid..."

Magellan's voice was unusually heavy.

Although he has not been in Marine for a long time,

But watched so many soldiers were killed in an instant.

It still touched Magellan's sensitive nerves deeply.

Inexplicable sadness and anger suddenly emerged from the bottom of my heart. 3.6

This scene before me,

Reminds him of the 【Summit War】period,

The scene of Blackbeard and the dragon's prison break.

Even if Magellan pays his life for this,

This kind of thing will never be allowed to happen again.

"That's right..."

Akainu said in agreement: "So we can't continue to be passive like this!!"

the current situation,

If the situation on the battlefield below is allowed to continue to deteriorate,

The longer the time drags on,

The loss of Marine and the world ZF will become more and more serious.

They have to reverse this situation.

And take the initiative to attack,

It is the best choice right now.

Although Kaido and BIG MOM on the opposite side are all "monsters" of Constitution Superman.

But if we continue to defend passively,

They will most likely miss the "victory"!!.

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