I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 398 Take The Initiative, Akainu's Decision! [Please Subscribe! 】


The green bull laughed wildly,

The power on his body skyrocketed again:

"Then let these two monsters taste the power of our Marine!!"

"That's right, the old man may not have fought seriously for a long time~~~

Kizaru gave a very rare nod of agreement.

For this big bastard,

There are really too few times when he can choose to take the initiative.

It can be seen from this...

The situation on the battlefield has become so severe that it cannot be ignored.

Even if Akainu and the four [generals] join forces,

But want to successfully kill the two "monsters" with pervert physique on the opposite side

Still not an easy thing to do.

This situation......

It was a unique first time for Marine.

Even before [Summit War],

Akainu, Aokiji, and Kizaru also attacked Whitebeard separately.

The whole sea.....

Or in the long history of Marine,

The situation that allows three Admirals to shoot at the same time,

It seems like only two years ago,

The [De Reiss Rosa 11 Naval Battle] shocked the whole world.

And today...

In order to get back the [Eternal Pointer] leading to [The Final Island Raftel], the ZF of the world,

It can be said that it has cost blood.

The four highest fighters of Naval Headquarters are dispatched together.

As the main king against the two [Four Emperors] head-on.

This battle...

No matter how it ends.

It is bound to rewrite the future situation of [New World] to a great extent.

Even the first half of the [Grand Line], known as [Paradise],

It will also be severely affected.

So the Akainu four in the center of this huge Uzumaki,

Knowing that they are now,

In fact, there is no way out.

And this pinnacle confrontation,

It is bound to shake the heavens and the earth.

Facing Kaido and BIG MOM, the two "counter-object" sea emperors,

Even the four of Akainu,

I had to do my best,

Only then can the two be mobilized.


Although Kizaru is full of fighting spirit,

But there is a problem,

But it is the key that the four of them have been unable to overcome.

"How are we going to defeat those two crusty monsters?!"

Kizaru showed a somewhat apprehensive look on his face:

"The previous attack was totally useless..."

Whether it is a green bull tree gun,

Or Akainu lava,

Or the venom of Magellan,

In the recent series of attacks,

But it didn't have the slightest effect.

This worried Kizaru a lot.

If no countermeasures can be thought of,

Once Kaido and BIG·MOM,

When using the previously earth-shattering combo move again,

I'm afraid I'm going to die this time,

It's not just him, Huang, alone!!

And in previous battles,

All four have a certain amount of energy consumption.

Dislike Kaido and BIG MOM,

Relying on the "monster" Constitution, the more he fights, the more courageous he becomes.

"Even if it doesn't seem to cause any harm to the two of them, it is definitely useful..."

Akainu said with a gloomy face:

"How can it be useless after playing for a long time?!"

"Aren't they human too?!!!"

Akainu burst out with an unprecedented powerful momentum.

he does not believe,

Kaido and BIG·MOM will be much stronger than them who are also 【General Class】.

Isn't it the steel-like Constitution?


Can Laozi melt it and hurt you?!

"Mr. Sakazuki, I didn't expect you to be able to say 'they're human too' in the face of opponents of this level..."

Kizaru said helplessly in his heart: "This guy is really a fool who only knows how to fight and kill!!"

But he had to admit it.

One setback after another,

But it didn't make Akainu lose any fighting spirit.

Instead, this man...

A fighting spirit far surpassing that of the past was burned.

This alone,

It's what Kizaru couldn't do no matter how hard he tried.

Became Marshal,

Shouldn't you choose salted fish properly?!

Huang Dahunzi expressed his deep incomprehension.

"It's no use just complaining there..."

Akainu took a step forward, and said with unusual determination in his eyes:

"We want to successfully defeat those two people."

"We must find a way to separate the two of them successfully... The power that the two of them can unleash together is far greater than the pure strength of the two of them."

"That's true, the old man felt the same about this just now~~~~~

Kizaru agreed without hesitation.

"That's right!!"

Green Bull and Magellan agree: "Facing those two guys at the same time is like hell!!!"


Look at Kaido and BIG Mom standing side by side on the opposite side,

As if this is their 370 "field".

I saw the opposite side of the four people,

Two sea emperors stand amidst the flames,

don't move.

An unprecedented strong sense of oppression,


Shock the world!

One is the soul queen of [Wan Guo] who wants to kill and kill.

left-handed dreadful blade,

The right hand is full of thunder.

Underfoot is stepping on infinite hot flames.

The ferocious intent swept out.

The other is the king of beasts who is immortal in all battles [the strongest creature in the sea, land and air].

Wearing a Zhanqing dragon scale battle armor,

Limbs transformed into sharp dragon claws,

Hexagonal dragon horns on top of the head,

Back with a strong dragon tail!

This is Kaido's strongest form [Azure Dragon Human Beast Form]!!

Standing in front of the Akainu four,

Exactly 38 years ago,

[Rocks Pirates] The evil party that shakes the whole world and every corner of the sea.

combination of two people,

Immediately, the world once again recalled the horror of being ruled by Rocks in the [Old Age].

throughout the battlefield,

It seems that only Lin Dao, who is sitting upright on the sky at this moment,

There was no trace of timidity on his face.

On the contrary, with great interest,

Treat the killing and fighting below as appetizers.

Sit and drink with Yamato. .

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