I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 401: The Generous Generosity Planted Many Years Ago! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Your Majesty, the disadvantages of [Man-made Devil FruitSMILE] seem to have begun to appear..."

Fujitora said with a solemn expression: "If Kaido and the others notice it, will it... affect your next plan?!"

Just when [Giver] appeared to "explode",

Fujitora was already the first to notice~ came out.

after all.………….

This is Lin Xiao's "big hand" buried more than two years ago

Originally, I thought that when I officially turned against Kaido in the future,

Give Kaido, the sneak attack king, a bottom line.

did not expect…………

Now a huge conflict with the world ZF has broken out.

This fatal flaw was revealed in advance.

"It doesn't matter………………"

Lin Xiaoyue shook her head confidently,

The corner of the mouth sweeps up the signature smirk,

He said calmly:

"At the moment, this amount is not enough to arouse their suspicion..."

"Also, even if they really suspect that I have tampered with [Man-made Devil FruitSMILE], given the current situation... they will definitely not turn against me.

"This is..."

Fujitora nodded thoughtfully.

Lin Xiao is right,

Although it seems that [Beasts Pirates] and [BIG MOM Pirates] are two Four Emperors groups,

Gain the upper hand in this super war.

But in the hands of the world ZF,

There is also an "ace" that is enough to turn the tide of the battle at a critical moment and has not been used.

Even Fujitora can feel it,

The man in black who leads the [Pacifist] monarchy,

The strength is terrifying.


I don't know if it is Fujitora's illusion.

He is on the opponent's body,

There is always a hint of familiar taste.

It seems to be someone who has fought against him.


Even if his [Observation Haki] has reached the point of [Awakening]

But still unable to get from the man in black robe,

Perceive something else.

As if that guy is the same machine as [Pacifist].

"Huh? Your Majesty, do you mean..."

At this time, Yamato also seemed to have discovered the truth about the "self-explosion" of those [givers] on the Fang Ping stage, and came over curiously and asked:

"Those guys blew themselves up because of you?!"

"That's right..."

Lin Xiao is not prepared to hide this matter, after all Yamato has now joined him.


Even if he wants to hide it,

it won't take long,

When the [Giver] below started a large-scale "self-explosion",

The secret was revealed naturally.


Even if Lin Xiao planned Kaido more than two years ago,

I told Yamato completely.

After listening to Yamato,

A pair of beautiful eyes suddenly sparkled with countless stars.

she now...

I simply adore Lin Xiao to death.

the man in front of me,

It turned out that Kaido, the tauren, was included in it from the very beginning.

such means,

such courage,

Such scheming......

Looking at the whole【New World】,


It can be said that the whole world,

There is absolutely no second person who dares to deal with Kaido like this.

What the fuck Kozuki Oden,

In front of Lin Xiao,

Simply weak burst!!!

Yamato had long since put the idea of ​​becoming Kozuki Oden behind him.

she now...

Want to be someone like Lin Xiao.

Or rather…………

She wanted to be Lindau's.

The charm emanating from the man in front of him,

She was deeply attracted.

This makes Yamato, who has always been a fool,

For the first time, I tasted the mood and emotion of a girl.

A certain feeling in my heart began to sprout more and more.


It's out of control.

Lin Xiao's attention at this moment is all focused on the battle between Kaido and the others,

Didn't notice Yamato's brow,

That extra touch of charm and shyness.

if you see it,

I'm afraid you will be very surprised by this.

after all……………

Whether in the original work,

Or after he came into contact with Yamato,

Although this face is very beautiful,

But the character is very masculine,

There are even some naive girls,

ask for flowers...

I have always given him the impression of being "reckless"!!!

at the same time.

The other side of the bottom Fang Ping platform.

The battle between coalition soldiers and [Ice Ghost],

It has reached a fever pitch.

[Ice Ghost] spread far faster than expected.

Already more than half of the soldiers,

It was transformed into 【Ice Ghost】.

And the remaining soldiers,

In this kind of unequal battle, the phenomenon of physical exhaustion gradually appeared.


There is a possibility of being destroyed at any time.


"Physical strength is close to the limit, and I'm afraid it will be transformed by them if this continues...

"Help, I don't want to become that horrible look..."

The eyes of many soldiers were full of despair.

Worse than the plague,

It is the will that is being completely destroyed step by step.

These guys who got away with it from Limbo,

He will soon follow in the footsteps of his former partner.

About to fall back into the abyss.

The soldiers' faith is rapidly being lost.

"Hey, cheer up you bastards, Sora will definitely not watch us turn into monsters......

"That's right, hold on, don't give up easily..."

Although many of the soldiers were struggling to cheer.

but no one knows,

How long can they last.

Looking at the ferocious and terrifying 【Ice Ghost】,

Despair ensued.

"Master Kong, we can't treat this virus as if it continues to spread..."

The medical officer said nervously: "Otherwise, those people may experience irreversible deterioration!!"

"At that time, even if you snatch the antidote from the pirates, they won't be able to restore their previous fighting strength..."

The doctor's words are very simple.

If you continue to let the situation develop.

Even if you get the antidote,

These infected people will also become powerless burdens.

Until then.....…

The advantage of the coalition forces in terms of military strength will disappear in an instant.

The outcome of this battle,

Also going to get confusing.....factory.

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