I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 402 Quinn Vs Transformation Bear! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Kong Shuai... Please make a decision as soon as possible!!"

The medical officer knelt down and begged with a complicated expression: "It's too late, but it's really too late!!"

"I see……"

【Kong】Empty and expressionless, he directed downwards: "PX-0, go and catch that fat man who released the plague... There should be an antidote on him!!"


Without the slightest hesitation, a pacifist standing behind the black-robed man in the SSG troops walked out of the queue.

It is the member of [Former Seven Warlords of the Sea] who was beheaded by Lin Xiao in [Sabaody Archipelago].

【Tyrant】Bartholemew Kuma.

His current identity is [Pacifist] PX-0.

That is, the prototype of all [pacifists].

Although the [Meat "Six Five Three" Ball Fruit] ability was plundered by Lin Xiao at that time.

But during these two years,

The World ZF found him another [Devil Fruit] that was almost the same.

after all.…………

Constitution of Bartholemew Kuma,

and the rich combat experience in its brain,

All are rare wealth.

How could the world's ZF let him waste it for no reason.


Bartholemew Kuma's figure disappeared from the spot as quickly as lightning.


[Kong] Kong issued a second order.

"Red Ghost, send a few people to control the spread of the plague..."

[Kong] Kong stared at the man in black with a complicated expression and said: "After PX-0 gets the antidote... [SSG] can be officially dispatched.

Looking up at the fierce and inextricable battle on the Fang Ping stage,

【Kong】Kong frowned.

The unknown feeling in my heart became more and more serious.


The man in black made an extremely hoarse sound.

Then the fingers move slightly,

Five of the [Pacifist] behind him immediately stepped out.

don't need to say anything at all,

The five [pacifists] jumped off the warship,

Rush towards the chaotic battlefield.

Because these [pacifists] are all robots without autonomous consciousness.


They are not afraid of [Ice Ghost]'s erosion and infection at all.

A series of radium-photographed laser blasted out,

The situation on the battlefield was almost one-sided,

It was reversed by five people in an instant.

"Great, Air Marshal sent the [pacifists] of the SSG unit..."

"Now we are finally saved..."

"Have you seen that, they are not afraid of the attacks of those 'evil spirits' at all, and they are not even infected by them..."

"Kill them, wipe out all these monsters......"

After the soldiers of the coalition army saw the [Pacifist]'s urging gesture,

Immediately cheered up.

Although those who were turned into【Ice Ghost】,

Almost all of them were comrades-in-arms in the past.

But after all no one wants to be that kind of monster...

at the same time.

Quinn standing on the high platform at the other end,

Soon, they discovered the changes on the ZF side of the world.

"Hey, hey, hey...how come so many [ice ghosts] were all suppressed by those five bastards?!"

Quinn had an extremely annoyed look on his face.


Quinn activates the [Devil Fruit] ability directly,

originally fat body,

In an instant, it turned into a huge brachiosaurus.

Quinn stared at the five [pacifists] in the distance and roared loudly:

"Bastards, whoever dares to obstruct Laozi's art, Laozi will kill him...Eat Laozi with a laser cannon..."

Suddenly, a dazzling light flickered in Quinn's mouth.

Just like the lasers emitted from the palms of those [pacifists], they are the same.

That's right...

Quinn is actually a reformer.


Unlike Bartholemew Kuma.

Although Quinn experimented with weapon transformation on his whole body.

But he has always maintained his human identity.

whether it is the heart,

Still, my sense of self hasn't changed.

And the reason why he has such superb transformation technology,

Because of.......

long ago,

Quinn has worked with Vegapunk and Vince Mo Ke Judge,

Worked in a scientific research group called [MADS].


His scientific and technological strength is also not to be underestimated.

Even inside [Beasts Pirates].

His research.....

To be higher than his own fighting power.

Especially his research on plague bullets.

In the original book.....

When there is no antidote.

Even Chopper and the fur doctor are helpless.



The laser cannon in Quinn's cannon has not yet had time to fire.

A tall and swift figure,

It hit him hard.

"Bouncy Shock!!!"

Quinn's huge figure was directly blasted back a few steps.

Because of this, the laser cannon in the scorpion was accidentally interrupted.

"Cough cough cough..."

Quinn spat out a few mouthfuls of blood,

Then he looked forward with a ferocious face:

"It hurts Laozi to death...... Which bastard dares to sneak attack Laozi?!"

"Hand over the antidote..."

PX2.2-0 had no expression on his face, and said very concisely: "Otherwise.....die!!!"

"Bartholemew Kuma???"

After Quinn saw the person opposite,

A look of surprise appeared on his face,

Then he smirked and said:

"I didn't expect that the majestic members of [Seven Warlords of the Sea] in the past would end up in such a tragic end now..."

"Looks like that old Vegapunk.....didn't retain your original consciousness!!"

"Since you dare to prevent Laozi's art from blooming... then I will unscrew your head first!!!"

"Go to hell..."

Quinn opened his jaw violently, and the dazzling laser cannon blasted out.

Facing the opposite PX-0, he blasted past. .

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