I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 414 Another Homiz! [Please Subscribe! 】

The roar of BIG·MOM has not yet finished.

He covered his head in pain.

After a burst of headache and jade cracking feeling.

BIG·MOM clearly felt it.

Leiyun [Zeus] actually had a relationship with the spiritual shackles she broke away from.

Kizaru that bastard.

She actually threw Homiz, which she created with her soul, into the sea.

Although Zeus, Prometheus, and Napoleon.

It's just a means of BIG MOM's auxiliary attack.

But since they are three.

All are made by BIG·MOM with his own soul.


One but three Homiz were dealt a fatal blow.

Then at the same time, it will also cause some damage to the spirit and soul of BIG MOM.

This is the power of mental feedback.


It can even directly drive BIG·MOM into a state of madness.

Even the green bull didn't expect it.

The plan of the two of them went wrong.

It will play such a huge role.

It's just a mission overfulfilled!!

"La ha ha ha ha..."

The green cow suddenly laughed heartily: "I didn't expect...your weakness is here!!"


He looked up.

A dazzling stream of light gathered just there to reveal Kizaru's wretched figure.

"Senior Polusalino...we seem to have found a way to defeat her!!"


Kizaru also noticed the change in BIG MOM at this moment.

The wretched old face suddenly beamed with joy.


Kizaru grabbed the wooden box containing 【Napoleon】.

Said with a smile:

"Green Bull, hold on here for a while... After I sink this Homiz into the sea, we will teach this old woman a good lesson!!

At the same time as the voice fell.

Kizaru's figure turned into a streamer again.

Paddle towards the sea below.

Since the day I joined Marine.

This is the first time that Kizaru has been so diligent.


The green cow suddenly couldn't laugh anymore.

Because of BIG·MOM on the opposite side,

The aura on his body surged out again.

"Armed Wooden Dragon Spear!!"

The green bull pressed his hands to the platform fiercely.

Stop time.

Several wooden dragons with pitch-black cones leaped out from under the platform.

Rush toward BIG·MOM.

"Bastards, do you really think that destroying Zeus... can defeat me?!"

BIG·MOM is like a rampaging tank.

Not afraid of the wooden dragon in front of him.


The sharp wooden gun exploded inch by inch when it hit Big Mom.

But it didn't do her any harm at all.

"Ma Ma Ma Ma Ma..."

BIG MOM approached quickly, and roared as he slammed down his giant fist: "Don't think that I have no helpers, so I can't do anything with you guys...

"It's just... ridiculous!!"

At the same time as the voice fell.

BIG·MOM wraps the iron fist of 【Armament Haki】.

Already smashed the green bull directly into the ground.

The entire platform suddenly trembled.


After the green bull took a punch from BIG MOM in the front.

There was still a smile on his face.

This made BIG·MOM very angry and puzzled.

This guy in front of me.

Is it a lunatic?

This situation.

She had only seen it on Lin Xiao, that nasty bastard.

Subconsciously looked up.

Lin Xiao from above was looking at her with a smirk on his face.


A very bad premonition hit her heart.

Just when BIG·MOM pulled back and prepared to retreat.

But found out in astonishment.

The body of the green bull suddenly turned into a huge wooden hand.

Hold her tightly.

Then the figure of the green bull emerged from the other direction of the giant hand.

"Cough cough cough..."

The green bull spit out a mouthful of blood first,

Then he grinned and said:

"BIG MOM...today is your death day!!"

"Wow ah ah ah..."

BIG·MOM was suddenly furious and roared:

"You idiots, don't you really think... that you can hurt me with this piece of shit?!!"

".‥No no no..."

The green bull immediately grinned,

Pointing to Prometheus who was rising in flames, he said:

"Did you forget that..... You only have the last Homiz left now!!"

"Bastard, I'm a flame...your wood can't trap me!!"

Prometheus instantly grew larger,

The scorching flames gushed out crazily.

Makes it impossible to lean back.

But right now.

Another cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Hmph, it's just a mere flame, it's just the lower flame of the old man [Lava-Lava Fruit]..."

At the same time as the voice fell.

Akainu's figure has appeared in front of Prossius.

Facing the giant Great Fireball that is as hot as a small sun.

The indifference on Akainu's face didn't change at all.

And the flame of Pro(of) Metheus,

It couldn't do even the slightest damage to Akainu.

See this scene.

Even Lin Dao above the sky at this moment.

Can't help feeling a little bit.

This is the [law] of [Devil Fruit] unique to this world.

Just like the [Summit War] a few years ago.

Akainu punched [Ace] who possessed [Mera-mera Fruit] and turned into flames.

Even the majority of Ace fans.

From various perspectives, it analyzes the superior-subordinate relationship between "flame" and "magma".

And try to explain that Akainu's [Lava-Lava Fruit] is actually the lower level.

But it's useless at all.

This is the [Rule] of [One Piece World].

[Devil Fruit] has a superior-subordinate relationship.

This is not what people say almost the flame temperature is higher,

It can be reversed with stronger strength. .

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