I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 415 Akainu Takes Action, Prometheus Is Terminated! [Please Subscribe! 】

This is enough to see in 【Summit War】.

Ace that bear thing,

Isn't it the same death in the end?!

So now.

Lin Xiao saw that Akainu personally dealt with Prometheus who was incarnate in flames.

Already for what will happen next,

It's guesswork.

Can't do it...

Marine is really about to come back against the wind this time!!

But that's fine too.

It will save Lin Xiao a lot of effort.

Conquering [Wanokuni] will not be hindered much.

Just when Lin Xiao was thinking.

The battle below has broken out.

Facing the attack of Prometheus.

Akainu looked indifferent.

Immediately, the right arm turned into a giant lava palm.

He actually directly held the little sun Prometheus in his palm.


A scene that made people feel dumbfounded appeared.

Even the green bull covered 【Armament Haki】with a flame that can burn through the wooden wall.

Before the lava of Akainu,

He didn't even have the strength to break free.

And with the huge magma palm gradually shrinking.

Prometheus' wailing sound also came out.

"Uh ah ah ah...Mom, come and help me!"

"I'm stuck inside..."

"Mom...480...help, my body is being absorbed by him...."

"I don't want to die..."

Prometheus' wailing became smaller and smaller.

Until Akainu's right arm returned to normal.

Its sound also stopped abruptly.

It's like it's never been there.

And Akainu's face,

Still so cold and unruly.

The battle on the top platform froze for an instant.

Kaido in the half-dragon state saw this,

There was a look of surprise and surprise on their faces.

He didn't expect...

The three strongest Homiz made by BIG MOM with his own soul.

To be disintegrated one by one by Marine.

"Naval Headquarters is really not to be underestimated..."

Fujitora also had a look of emotion at the moment.

The division of labor is clear.


Marine three Admirals led by Akainu.

By no means ordinary people.


Lin Xiao nodded lightly.

to be honest…………

Although he already expected that Prometheus (bbbf) is not Akainu's opponent at all.

But I didn't expect it.

Akainu would use such an astonishing method.

Destroy Prometheus directly.


Lin Xiao seemed to have thought of something.

Zi Jiao suddenly flashed a trademark smirk.


Seeing this, Yamato's eyes were full of stars, and he murmured to himself in confusion, "Your Majesty is so handsome!!"

And Lin Xiao's dark and deep cold eyes,

Then he looked down at Akainu and others with deep meaning and said:

"Although your plan is very successful..."

"But you must have never imagined that the sober BIG MOM... is actually the best one to deal with!!"

As someone who has faced BIG·MOM head-on.

Lin Xiao was deeply touched by this.

This starts from [Rocks Pirates] in [Old Era].

He has been focusing on raising children's monsters.

But since I was born.

It has far more than ordinary people...


It should be said that the horror talent far surpasses everyone.

Although lack of exercise.

But BIG·MOM still stands on the pinnacle of this world.


Big Mom in the awake state still has some concerns.

But once she went crazy.

that scene...

But even her own son was not spared.

After all, the Marine camp hasn't fought 【Four Emperors】for too long.


There is a lack of necessary consideration for these secrets.

so that now......

They feel they have a winning hand.

But in fact,

It's just pushing the situation into an unknown situation where we don't know where it will go.

But that's fine too.

For Lin Xiao.

The big drama that is about to start next.

It will be even more exciting.

The facts are almost the same as Lin Xiao's conjecture.

Just after Akainu wiped out Prometheus.

BIG MOM, who was trapped by the green bull, let out a terrible howl.

It seems that the spirit has been greatly traumatized.

"Sure enough, it was Mr. Sakazuki who solved the flame so easily..."

Kizaru returned to the battlefield at this time.

wretched old face,

It's full of complacency.

Throw two Homiz of BIG MOM into the sea one after another.

This feeling of revenge.

so cool!!

At this moment, I am seeing BIG MOM's painful appearance.

Kizaru suddenly burst into confidence.

Think he's feeling better again.

This time, I will definitely be able to take the head of BIG MOM back to claim the reward.

It's just a pity.

He is now the position of Admiral.

Above that is the position of Marshal of Akainu.


Most of the rewards this time will be financial subsidies and medals.

"I'll leave that guy to you two, after cleaning up... Hurry up and deal with Kaido with us!!"

Akainu is not in the mood to talk nonsense to Huang Dahunzi.

After leaving a sentence coldly.

Then he turned and rushed towards Kaido not far away.

Fight over there.

It started again.

"Yo yo eh~~~ Seriously Mr. Sakazuki, it's really scary~~~~~

Kizaru shrugged helplessly.


Kizaru looked up at Lin Xiao in the sky with a dirty face.

The expression on his face was quite smug.

It seemed to be talking to him.

Do you see it.

You can defeat BIG·MOM.

We can too!

Lin Dao, you don't need to be complacent.

Sooner or later one day.

BIG·MOM is your lesson!!

Although Kizaru has a wave of connotations.

But he didn't dare to provoke Lin Dao at this critical moment.

So he quickly looked away. .

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