I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 416 Miscalculation, Big Mom Goes Crazy! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Green Bull, you are doing very well..."

Kizaru came to the top of BIG MOM's head in a flash,

He squeezed his chin and said:

"The next finishing work will be handed over to the old man... huh?!"


Kizaru hadn't finished speaking.

Then I discovered the strangeness of BIG MOM who was trapped by the wood of the green bull at the moment.

Originally destroyed Prometheus in Akainu.

And after he took the big knife with his own hands to break the wheel and sink it into the sea.

BIG MOM suffered a great mental blow.

The sound of howling and screaming resounded through the sky.

In Kizaru et al.

BIG·MOM should have suffered quite a bit of trauma.

Combat power will plummet.

But the actual situation at hand is.

BIG MOM unexpectedly erupted with a terrifying coercion far beyond the past.

The eyeballs of the whole person were bloodshot.

Looks like crazy.

Not even the huge wooden palm that trapped her.

The chapped cracks are also starting to appear at this moment.

And spread out quickly.

"Senior Polusalino, hurry up, this woman's strength is constantly improving..."

The face of the green bull has turned into the color of a pig's liver,

It seems that he is trying his best to control the power of BIG MOM that is about to go berserk,

It was very difficult to say:

"If you don't do it again......... she will break free!!"

"Armed · Profound Truth · Light Speed ​​Blast Kick!!"

Kizaru didn't dare to have the slightest hesitation.

He didn't expect it either.

BIG·MOM went berserk at such a time.

Kizaru was so scared that he didn't even have time to answer.

Dazzling photons condensed on the right leg.

at the same time......

It is also wrapped around the powerful 【Armament Haki】.

An extremely terrifying momentum erupted suddenly.

He slammed heavily towards Big Mom's head.

Just as the battle on the top Fang Ping stage entered its final stage.

Get down to Fang Ping the edge of the platform.

The side near the entrance of【Wanokuni】fall.

The battle has also heated up.

Marine Vice Admiral's Flying Squirrel vs. Foz Fowler from 【Six in the Sky】.

Although the two belong to the same physical strength.

But Foz Fur is under the blessing of [Devil Fruit] ability of [Zoan·Catmao Fruit·Ancient Species·Saber-toothed Tiger Form].

Whether it is speed, strength, or physical strength.

have been greatly improved.

So much so that veteran elite Vice Admiral like flying squirrels.

when fighting it.

It didn't take any advantage at all.

There is even a tendency to be gradually suppressed.

"Yah ha ha ha ha..."

Foz Fow took a few steps back,

Looking at the blood slowly flowing down the face of the flying squirrel,

Can't help laughing out loud:

"What's the matter... don't you want to say a few words of complaint? Flying squirrel!!"

"The scales of victory have tipped our way [Beasts Pirates]..."

"It won't be long, you Marine.....and those members of the disgusting World ZF will all be cleaned up by Brother Kaido!!"

·Ask for flowers...

When referring to the world ZF.

Uncontrollable hatred clearly burst out in Foz Fau's eyes.

"Hmph, you don't need to tell me this, a guy who has taken refuge with pirates..."

The flying squirrel said with a cold look: "With the strength of our two sides, we only need to get rid of you cadres... We can win a big or a complete victory!!"

"Besides... I never thought that this would be a fair and equal battle!!"


Fuzi Fu laughed proudly when he heard the words: "It seems that you also understand the situation of Chu Ge around now!!"

"This is the [Beasts Pirates] territory, no matter how many of you come...don't think you can win this war!!"

"Hmph......don't say such arrogant big words in front of me!!"

The flying squirrel shakes the blood off the knife,

With a firm gaze, he said:

"I don't care what you say right now..."

"I only know that as Vice Admiral, my duty is to send you [Beasts Pirates] cadres..."

"Kill them all one by one!!"


Foz Fu sneered disdainfully: "Then you have to have that ability too!!"

He looked around with cold eyes.

Under the barrier of Pei Ross Perot [Candy Wall].

The battlefield here.

Obviously already controlled by [Beasts Pirates] and [BIG MOM Pirates]. .

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