I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 420: Flying Squirrel's Profound Slash! [Please Subscribe! 】

for a while.

everyone in the area.

All of them subconsciously focused their attention on Foz Fau and the flying squirrel Vice Admiral.

The two are like the epitome of this war.

It has become an important basis for people to predict the direction of the war.

"Bang bang bang!!!"

"Bang bang bang!!!"

Foz Verna's torrential Finger Pistol attacks continued.

The flying squirrel can only resist with all its strength.

It seemed that he had no strength to fight back.

But Foz Faw apparently hadn't finished speaking.

During the 12 years of being imprisoned in [Impel down].

in his heart.

There are too many questions to find an answer.

So attack on the side.

While continuing to ask:

"The guard who told me about Nika's existence..."

"It just disappeared without a trace after a few days..."

"Since then, I have never seen him again..."

"Until then, I really realized that even this story is taboo..." 557

"However...with the usual style of the world's ZF, I, who have heard of this Legendary, must be doomed!!"

"That's why I risked my life to escape from prison!!"

"Such a move is very curious, right..."

Foz Fau had a smug look on his face.

"That's why... I want to ask you, Vice Admiral, what do you know!!"

However, at this moment.


Accompanied by a crisp sound of bones breaking.

Two fingers that Foz Foz used to attack.

It was distorted out of shape.

"Uh ah ah ah..."

Foz Fow let out a groan of pain.

The figure suddenly retreated violently.

He looked at the flying squirrel opposite him with some inexplicable horror.

how so?!

This guy's【Armament Haki】can't defend against my attack.

Why did you hurt my finger like this?!


The flying squirrel never gave him a chance to back away.

Step up a little bit.

【Shaved】Instant activation.

The blow wrapped around 【Armament Haki】slashed down sharply.

"【Armed·Land Slash】!!"


Blood splattered from Foz Fau's wrists in an instant.

The flying squirrel's slash just now.

Actually broke his 【Armament Haki】.

Directly seriously injured his wrists.

Even if he is an ability user of [ancient species].

Want to restore the damage done by 【Armament Haki】.

It also takes a long time.

"I have... nothing to say to you!!"

The flying squirrel said with cold eyes.


"Lord Foz Ford..."

The pirates around were shocked when they saw this.

This scene came too suddenly.

It was Foz Fowler who had been gaining the upper hand just now.

Always pressing down on the flying squirrel.

But in the blink of an eye...  

Foz Fow was seriously injured and fell down.

In the end what happened?!

"Damn it.... Eat me [Tempest Kick]!!"

In a rage, Foz Foz raised his foot and kicked up.

But it was blocked by the opposite flying squirrel with a knife.

Unwilling, Foz Fu launched another attack with a ferocious face.

"Look at me tearing you in half...【Dooth Gun】!!"


However same as last time.

The flying squirrel still blocked the attack with the long knife.

Foz Furton was a little dumbfounded (bbfi).

What the hell is going on.

This guy in front of me.

Why did it explode all of a sudden?!

Just when Foz Fu was about to step back and reorganize the attack.

But the flying squirrel stepped on its tail directly.

Immediately froze in place.

"Hey.....you bastard, let go of my tail!!"

Foz Fu exclaimed in a panic.

"If you want to talk about other people's history...don't judge people with this kind of half-consciousness!!"

Unprecedented terrifying fluctuations erupted from the long knife in the flying squirrel's hand.

The pitch-black 【Armament Haki】winds up.


Then, like a flash of surprise, he leaned towards Foz Fu.

"[Armed · One Sword Style · Profound Art · Break Chief】!!!"

Silver White The huge crescent-shaped sword energy swept out like a thousand troops.

Just like the name of this slash.


Destroy the enemy chief!!

Kill the thief leader!!


Foz Foz flew out immediately.

The blood sprayed into the air in front of itself.

Turned into bursts of blood rain.

When hitting the ground.

Already passed out.

The two sharpest teeth of the saber-toothed tiger.

One of them also broke from it.

whole person.

It looked extremely dire.


The flying squirrel put the knife back into its sheath.

Glancing at the fainted Foz Fu on the ground, he said:

"It seems that you still haven't made up your mind to die..."

Say it.

His figure shook violently.

In the battle just now.

His physical exertion was great.

If it wasn't for Foz Fu's wholehearted desire to find out the source of "Nika" from him.

I'm afraid the flying squirrel can't come back against the wind at all.

Too risky.

Even the flying squirrel himself broke out in a cold sweat.


He needs a good rest.

In order to continue to participate in the next battle.

he knows.....……

This battle will never end so easily.

Cross one's legs and follow.

The flying squirrel raised its gaze subconsciously.

He looked at the figure above the sky.

"Lin Xiao... what are you thinking?!"

For flying squirrels who have seen Lin Xiao's combat effectiveness with their own eyes during the [Summit War] period.

He has now begun to pray.

The young and treacherous man above.

Will really abide by the verbal agreement made with the Five Elders.

But if Lin Xiao had any other ideas.


For the coalition of Marine and the world ZF.

It will definitely be a disaster!!!.

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