I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 421 Sasaki Vs Smoker! [Please Subscribe! 】

"What? Master Foz Ford was defeated..."

"Impossible, he is the most powerful one among [Six Ling Kong Sons], how could it be like this..."

"The opponent's strength is not weak either... Flying Squirrel is a veteran Vice Admiral in Marine, and many big pirates have been folded into his hands!!"

"Damn... It seems that Marine's strength should not be underestimated, we must not be careless!!"

The pirates around saw the defeat of the most powerful Foz Fu among the [Six Volleyers].

A look of surprise and fear suddenly appeared on his face.

To know

Prior to this, Foz Folk had been pressing down on the flying squirrel the whole time.

This sudden headwind turned the tables.

for a while...

Many people, including cadres, cannot accept it.

"Hmph, Foz Fowler that useless piece of shit..."

Quinn, who was fighting PX-0, snorted coldly with disdain:

"With his level of commitment, he's still always boasting like that on weekdays... Want to challenge our [Big Kanban] position?!"

"It's so ridiculous!!"

Quinn complained.

The triangular claw in the right arm of the robot fired laser cannons at PX-0.

But not surprisingly.

All of them were bounced off by the opposite PX-0 using the [Zero Friction] ability of [Slippery Fruit].


Quinn's attack did not exceed the upper limit of PX-0 [Slippery Fruit].

So it can't do any harm to him at all.

But others.

But obviously there is no such ability as PX-0.

There are a large number of Marines and pirates not far away.

All were affected by the laser cannon ejected from PX-0.

for a while.

Rumbling explosions continued from one corner of the entire platform.

Marine and the pirates screamed again and again.

Casualties skyrocketed.

at the same time.……..…

the other side of the battlefield.

A huge triceratops burst out of a cloud of White smoke.

It was another one of the [Six Ling Kong Sons].


"[Zoan]'s break is really hard..."

Smoker's figure appeared from the white smoke,

Said with emotion:

"My attack just now should have caused you several fatal injuries!!"

During these two years.

Smoker has been replaced by the previous colonel.

Successfully promoted to Vice Admiral.

His own strength has also been greatly improved compared to two years ago.

All because of...

He was in 【Summit War】,

I personally felt the huge gap between myself and Lin Xiao.

But no matter how you catch up.

Lin Xiao is the one who makes him feel beyond his reach.


To Smoker's surprise.

The strength of [Six Volleyers] is actually so strong.

Opposite this [Ancient Species] ability user.

He was seriously injured several times.

But everything returned to normal in the blink of an eye.

This distressed Smoker a lot.

The handle in his hand is a large ten-hand with [seastone] inlaid on the top.

Also in the previous reckless fight,

It was broken by the dragon horn on Sasagi's head.

And the [Smoke fruit] ability possessed by Smoker.

On weekdays.

Although it has a very powerful effect.

But in a high-end game like this.

The disadvantages are clearly evident.

Because [Smoke fruit] is fundamentally speaking.

Can to a large extent.

Can limit the enemy's ability to move.

but the attack capability,

But very ordinary.

If used together with "flame".

Maybe it can explode with great power.

But with Smoker himself.

But it can't be done at all.

So even Smoker had restrained Sasaki many times before.

But it was still unable to seriously injure the opponent.

"You're right…………"

Sasaki said with a serious face: "The attack just now... really hurt me very much!!"

Say it.

Sasaki glanced at Foz Fu who had fallen in the distance and said:

"I didn't expect that there are people in Marine who can defeat that guy..."

...ask for flowers...

"Looks like it can't go on like this!!"

"I'm going to punch a big hole in every Marine!!"

"Let me start with you..."

Sasaki's face darkened.

Almost at the same time as the voice fell.

He has already activated the wild and violent power of [Zoan].

Instantly opened the strongest [human-beast form] of [Zoan].

The huge and strong body of the Triceratops,

It turned into a two-legged beast Warrior.


Sasaki pulled out a huge specially made long sword from his waist.

Foz Faw's defeat made him angry.

Already ready to kill.


The long sword in Sasaki's hand activated the blade mechanism.

I saw...

The tiny blade that was originally attached to the body of the sword,

Like a living thing infused with a soul,

One by one, they stand upright.

And start spinning like crazy.

The monstrous blade has finally revealed its true fangs.

It is actually a "mechanical spiral knife".

"That knife again?!"

"I will never let you succeed..."


Smoker was taken aback for a moment.

The body of the Triceratops in front of him.

How many unknown black technologies are still hidden!!

But Smoker couldn't hold back at all at the moment.


Marine just stabilized a good situation.

It is likely that all previous efforts will be wasted.

Facing the "Mechanical Spiral Knife" in Sasaki's hand, he showed a fierce look.

Smoke billowed from Smoker's body.

Clearly ready for battle.


Sasaki laughed wantonly after hearing Smoker's words.

"After Laozi gets rid of you, the guy who is in the way, he won't kill you directly......"

"I want you to witness with your own eyes how I killed these Marines!!"

Triceratops suddenly raised its head.

I saw that the neck shield on his neck started to rotate at a high speed.

Just like the propellers of a helicopter. .

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