I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 422 Embarrassing Scene, Smoker's Ultimate Move! [Please Subscribe! 】

"Buzz buzz...!!!"

Sasagi under the action of strong propulsion.

That bulky body actually flew directly into the air.

Smoker was dumbfounded when he saw it directly.

"Huh?! How is it possible for that structure to rotate?!"

Looking at Sasagi flying higher and higher,

Smoker said with eyes full of astonishment:

"Can a Triceratops actually do this kind of thing?!"

Marine soldiers all around,

He was immediately startled by the sudden scene in front of him.

"Get out of here quickly, I can deal with him alone..."

Realizing that something was wrong, Smoker directly persuaded the soldiers around him to retreat.

But the violent Triceratops in the sky.

But no one intends to let it go.

"Smoky bastard..."107". You still have time to worry about others?!"

Sasaki said with a smug look on his face:

"I advise you to worry about yourself first!!"


Sasaki yelled.

Dive down directly from the sky.

Keep bumping into Smoker.

Double blessing of spiral blade and rapid impact.

Turn into a powerful slash.

The power is amazing.

The whole person seemed to bloom like a death lotus.

Instantly turned into a meat grinder.

Even if Smoker uses【Armament Haki】to defend.

Still easily torn apart by the opponent's killing move.

Had no choice but to activate the [Smoke fruit] ability again.

The whole person…………….

It immediately turned into a cloud of white smoke.

Wrap Sasa wood from the outside.


Quite different from before.

The strong wind pressure generated by Sasaki's neck.

Directly blow the smoke of the Smoker avatar backwards and away.

Want to be close.

It is already impossible.

The aftermath directly left cracks on the surrounding ground.

"What kind of action is this? It's unbelievable..."

Smoker was shocked:

"Spinning propellers at incredible speeds!!"

"The Triceratops was originally this type of dinosaur..."

Sasaki returned to the ground.

The screwdriver in his hand stopped making any noise.

With the backhand sheathed the knife,

Sasaki stared at Smoker coldly.

Since using the blade has no effect at all,

Then use other moves to kill you!

The Triceratops neck shield spins out the death lotus again.

This time...

Sasaki is wrapped in jet-black [Armament Haki] all over his body.

Ready for a mighty blow,

Just kill this annoying smoke man in front of you!!

"Want to confront me directly?!"

There was a look of exasperation on Smoker's face.

[Armament Haki] is also wrapped around both arms.

Prepare to take the killing move from the front.

Sasaki's figure unexpectedly flew out in the opposite direction.

The two fell silent for a while.

"That guy...did he get the direction of the propeller wrong just now?!"

"And all the way back... what the hell is he doing?!"

There was a suspicious look in Smoker's eyes.

There was a hint of embarrassment in the air.

Sasaki blushed suddenly and said:

"The run-up distance...……Confirmation completed!!"

"Are you a liar?!"

Smoker wouldn't believe his nonsense.

It was clearly a wrong direction.

"Closing..... I deliberately opened a distance for the sake of speeding up!!"

"And the longer the distance, the more powerful the impact will be.

Sasaki charged at Smoker again.

The whole person rushed away like a heavy bomb that exploded.


This move is Sasaki's proud ultimate move.

Smoker, however, showed no sign of weakness.

"White smoke!!!"

A powerful attack that combines the ability of 【Devil Fruit】with【Haki】.

Compared to Smoker's other moves.

Pay more attention to power and strength.

Smoker was specially developed to deal with people like Lin Xiao.

Used by enemies that require great destructive power to defeat..


Today it was actually used on Sasaki first.

The pitch-black Iron Fist smoke grenade blasted directly against the impact of the Triceratops.


The terrifying explosion reverberated across the platform.

Smoker's newly developed ult.

It successfully blocked the rotating attack of the Triceratops.


Under the effect of the opponent's huge inertia.

After all, the pitch-black Iron Fist smoke bomb exploded into a cloud of white smoke.

Sasaki's figure continued to charge forward.

But the speed and strength have long been like the end of a crossbow.

The previous terrifying momentum was gone.


Smoker's expression changed.

The hands suddenly turned into a large cloud of white smoke.

And formed a huge smoke fist in front of him.

He also wrapped the jet-black【Armament Haki】on it.

Facing the Triceratops, it blasted out again.


Sasaki on the opposite side had no time to dodge.

He was hit directly by a punch.

The sturdy figure flew upside down.

With the hard floor comes an intimate dog gnawing shit.

The upper body is buried directly in the ground.

"Hmph, no matter how hard your skin is, the wound on your abdomen already says it all..."

Smoker immediately discovered the weakness of 1.6 Sasaki.

The scars on the opponent's fragile abdomen were exposed.

This should be the breakthrough point to break through the hard dragon armor.

Immediately regroup.

The pitch-black fist of the smoke bomb hit Sasaki's abdomen again.

Smoker wants to end this slapstick fight.

"It's over....[White smoke]!!!"

But what is unexpected is.

The pitch-black iron fist flew straight into the air.

Sasaki, whose upper body was stuck under the ground, flew up quickly.

Dodged the fatal blow.

Immediately swooped down.

The long sword in his hand began to slash crazily.

Cold light splashed everywhere.

The second round between Smoker and Sasaki.

It has officially started. .

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