I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 423 Tragic Victory! [Please Subscribe! 】

However, Smoker lost [seastone ten hands].

In Sasaki's crazy slash, he could only dodge in embarrassment.

Although Sasaki is not a strong swordsman.

But the sword moves are extremely sharp.

The giant sword wrapped around 【Armament Haki】sweeps and cuts vertically.

Nearly injured Smoker several times.

Triceratops started his crazy counterattack.

Smoker is at a disadvantage.

"Hey, hey, smoke man!!"

While attacking, Sasaki taunted triumphantly: "Aren't you Marine Vice Admiral?!"

"Why......... You don't have a weapon, you can't even fight?!!"

"This kind of embarrassment...don't you feel ashamed?!"

Facing Sasaki's non-stop ridicule.

There was an angry look on Smoker's face.

If you can't even deal with the dinosaur man in front of you.

How can he challenge someone as strong as Lin Xiao?!

Think here. 11

Smoker suddenly stopped retreating.

The arms wrapped around【Armament Haki】closed in front of him fiercely.

【Smoke fruit】The ability suddenly launched.

The two arms kept expanding.

Obviously ready to be tough.

"The Projectile Ceratops!!!"

Sasaki naturally couldn't appease his opponent.

Turned into a whirlwind of death again.

Heading towards Smoker, he slammed heavily with a crushing force.

And at this very moment...

Preparations for Smoker have also been completed.

While Sasaki rushed towards him.

The cigar in the mouth fell down.

The traces of fire directly ignited the white smoke excited by the fists.


There was a loud bang.

The hot air cannon exploded.

Unshakable will to fight.

Let all your energy out.

"【White Smoke·Bomb】!!!"

Smoker's move can be described as a Jedi counterattack.

Turned against the wind.

This bold attack directly blasted the huge figure of Triceratops into the sky.

Sasaki was hit hard immediately.

Spit blood.


Just then Smoker let out a long sigh of relief.

When I feel that this battle is over.

[Ancient Species] The crazy physique endowed to Sasaki has not been crushed just yet!

"I'm the symbol of terror in [Beasts Pirates]... the [Six Volleyers] that the world fears!!!"

"You boy...don't underestimate me!!"

Sasaki let out a growl.

He turned around directly.

Turned abruptly from the impact of the shock wave.

He swooped down towards the stunned Smoker below.

Resolutely and resolutely resorted to the killing blow.

"Cannon Ceratops!!!"

Sasaki has the heart of kicking and killing.

Vow to kill the opponent.

The speed is several times faster than before.

The Smoker below has no time to dodge.

You can only elementalize your body into a cloud of White smoke in advance.

But Sasaki has already locked his body with 【Observation Haki】.

The blow wrapped around 【Armament Haki】 hit Smoker's shoulder directly.

under great power.

Smoker's whole body was "pinned" to the ground.

"Even if I die, I will go on the road together for you..."

Sasaki said with some satisfaction.

Blood was already pouring out from the corner of his mouth.

Obviously suffered a lot of injuries.


Smoker coldly snorted disdainfully:

"It's not that easy to kill me....

The voice fell.

Fiery sparks suddenly flickered from a huge fist made of white smoke.

Sasaki, who noticed this out of the corner of his eye, turned pale with shock.

The guy who should have been defeated by him.

There is still such a backhand!

Or in other words......

Smoker has been waiting for this moment?!

*【White Smoke·Bomb】!!!”

Smoker let out a loud shout.

The other cigar in the canister fell out.

Infinite flames burst out instantly.

Blast Sasagi from Smoker's fist.


This blow actually directly penetrated the fragile abdomen of the Triceratops.

Behind Sasaki there was a loud bang.

Sasaki rolled his eyes.

Passed out directly.

This time...

Smoker completely defeated the mighty Triceratops!

The sturdy figure hit the ground heavily.

Sasaki completely lost consciousness.

"Hoo hoo..."

Smoker gasped heavily.

This victory.

It's really hard to come by.

But this is a war on the battlefield.

But it's far from over...

He raised his head and glanced at the young figure above the sky.

Smoker's heart is full of emotions now.

It is so difficult to defeat a member of [Six Volleys].

It's hard for him to imagine.

What is it like for Lin Xiao to defeat BIG MOM and Kaido head-on?


Lin Dao's youth is much younger than him.

That rascal.

Is it really human?!333

the other side.

"What? Brother Sasaki was also defeated?!"

"How is this possible, two of the six sons of Lingkong have already been defeated by Marine..."

"Now Boss Kaido is held back by Marine Admiral, Lord Jhin is dealing with those CPO members in the sky, Lord Quinn is held back by PX-0, and Lord Jack is suppressed by that ugly guy..."

"If [Six Ling Kong Sons] are all defeated, then this battle...isn't it going to be defeated?!!"

After seeing Foz Fu and Sasaki being defeated one after another.

Originally proud pirates.

All of a sudden, he turned pale with shock.

Although get off Fang Ping on the stage.

There are also many strong players in [BIG MOM Pirates].

But after all, they do not have an advantage in numbers.

And except for Smoothie.

Other cadres including Ross Perot.

It's not really a high-end combat power.

many people.......

It is not as good as [Lingkong Liuzi].

In addition, the members of [Beasts Pirates] are more guarded against them.

So the cooperation between the two waves of people.

There are certain problems. .

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