I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 424 Black Maria's Method! [Please Subscribe! 】

But it is also because of this.

Only then did Marine, who was isolated on this side, have a little respite.

if not…………

It is very likely that they have been defeated by the pirates.

"You guys.....what are you still doing there?!!"

Just when all the pirates were in doubt.

A female voice suddenly came from behind everyone.


Black Maria, whose lower body turned into a huge ancient spider, stepped out from a corner of the battlefield.

[Beasts Pirates] members know it.

Although Black Maria is a member of [Six Volleyers] on the surface.


She has an extremely ambiguous relationship with Kaido behind the scenes.

It can be regarded as the half mistress of 【Beasts Pirates】.

So I saw her come out at this moment.

Everyone calmed down a bit.

"It's just that two members of the [Six Volleys] were defeated, and it wasn't the loss of the entire battle...... What are you guys worrying about?!

Black Maria roared in an extremely stern tone:

"Listen to me, for Admiral Kaido, we must go all out in this battle..."


Speaking of which.

Black Maria's words suddenly stopped.

A charming and smug smile appeared on his face.

He raised his finger and pointed to the gray [Phantom Fog] not far behind him and said:

"We still have many helpers who haven't appeared yet..."

Almost as soon as Black Maria's voice fell.

Figures came out of the gray [Phantom Fog].

It was the Marine who fought against him before.

And it's not just soldiers of the Common.

Even the strong ones at the colonel level are vividly remembered.


At this moment, they all stared blankly.

Weird expressions of crying or laughing on the face.

The whole person looks like a walking dead, which makes people feel shocked and puzzled.

"Everyone, please help me...々"

Black Maria opened her arms and said loudly: "Let's work together to defeat Marine!!!"

"At your service, my master..."

"Got it, leave it to us, Master..."

Then a scene that made people feel extremely astonished appeared.

Those Marines who came out of the [Phantom Fog].

They raised their weapons one after another.

He launched an attack on his colleagues on the opposite side.


in their eyes.

those people.

Already transformed into pirates one by one.

And the pirates behind them.

was transformed into a righteous Marine.

This is the effect of the [Phantom Fog] released by Black Maria.

Can lose one's mind.

In front of their eyes and in their minds, the people they miss the most in their memory appear.

So as to achieve the purpose of continuous control of thought.

Make people hard to guard against.

"Ah... what's wrong with them?!"

"Hey, you guys...why do you obey the orders of that [Six Volleyers] member?!!"

"What's going on?!"


"Is there something wrong with that gray mist?!"

There was a sudden chaos in the Marine camp.

Everyone was shocked.

The scene in front of him was really astonishing.

"We're going to fight Marine..."

The group of soldiers rushed forward with ferocious faces.

The scene suddenly became chaotic.

"Hey, what the hell are you guys doing?!"

Smoker was already stunned by the scene in front of him.

Even many pirates.

Cannibalism in the Marine camp was also not expected.

In the end what happened?!

Could it be these people who came out of the [Phantom Fog].

All crazy?!

"Crane Vice Admiral, what should we do now?!"

"Yeah, are we really going to open fire on our companions?!"

The Marine members all around focused their eyes on Granny He.

As Marine's absolute think tank.

At this critical juncture.

She became the backbone of everyone's heart.

"It should be the ghost made by that female member of [Six Volleys]..."

A sharp and angry light burst out from Crane's old eyes,

While walking forward slowly, he said:

"Leave all these people to me to deal with... You go and deal with the rest of the pirates, if you don't leave any, kill them on the spot!"

Suddenly, a terrifying wave erupted from Crane's body.

Even if he is already in his early 70s.

But her strength is still there.

No one can ignore her existence.

"..yes, to the middle

Only then did the people around them feel at ease.

They can all see it.

Crane Vice Admiral is really angry this time.



Crane Vice Admiral.

The bewildered "Marines" who rushed towards the Marine camp in anger.

Everything becomes clothes that are rinsed and dried in an instant.

And the anger and resentment in my heart.

It was also completely washed out at the same time.

They all regained their original consciousness.

The chaotic situation was quickly calmed down by the crane using the ability of [washing fruit].

Successfully avoided the end of the collapse (Zhao's).

Pirates all around...

When they saw the crane stepping forward, they all retreated back with fear.

No one dared to stop her footsteps.

"Oh? So it's the dignified Marine's think tank, Vice Admiral..."

When Black Maria watched the crane successfully come to her,

With a look of apprehension in his eyes,

The huge figure also slowly receded into the [Phantom Fog] behind him.

Although the crane on the opposite side is already in his seventies.

But Black Maria did not dare to underestimate the other party.

If confronted head-on.

She didn't have any confidence that she could defeat the experienced old man in front of her.

after all.....…

Crane is a member of the [Marine Iron Triangle] who is as famous as Garp and Sengoku in [Great Pirate Era]!!

A person's name is established.

Shadow of the tree!!

Black Maria had to be afraid. .

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