I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 435 Chaotic Battlefield! [Please Subscribe! 】

And Fujitora, who has been covering the whole field with powerful 【Observation Haki】.

After hearing this conversation on the Fang Ping platform.

Immediately, he looked at Lin Dao with disbelief.

"Your Majesty, Kaido's 【Fire Calamity】...is actually from the race on the 【Red Line】?!"

In fact, there is no need to remind Fujitora.

Lin Xiao also used [Xinwang] to hear this conversation.

But even if he...

He also looked dumbfounded when he heard [Kingdom of God] and [Lunaria].

Because before that.

There has never been any task information displayed on 【Red Line】,

There are records left by other nations or races.

Could it be...

This mysterious and destroyed 【Kingdom of God】.

Is it the rumored giant kingdom that was wiped out 117 times by the kings of 20 countries?!

And the reason why it is not understood by history and the world.

All because of the history associated with it.

It is the [Void Century] that the world ZF tried to cover up???

Accompanied by one question after another in my heart.

Lin Xiao suddenly realized that this time was really the right time.

The plan this time.

Not only Kaido Group and BIG MOM Group.

Successfully waged a super war with Marine and the world ZF coalition forces.

At the same time, he unexpectedly obtained,

A piece of that lost history.

This made Lin Xiao start to think.

Do you want to save Jin's life?

Explain to him in detail about [Kingdom of God] and [Lunaria Race]?!


The battle (bbaj) on Fang Ping's stage did not stop because Lin Xiao fell into deep thought.

The battle between PX-1 and Jin is in full swing.

The long sword in Jhin's hand turned into a storm of blades.

Launch a fierce attack on PX-1.

However, they were all blocked by the latter's dexterity.

Compared with the [Pacifist] during the [Summit War] period.

The modified PX-1.

No matter strength, speed, reaction, and ability have been greatly improved.

Especially responsiveness.

It is no different from normal people.


Jhin wasn't that easy to mess with either.

After being blocked by PX-1.

He raised his right hand violently.

The heavy fist hit PX-1's cheek.

A set of killing moves is fatal.

But it is different from any genre.

The sword goes slanted.

The PX-1 I played was caught off guard.

Fortunately, [Pacifist] has been transformed by Dr. Vegapunk in the past two years.

The body is already made of memory metal.

So even if you suffer a certain amount of damage.

It can also be completely restored.


If the attack exceeds their upper limit.

Even memory metal cannot be recovered.

"Your fighting style is truly unique..."

The CPO leader behind said with a little sarcasm and emotion.

When fighting with it before.

He discovered this situation.

Even if he was a CPO.

Some of them couldn't adapt to Jin's ruthless moves.

"Winning is all that matters..."

Jhin retorted with a cold face: "Genre, form, or style, are these things really important?!"

"Ah, indeed..."

The head of the CPO was a little speechless.

at this point.

As the CPO, he knows best.

Most of their missions are assassinations and espionage.

And in order to complete the task.

They also don't follow suit.

Both are actually the same.

"You can fight as you like, but you'd better be mentally prepared..."

"PX-1 will definitely defeat you in the end......"

The voice fell.

The figures of Jhin and PX-1 have already collided heavily.

Fierce flames soared into the sky.

It's like a hot hell.

Not far from the other side.

"Look... Master Jack has used the strongest [human-beast form]!!"

When Jack, who was in a state of madness, activated the most tyrannical [Human-beast form] of the [Ancient Species].

Mammoths rise from the ground.

Holding a bloody scimitar in both hands.

It has a strong elephant trunk like a giant pillar on its head.

Let out a roar like an ancient beast.

It immediately caused the members of [Beasts Pirates] to exclaim.

As the weakest one among the [Three Disasters].

Jack didn't go well in the battle with the tea dolphins.

The opponent is 【Admiral Candidate】,

Already have the strength to set foot on the [general level].

A full floor above Jack. .

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