I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 436: The Justice Of The Tea Dolphins! [Please Subscribe! 】

If it weren't for Jack, he would have been playing in a crazy way of exchanging his life for his life.

I'm afraid he has been dealt with by the tea dolphin long ago.

However now...

"Ugly...why did your movements slow down?!"

"Is your physical strength almost reaching its limit?!"

Jack had a grin on his face.

He wantonly ridiculed the tea dolphin on the opposite side.

And the attack in his hand,

But there was no pause at all.

[Ancient Species] provided him with sufficient strength~ and stamina.

Combat endurance is extremely strong.

The huge elephant nose quietly swung down without breath.

The pitch-black [Armed Color Ba-Qi] winds up.


It's as terrifying as a giant steel pillar.

"Stop talking big things...you're pretty good at trying to beat me"

Tea dolphins keenly captured this moment of life and death with 【Observation Haki】.

Leap forward.

He hugged the huge elephant trunk that hadn't been completely smashed with his backhand.

An astonishing force surged from both arms.

It even threw Jack's huge body far away.

"Marine represents [justice]. The tolerance for you gangsters these years is the greatest insult to us generals..."

"Over the years, we have kept asking ourselves... Is it possible for this situation to change!!"

The tea dolphin looked serious.

Suddenly let out a roar.

The whole person suddenly burst out with infinite power.

It's almost like a different person from before.

"This...his strength has improved again?!"

Jack's pupils shrank sharply.

It was not expected that the tea dolphin still had such strength.

"Even if we lose the battle, so what?!"

The tea dolphin looked firmly and said:

"We must all stand on this battlefield..."

"From the moment we joined Marine, those of us who didn't care about our own lives..."

"For [justice]... so what if you die?!"

"As long as we can return the peace to the sea and let the world usher in the dawn again, even if it means sacrificing our lives...we will defeat you gangsters!!"

In the end.

The tea dolphin's eyes once again fell on the figure above the sky.

Jack didn't deserve him to make such a declaration.

And only Lin Xiao.

In his eyes, this "heinous" countryman.

This is his true stop mark.


Lin Xiao didn't even glance in his direction.

His fight with Jack.

It didn't deserve his attention at all.

Lin Xiao didn't even know who the tea dolphin was.

at this point.

In fact, the tea dolphin is also very clear in his heart.

It is precisely because of this.

That's why he has such hatred and anger towards Lin Xiao.

Lin Xiao.

You wait.

I will never let you watch the show so comfortably.

He roared secretly in his heart.


The figures of the tea dolphin and Jack collided again and again.

Another corner of the battlefield.

·Ask for flowers...

Tina, who has long pink hair, also started her hunt.

Pero Ross Pero in the distance was blown away by her.

He was collapsing in the ruins and did not get up.

The raging killing intent has already surged between the two of them.

Tina was smoking a cigarette.

He looked up at the figure above the sky.

muttering to himself:

"Is that stupid woman Momousagi bewitched by that kid?!"

"But the long one is really handsome... Tina also likes it very much."

"But it's a pity, who made him an enemy of [Justice]... Otherwise, Tina wouldn't mind being with Momousagi with him.

Speaking of which.

The longing look on Tina's face suddenly subsided.

Then with a cold face,

Looking at Pero Ross Pero in the ruins on the opposite side, he said:

"Hey, disgusting long-tongued man... Tina announces that today is your death day!

And the figure in the ruins.

But he stood up again.

As a man with a bounty of 1 billion.

Pero Ross Perot did not lose so easily as he imagined.

Although some lamented that there are endless strong players in Marine.

But if you say a Rear Admiral can't beat it.

Isn't it too embarrassing for him to wear Ross Perot?!

"Stop joking around, I'm the son of BIG MOM...how... I might be defeated by a woman like you!!"

Also on the underlying platform.

Quinn's battle with PX-0,

From the beginning to the present, there has been no pause for a few moments. .

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