I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 437 Machinery Vs Machinery, Fire Vs Fire! [Please Subscribe! 】

As a loyal Kaido.

It is impossible for Quinn to hand over the antidote to the [Ice Ghost Bullet] that is enough to influence this battle.


The strength of PX-0 far exceeded his expectations.

And with the [Slippery Fruit] ability,

It's just as tricky.

"Hand over the antidote..."

While PX-0 is launching an attack,

The same words were repeated over and over in a cold mechanical voice.

Except [Slippery Fruit].

His modified steel body also has Admiral Kizaru's [Laser Laser].

The light of Sandaoyao's "May 17" eyes burst out from its palms and mouth.

"The robot bastard actually confronted Laozi?!!"

Quinn suddenly felt that he had been greatly insulted.

Mechanical right arm.

And the Bianzizhong built by the Zililu robotic arm.

Simultaneously shoot three deadly lasers.

With PX-0 positive rigidity.


boom boom......!!!

A violent explosion erupted from the platform.

The sound of the bang.

Rush into the sky.

The huge explosion produced bursts of hurricane-like air waves that swept out.

Center on the position of the two.

Rampage towards the outside.

Nuo Da's bottom platform trembled violently.

The deafening sound.

Makes the nearby pirates and Marine soldiers.

They covered their ears in pain.

And people from afar.

Then they all looked at the scene in bewilderment.

Just their sight.

Already covered by a thick billowing smoke.

Figures of Quinn and PX-0.

completely obscured by smoke.

They simply couldn't see who had the upper hand in this battle.

In order to be a "reformer".

Quinn, who retains his emotions, is obviously better at flexibility.

Regardless of the timing of the attack.

Or the use of scheming.

They are beyond the reach of a simple machine transformer like PX-0.


PX-0 also has great advantages.

As a mechanical body.

It loses its sense of pain.

Will not be affected by pain to fight.

At the same time, it also has a larger range of attack and perception.

In coordination with [Slippery Fruit] ability.

And Bartholemew Kuma's powerful [Physical Technique] during his lifetime.

It can be said......

It is not that simple for Quinn to defeat it.

next second.

Two reformers rushed out of the smoke.

At a speed unseen by ordinary people,

They collided crazily.

The strength of the two has already surpassed Common's Vice Admiral class.

So it has a wide impact.

Quinn slashed with a knife wrapped around 【Armament Haki】.

Although PX-0 waved to block it.

But his body was still pushed far back by more than ten meters.

[Ancient Species] The power given to Quinn.

It is not comparable to the mechanical power of PX-0.

"Brachiosaurus Bomb!!!"

Quinn didn't give PX-0 too many chances to react.

The stature skyrocketed.

Transform into a gigantic dinosaur form.

Then fly straight into the sky.

head down..

It hit PX-0's head hard.

Huge stature.

From a distance, it looks like a huge meteorite.


Quinn also wrapped a jet-black [Armament Haki] around his head.

Marine suddenly turned pale with fright.

If it is hit by this level of attack.

I'm afraid he will die on the spot!

"Zero friction against amnesty!!!"

PX-0 shows no sign of weakness.

【Slippery Fruit】The ability activates instantly.

The figures of the two collided heavily on the platform.

But the bang that everyone imagined did not happen.

Quinn's huge stature.

It was thrown away by a far bullet again.

Then it hit the ground heavily.


In the contest between [Armament Haki] and [Devil Fruit].

The PX-0 has the upper hand.

"That trash Quinn..."

Jhin, who was fighting PX-1 not far away, said with a gloomy face.

"It seems that if you don't quickly take down your machine head in 2.5... If that guy Quinn is really defeated and delays the battle, it will be bad.

Jhin suppressed the anger in his heart.

Take a deep breath.

Emberless flames gushed out from behind.

The whole person is like a god of war on fire, which makes people unable to look directly at him.

"Let me see if your flame is stronger or mine is stronger!!"

Jhin frantically gathered the flames into his right palm,

Form a giant Great Fireball like a small sun,

It smashed towards the opposite PX-1. .

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