I! The Summit War, Behind The Scenes!

Chapter 438 Shocked Form! [Please Subscribe! 】


PX-1 let out a roar.

next second.

Directly opened the [Golden Crow Form].

A huge golden crow exuding endless flames appeared in front of everyone.

"Ah, that's..."

"Oh my god, if this temperature is close, I'm afraid it will be melted directly..."

"It turned out to be [Phantom Beast]... [Pacifist] can use the ability of [Devil Fruit] after transformation?!!"


Whether it's a Marine or a pirate.

All were shocked by the scene in front of them.

【Pacifist】A person with abilities?

This greatly exceeded the expectations of all 11 people.

Even beyond their inherent cognition.

Many people feel that their worldview is about to shatter.

Only the surviving CPO leader laughed badly.

The gloomy gaze slowly turned to where [Kong] Kong was not far away.

Finally, it landed on the man in black robe standing at the bow of the boat.

"Don't be so surprised!"

"The real shock will be when you see the real identity of that person."

Think here.

The head of the CPO couldn't help raising his head to look at the figure above the sky.

"Lin Xiao, I really want to see... When you see him, what kind of change will happen on his face?!"

As the head of the CPO.

He naturally knows far more than others.

And 【SSG special gentleman group】.

original intention of creation,

Isn't it just to deal with the sudden emergence of Lin Xiao?!

For this guy who even [Five Elders] is afraid of.

[CPO organization] is helpless at all.


The world's ZF will rely on the power of the genius scientist Vegapunk.

Manufacturing improved these [Pacifist] far beyond the previous ones.

And today's war.

It can be used to test these results.

But neither him.

Still sitting firmly in the air where the Chinese army did not make a move.

Or Marine.

And [Five Elders] far away in [Holy Land Mariejois].

They definitely wouldn't think of it.

this battle.

Huge coalition.

In the end, it will redirect the mistakes.

Ushered in an unprecedented fiasco.


This fiasco directly led to a huge change in the world structure.

Chaos on the battlefield.

Just when everyone has different ideas.

Jhin and PX-1 are two people.

But it was not affected by others at all.

Two people turned into two huge flames,

Like two little suns rising slowly.

scorching heat.

The surrounding sailors and pirates retreated far away.

Can't look directly.


The figures of the two did not stop.

next second.

They collided fiercely together.

The flames burst.

The scorching heat enough to melt steel raged out.

Fang Yuan is within a hundred meters.

Suddenly fell into a flame hell.


Many pirates and marines who had no time to respond were killed in the sea of ​​fire.

No bones remained.

Others after seeing such a terrifying scene.

It is to give up the fight directly.

Fleeing further away in a panic.

"Those two people's battle.....is really amazing!!"

Many Vice Admiral level combat power also stopped fighting in their hands.

Looking at the two wrestling in the sea of ​​flames,

There was a deep look of fear in his eyes.

Even they.

In the face of such a flame.

In addition to being forced to choose to retreat.

There is simply no better way to 290.

"You guys..."

on the platform.

Facing some panicked Marine soldiers.

After the tea dolphin blasted Jack away with a punch,

He said in a low voice:

"Facing this battle... If you don't have a firm will, you can't maintain a clear consciousness on the battlefield!!"

The aura of the tea dolphin is rising steadily.

Strong aura.

The pirates present were forced to retreat one after another.

The posture of the top powerhouse is fully displayed.

The miscellaneous murlocs around [Beasts Pirates] were shocked.

did not expect......

As Jack of the Three Plagues.

After using the strongest [human-beast form].

There is no way to defeat this ugly man.

Marine alternate Admiral's strength.

It was as powerful as hiss.

The Marine officers immediately regained their morale.

Fight with the pirates again. .

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