After mastering Aoi Blizzard, Fuji did not continue to study other ball skills.

Except that after mastering Aoi Blizzard, his strength was already strong enough. Maybe there was still some gap compared to the top players of the Byodoin class, but at least it was enough for entering junior high school.

Of course, the most important point is that junior high school will start soon.


Yamabuki Junior High School.

This is the school that Fuji chose after entering junior high school.

As a famous strong school in Tokyo, Yamabuki's strength is not bad. I dare not say that it enters the national competition every year, but at least it can be called a regular in the national competition.

Doubles is the face of Yamabuki, and it is also the strongest point of Yamabuki. Yamabuki can become a regular in the national competition because of doubles.

At the end of March.

Like other junior high schools, it is basically empty at this time, because this stage is the end of the old school year and the beginning of the new school year. Students are enjoying a short vacation.

But Yamabuki is not.

Looking around, many people in the tennis club of Yamabuki Junior High School are practicing hard.

That's right!

Yamabuki's training is very hard, which is also the reason why Yamabuki enters the national competition all year round, not only because of such an excellent coach like Ban Tian Kan'ya, but also because of their hard training on weekdays.

Even during the holidays, the members are training very seriously.

At this moment, in a teaching building not far from the tennis club, two figures are standing in front of the window sill.

One of the figures was an old man in his seventies. He had a kind face and smiled all the time, giving people a sense of intimacy.

The old man was the coach of Yamabuki Junior High School, Kan'ya Banda. Because of his advanced age, the members also respectfully called him Banlao.

Next to Banlao was a man with a short haircut, who was about fifteen years old and had a strong physique.

Banri was also his name, and he was also the director of Yamabuki Junior High School.

However, Banri has now graduated from junior high school, so he can only be considered a former director.

Although he has graduated, Banri is still very concerned about the tennis club. Even after graduation, he would often come to see the situation of the tennis club.

This is why Banri appeared in Banlao's office.

Standing next to Banlao, Banri looked at the tennis club below and frowned, saying,"This year's tennis club is not ideal!"

Due to the graduation of the old school year, the older generation of members are about to enter high school, which has also caused many junior high schools in the Japanese team to have a lack of successors.

Even Makinofuji, who won the national championship for two consecutive years, Rikkai University Affiliated Middle School, the overlord of Kanto, and Hyotei, the overlord of Tokyo, are all like this.

The same is true for Yamabuki.

The graduation of the older generation took away most of the strength. Although the other members are also strong, it is difficult for them to rely on these people to support Yamabuki Middle School to enter the national competition.

"It is indeed not ideal!"

Ban Lao shook his head and said,"But there is nothing we can do about it. The lack of successors is a common problem in many junior high schools in Japan during this period!"

"It's not limited to our Yamabuki, other schools are the same!"

"That's right!"

Hearing this, Ban Li also nodded.

"But compared to this, I am more concerned about the position of the next minister."

At this time, Ban Lao suddenly said, and then he looked at Ban Liye, who was much taller than him.

""Speaking of which, Rikiya, you haven't decided who to pass the position of the head coach to yet!"

That's right!

The head coach of Yamabuki has not yet decided on a candidate.

Ban Lao knew that Rikiya wanted to observe for a while, but the new semester was about to start, and he had to decide as soon as possible.

"There is no way!"

Hearing Ban Lao mention this, Ban Li also sighed and said:"There are not many backboned members among the second-year members, otherwise I would not have not yet elected the next director!"

"Having said that, you have to pick one, right?"

"We can't keep dragging it on like this!"

As the coach of Yamabuki, he was very clear about the old man Banriye was talking about. He also knew that there was no one among the second-year members who could take up the responsibility of Yamabuki.

But the position of the captain must be elected. Otherwise, there would be no leader, which would affect the cohesion of the team.

Although their Yamabuki Junior High School was not a dragon, even so, they had to elect a captain.

"I know this, but I still want to observe it. After all, the position of Minister is very important, and I don't want to pass it on casually!"

Ban Li is also a very steady person, especially when it comes to selecting the next Minister.

In addition, Yamabuki is in a period of time when there is a lack of successors, so he is even more cautious in selecting the next Minister.

"All right!"

Ban Lao also knew Ban Liye's character, so he didn't say anything more.

Just like that, the atmosphere became quiet for a while.

However, this atmosphere did not last too long and was broken. Ban Liye suddenly said:"Actually, Ban Lao, the reason why I haven't delayed selecting the next minister candidate is because I want to see what this year's freshmen are like!"

"New student?"

The old general looked at Ban Liye.


Banri nodded and said,"Although the president of our Yamabuki Junior High School has always been a third-year member, I want to change it this year. The main reason is that there is no one among the second-year members that I really like, so I want to see the situation of the freshmen this year."

"If there are outstanding freshmen, that is not impossible!"

Ban Lao understood what Ban Liye meant. Ban Liye also wanted to say that if there are freshmen who are better than the seniors, the position of director can be passed to him.

Immediately, he also smiled and said,"So that's why!"

Ban Lao is not as rigid as the coaches of other schools. He is very open-minded, so after Ban Liye proposed this matter, he did not object at the first time.


The original novel didn't mention the captain of Yamabuki during this period, so Syaoran chose a more suitable one based on the character of the original novel.

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