"So that's why!"

In front of the window, Ban Lao smiled at Ban Liye.

Then, thinking of Ban Liye's character, he also said:"But with your character, Liye, you actually have this idea, which surprises me!"

As mentioned before, Ban Lao is a very open-minded person, so he is not so rigid about many things.

Similarly, in selecting the next minister, he also thinks that if there is a good candidate among the freshmen, he can give it a try.

But he also knows Ban Liye's character. After all, he has watched Ban Liye grow up in this way for three years in junior high school.

Act steadily.

Rarely act rashly.

And the position of minister, according to Ban Liye's character, should be considered carefully.

After all, the position of minister requires not only strong strength, but also a calm personality. Even if there are strong candidates among the freshmen, if they are unstable... It is not okay to be too serious and have a small pattern. This is also not acceptable.

It is the same with Banriye. Although his strength is not the strongest among Yamabuki, Date Mano is stronger than Banriye.

The position of minister was still passed to Banriye instead of Date Mano because Banriye has a calmer personality than Date Mano.

But in the selection of the next minister this year, Banriye actually wanted to see if there is a suitable candidate among the new students, which surprised Ban Lao.

In his opinion, with Banriye's calm personality, he should not have such an idea.

Banriye knew that Ban Lao would ask this, and he also said:"There are exceptions to everything, right? And it is not good to always stick to the rules for some things!"

"Isn’t this the case with Makunoteng Junior High School in Hyogo? The invincible Byodoin Phoenix became the president in the first grade and led Makunoteng Junior High School all the way to the top of junior high school!"

"Who could have thought of this!"

"But that's the Phoenix of Byodoin!"

Ban Lao said.

He naturally knew Byodoin. It should be said that there is no one in the junior high school who doesn't know Byodoin.

He took over the Makuzhiteng tennis club from the first grade and led Makuzhiteng all the way.

Although he didn't win the national championship in the first grade, he sat firmly on the throne of the national champion in the next two years.

But that's the Phoenix of Byodoin.

The strongest in the junior high school.

His talent makes many professional players ashamed. It is undoubtedly difficult for them Yamabuki to have such an outstanding little guy like Byodoin Phoenix.

Not to mention them Yamabuki, this year Japan's other In his school, Ban Lao felt that there would not be a person as talented and strong as Byodoin Phoenix.

You know, in the first grade, Byodoin's strength reached the national level, and it was even a strong existence in the national level.

Although there are also good students among the elementary school students who graduated this year.

For example, Tezuka Kunimitsu from Tokyo is very strong. It is said that he has the strength to rival the national players.

But in his opinion, he is still inferior to Byodoin Phoenix.

However, Ban Liye's answer surprised Ban Lao a little. He saw that the other party showed a sharp look and said:"Ban Lao, you are right! That is Byodoin, but who can guarantee that there will not be such a person in our Yamabuki!"

"Although the probability of this happening is very small, what if it happens? What if it happens?"


Ban Liye's words also made Ban Lao a little speechless.

As for Ban Liye, he continued:"Actually, I also know that this is a luxury, but I still want to see the strength of this year's freshmen. After all, there is really no one in the tennis club who can take on the responsibility of Yamabuki now!"

Hearing this, Ban Lao also nodded. If it was because of the latter, he would agree. As Yamabuki's coach, Ban Lao naturally saw that there were no outstanding candidates in the tennis club at the moment.

Maybe there are good ones.

But it is difficult to take on the responsibility of Yamabuki.

So, after thinking about it, Ban Lao also said:"Then let's wait and see when the new school year starts!"

For the next director, Ban Lao's heart is more inclined to the second-year member who is about to enter the third year.

It's not that Ban Lao is rigid and sticks to the rules.

It's that he has been the coach of Yamabuki for so many years and has seen too many people.

Compared with freshmen, third-year members will be much more stable, and at the same time, they are more sophisticated in their style of doing things. It is undoubtedly safer to let third-year members be directors.

But this time, hearing that Banli also wanted to see if there was anyone who could be the head coach among the new students, Banlao was also aroused some interest.

Although in his opinion, it was difficult for the new students of Yamabuki this year to have someone who was better than the older generation of members.

But if there was, it would not be impossible.

Thinking of this, Banlao also said in his heart

"I hope there will be such people among this year’s freshmen!"


Time passed like water, and the new school year was getting closer and closer. Many elementary school graduates began to prepare for junior high school.


This is a county in the Kanto region.

Although it is not large in area, it is quite famous.

It is not because Kanagawa's economy is so good, on the contrary, Kanagawa's economy is not ideal.

The reason why it is so famous is because of a junior high school in the Kanagawa region.

Rikkai University Affiliated Junior High School.

For thirteen consecutive years, Rikkai University has been on the championship throne of the Kanto Tournament.

A well-deserved Kanto giant.

Also because of Rikkai University's unshakable position as the overlord of the Kanto region, many people who like to play tennis and want to make a big splash in tennis choose to enter Rikkai University.

The same is true for Yukimura and Sanada.

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