Kaiden took Gideon back to the Caduceus Wing. And as Kaiden expected, some of the nurses were avoiding eye contact with the two of them. He grinned in confidence because of how proud he was of himself. Earlier while he was waiting for the phone charger, he thought that he would pay a visit to the Caduceus Wing for "surprise inspection".

"I still can't believe the Gideon that the prince would curse out was just a tiny kid" said Nurse A. She was the nurse who "guided" Gideon last night.

"Really? I imagined him to be close around the prince's height" said Nurse B. He was the one who is in charge of reporting anything related to Gideon directly to the prince. By asking this, it meant that he didn't watch over him.

"I mean they did separate when they were kids" Nurse C was a half-human half-angel androgynous person. They were the one in charge of feeding Gideon. It looked like they didn't hold any bias and rather just wanted to do their job properly.

"You're right. I also wonder why his highness allowed him to stay here. Like... I thought you hated his guts or something?" Nurse B states as he sips his cup of coffee.

"Well, he is half-succubus and half-whatever... He probably used his abilities." Nurse A was a half-angel and half-demon who did not manage to awaken her demon blood. So you can say that she's a regular ol' human.

"I just found out about the Half-succubus thing... wow" Nurse B was just in shock at how hot the tea was.

"I would suggest that we should just go back to work"

Nurse C cleans up their mess and walked away. They remembered that the prince warned them to treat Gideon nicely. Even if they didn't like the kid, they'll just follow orders and keep their mouth shut. And besides, after interacting with Gideon they could say he was not at all bad. He was just awkward and a bit lost but that's expected since he's in the castle filled with people who dislike or hate him. When they stepped out of the breakroom, they saw Prince Kaiden leaning next to the doorway.

It seems like the prince had been eavesdropping on them.

They pretended to not see anything and continued to walk. They knew that the prince would let them go since they did their job and did not say anything.

"They're such a wet rag... But tell me, more" Nurse B tugged on Nurse A's sleeve.

"Well it was in his records and how else would he still be here? He definitely charmed the prince and even dared to use the prince's name casually"

Nurse B gasped and blurted out "That's so shameless!"

"What's shameless is the fact you two took my words lightly and even started to gossip" Kaiden walked into the room and the two suddenly went quiet. Whether it was due to the fact that they got caught or Kaiden's powers were suppressing them, the fact remains that they are now lowering themselves.

"M-My prince, we did not expect you to be here" Nurse B stuttered out and he received a slap from Kaiden. The prince didn't even infuse any of his power, it was just a regular slap and yet Nurse B's face was already bruised. Nurse B did not dare to look at the prince and held his cheek.

"Hmmm? Just because you did not expect me to be here, you can now talk shit about Gideon?" Kaiden grabbed Nurse B's race roughly and made him look at him.

"No, I didn't mean tha-" Nurse B's face was white as a sheet. His mouth was bleeding and it seemed like something dropped to the ground near Nurse A. She looked at it and she was close to peeing herself in fear.

Kaiden had cut off his tongue.

"I was thinking of taking your hearing since it seemed like you love to hear about gossip. But you were too noisy and I accidentally cut your tongue instead" Kaiden pretended to coax him like a child.

'This was an accident?' Nurse B thought. How fucked up are you to call that an accident?!

"Just take this as your warning and never show up in front of me or Gideon. Got it?" Kaiden smiled and Nurse B nodded before running off. Even though he had lost his tongue and his job, he was still alive and that was enough.

"Now what about you" Kaiden turned to Nurse A who was still shaking in fear and avoiding eye contact.

"What cat got your tongue?" Kaiden grabbed her face and forced open her mouth.

"Weird, you have your tongue and I could have sworn you were talking about how Gideon used a charm on me. Explain to me more clearly, how much of a Vixen the person I tasked you to take care of."

"Have mercy" Nurse A began crying and Kaiden lets go of her face.

"Mercy? How can you still have the fucking audacity to beg for that? ah well, let's say I'll let this incident slide" Kaiden smiled like an angel. And before Nurse A could recover and say her thanks, he immediately follows his statement with another question.

"But what should I do when you tried to freeze him to death last night as well as trick him into going to my father's study?"

Nurse A lowered her head to the ground and continued to cry while "apologizing" and begging for mercy. 

Kaiden kicked her to the side and shook his head.

"Why are you apologizing to me? shouldn't you be apologizing to Deon"

Nurse A spat out blood. She continued to grovel and instead of "My prince forgive me, please have mercy" it was "I'm sorry sir Gideon" 

"It's amazing how you can see a person's true colors when they're on the verge of death" Kaiden squatted down and looked at her dead in the eyes.

"Not one bit of what you said was genuine right from the beginning. You already messed up the moment you made him uncomfortable and I warned you" With a smile and a hand gesture, the once white breakroom got painted with red flowers.

He did not have any dogs but he knew Kassandra did.

He called for the other nurses and they saw the scene. They all lose color in their faces as Kaiden asks them to grab her head and feed it to Kassandra's Dogs.




"What's so funny?" Gideon asks Kaiden who suddenly just laughed a little.

"I just remembered something"

"What was it?" 

"That time when you tried to make a snowman but the snowman fell on you instead"

"w-what?! that was years ago!" Gideon smacked Kaiden. How could he still remember that?

"well, it was really funny. I look forward to making another one with you" Kaiden smiled at Gideon.

It might be due to the cold weather that he felt warm all of the sudden.

"Then... once the snow is thick enough" Gideon shyly states.

"So it's a date?" Kaiden leans closer to Gideon and the latter suddenly panicked hearing the word "Date"

"WHAT DATE?! DATE YOURSELF!" Gideon smacked Kaiden again. Kaiden just accepted all of it and even joked that Gideon can be executed by harming him. Thanks to that, he suddenly stopped.

The two of them reached the area where the injured are currently residing. Since Stephen was only a spouse of Theodora, he could only be in the general ward rather than the private ones where Gideon stayed.

"There's a lot of injured here..." Gideon blurted out

"Yeah and they're just going to keep increasing especially when Kassandra called for a retreat"

"Wait does that mean Aunt Theo is returning?" Gideon suddenly whipped his head towards Kaiden and the latter nodded.

"It wouldn't make sense for them to continue staying there until they die. Damien is taking over the mission instead"

Kaiden and Gideon stopped in front of a covered-up area. Kaiden pulled the curtain away and inside there laid Stephen who is still unconscious. He spoke to one of the nearby nurses to ask about any improvement but sadly there were none.

Stephen only had one arm and his chest had bandages wrapped around. He was also hooked to a life support machine and while looking around Gideon noticed that there was a barrier around Stephen.

"Kassandra put that up"


"To prevent anyone from harming him further as well as to protect the array she made underneath him. That and that machine that humans mostly used are the only things keeping him alive."

"Then... I can't even hold his hand?" Gideon was tearing up again. Stephen didn't look like he was in any pain at all. It just goes to show that Kassandra did her best.

"I'm sorry Gideon" Kaiden offered Gideon some tissues and Gideon accepted them.

"I also tried to heal him but it seems like there's something missing and I can't fully help him. If I force it then I might hurt either myself, Stephen, or the both of us" Kaiden began to explain some parts he didn't bring up earlier since it all happened when Gideon was unconscious.

Since Gideon could not hold Stephen's hand, he held Kaiden's instead.

"I don't blame you Kaiden, I just want to thank you for being here with me"

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