I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 101 - The Plot Becomes More Complex

Unfortunately, the plot had been thrown away. Everything was now a mess and everything related to himself at the center.

"It's not like there aren't other demons out there…" Azarphy consoled as he read some of Emery's thoughts.

Of course, Azarphy didn't understand the logic of the so-called "golden finger" (the hero's power) or that it would be MC or ML, but he didn't think it was that serious. He means, there's an abbey demon portal, so Giovanni could get another random demon if he wanted.

Azarphy didn't understand why Emery insisted on getting Giovanni to contract with a demon, he thought the human liked Giovanni, so why did he want Giovanni to sell his soul?

Emery ignored Azarphy's comment for a moment, after all, what a local would know about the suffering of a transmigrant... Well, the sadness and lethargy only lasted a few more minutes.

"Arabeth can't contract with other people?" asked Emery with some hope.

"Before you sated Arabeth with your demonic energy when you guys had sex… It was possible, but now you've marked Arabeth. This demon cannot have two masters. The bond he had with the other human has been suppressed, as the Infernal Obsidian Stone that was used in the contract is of the highest quality."

Azarphy went back to explain in a few more details, which made Emery fall silent again. What else could he say?

"This was the stuff you wanted to tell me yesterday?" Emery asked with an aching heart. He meant the Infernal Obsidian Stone.

"Yes, but you said you didn't want to know," Azarphy said indifferently. It wasn't his fault, but the human didn't seem very interested yesterday.

"Argh!" Emery moaned tiredly. What was he going to do now?

Arabeth shifted on the bed awakening Emery's dark thoughts, he could only sigh, what had already happened couldn't be changed. Now he would have to think of something else.

"Let's go back to the bedroom as soon as Arabeth wakes up," Emery muttered, wondering whether or not he should tell Giovanni about all this.

He had some suspicions in his heart about Giovanni, but stealing the ML from the original novel was too serious for him to be feared by his suspicions about Giovanni's dubious behavior.

"I have a few more things to say to you…" Azarphy then started talking about what was happening outside while Emery had passed out after helping Arabeth to recover.

"Are you saying that right now there is a war between angels and demons?" Emery asked dumbfounded. Forget about ending the original plot, the world had gone mad and a dangerous and seemingly invisible war was raging alongside him.

Is it his fault that he destroyed the original plot that this happened?

"Not necessarily, I haven't felt any angels around and the demons in the abbey aren't too strong to be considered a threat, with the exception of Arabeth. However, the spirit of light is said to have seen a warrior angel hunting demons"

"What does that mean?" Emery asked confused, he didn't understand why an angel was hunting demons randomly.

"We angels gain more power with the more core of demons we can absorb before returning the core to hell for the demon's rebirth"

"This... Do you devour demonic energy to increase your powers?" Emery asked dumbfounded. This was new information, even in the original Bishop Darcy's memoirs, there was no such information.

"Well, that's only known to our species. Demons can devour Mana and the mind power of mortals, we can absorb the demonic energy that is the refinement of this mana and the mind power that demons feed on." Azarphy said as if was nothing special.

"Do all angels do this?"

"Only the weakest. When it reaches Archon level we can feed ourselves by the sacred laws of the world. In case you ask an Archangel is superior there is an Archon, so I don't need to absorb demonic energy, on the other hand, demonic energy has no negative effect on me"

Azarphy explained finding Emery's glimmer of curiosity funny, he expected fear or disgust from the human, after all, the church had a purity belief about angels, but seeing those curious eyes, he felt something stir inside him.

"So angels can hunt demons freely?" Emery asked a little fearfully for Bao and Arabeth.

"Don't worry, with me around which angel will approach you and the others?" Azarphy, who was supposed to keep cool and distant, was suddenly comforting the weak and strange human. Being very territorial, as if he were going to let the interesting human attract more birds and butterflies.

He would crush them all if they dared cross the line!

"Is it normal for angels to come to the human world to hunt demons?" Emery insisted on this point, as this was all weird.

"Not exactly, mind you, there is a reason for angels to contract with humans like the Celestial Summoners, since it is an assumption that these Summoners are hunting and eliminating evil, that the church of light has established to be demons, which can strengthen the summoned angel"

"The church of light established... You speak as if other beliefs don't do the same..." Emery was confused, as many Earth religions condemned demons, which took many forms.

"Each religion fights something, the Church of Light fights demons, for example, there is a church that believes that angels are the cursed beings or that spirits are the evil ones that must be eliminated" Azarphy explained with some sarcasm in his voice.

The human dimension beings were totally deceived by the gods to hunt and strengthen their soldiers in the name of fighting a great evil, there was no way Azarphy could not look down on the human dimension beings, they were too silly and easily controlled.

"So, angels don't fight demons, they devour demons?" Emery asked feeling cheated for having such a silly belief about good and evil.

"Yes, something on that level. You asked if it was normal for a random angel to hunt demons... Without a Celestial Summoner, no, that's not normal. There are rules that we have to follow and humans also have to follow some rules. One of them is not to open any dimensional gate, as it could get out of hand and break our truce contract... In addition to causing an imbalance in the human world"

"So... If we open a portal to hell we're breaking the rules and then the angels can hunt without being guilty?" Emery asked suspicious of these rules and the coincidence between a portal to hell opening and the angels hunting the little demons freely.

"It's not that simple, after all, one thing has nothing to do with the other. The rules for humans must not interfere with keeping the rules for us. The biggest problem is me…" Azarphy explained in a few words that he did not feel the presence of these angels and their distrust of some human in possession of a divine item to cover up this illegal hunting of demons.

"But what about the Lord of Plagues? Is this because of what I asked Bao?" Emery was a little anxious and guilty about all the fuss.

"Lord of Plagues only used your childish attack to cover up demonic possessions and plunder more powerful souls, but he was already strengthened and ready since the success of the pandemic that claimed many lives and contaminated many souls, he is at the height of power now Azarphy unwittingly had a softer tone as he spoke, as if he wanted to console the human fool who thought he was guilty of possessions and dangerous demons prowling the once sacred ground.

"But what does he want to plunder souls for?" Emery was confused, as the Plague Lord must have been powerful as a result of the pandemic.

"He must be feeding a higher-level demonic relic with souls more powerful than the common people he's claimed the lives of," Azarphy said explaining the low-level demonic relic they found in the possession of a corrupt Holy Knight.

"Naill has one of the keys to opening a portal to paradise… Azarphy, I'm thinking this is connecting to a bigger and more dangerous plan, I just can't imagine what the purpose of it all is. Those investigators from the church in the capital... Does any of them have one of the keys?" Emery asked and exposed his suspicions.

He realized that his and Bao's prank had been used to create a bigger mess and that reinforcements would have to be called from the capital.

"I was thinking something similar, except for the investigators who were originally coming to investigate the death of that old priest. A new unit of Holy Knights has been added to help organize the abbey. They may have the key or just serve as a meal for the demonic relic of the Lord of Plagues."

"Old Father... Father Lattanzio, his death was unusual, even in the original plot his death was under suspicion, but it was suppressed by the powers of Abbey Matteo, who didn't want a suicide priest scandal" Emery muttered to himself indeed, his mind was in chaos, but little by little things were getting organized in his mind.

"The demon portal was already open to small demons... And the circle that allowed Arabeth to pass through the demon portal without major hindrance was completed by Giovanni indirectly... So..."

"The old priest's eyes were gouged out and he died smiling, which could indicate he was drugged... Depending on the drug, it may leave the corpse a different color after a few days of death." Azarphy helped Emery complement his thoughts.

"Could the eyes be some kind of key? Or was it the work of the Lord of Plagues?" Emery again speculated some more.

"However, if the cause of death is poisoning then it could be human work, but this human could be a priest of the Lord of the Plagues or someone even more dangerous and who is hiding who wants a key to the portal of paradise" Azarphy also entered the speculative mode.

"But we don't know if it's a gate key to paradise... I think we should look at Father Lattanzio's body to check the fact of the poisoning... The worst thing will be to meet the priest's eyes"

"And we should check the key that Naill has. That way we will be able to know what the key is... If it is an item or is it part of a body, as we suspect in the case of the old priest"

"Ah, the plot is more difficult!" Emery grumbled when he was forced to work detective to figure out how the new plot would develop.

Azarphy for some reason had hidden about the mysterious item that was in Giovanni's hands and about the strong performance in magic that he had been fighting against people with demonic possessions.

If you asked why Azarphy would reply that he would be probing Giovanni and what his purpose is in hiding Emery's power.

He was also curious if Emery would realize on his own what Giovanni was keeping from him.

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