I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 102 - The Strength Of The Plot

While Emery waits for Arabeth to come to consciousness, in the late Father Sarami's room, the place where the fireplace stood as the new portal to hell in Matteo Abbey. At this moment the fireplace starts to burn by itself, with a strange green fire.

A misshapen figure comes out of the green fire, he looked like the legendary Qilins only he was walking on two legs. An ominous vibe resonated in the room making the sparse furniture shake.

"I lost 30% of my powers just entering the human dimension" the Qilin muttered in displeasure, he moved his strong shoulders as if he felt some weight on his body that made him uncomfortable.

"If I turn human, should I lose another 40% of my powers?" The Qilin thought for a moment, but then discarded the idea, he wouldn't change into human form anyway.

Humans or human-sized beings were all weak little insects, he as a Grand Marquis serving the Envy Emperor would not want to assume a weak and feeble form.

The great marquis looked around and was a little surprised at the location of the new portal to hell, after all, it wasn't every day that a portal to hell would be located in an Abbey of the god of Light.

On the other hand, Arabeth who was previously sleeping gets up with a strange feeling. He could feel a great power resonate beneath the Duke of Hell, but it was stronger than he.

Arabeth was a Marquis, but there was the Grand Marqueses above him and then the Dukes. However, crossing to the human dimension would drastically diminish a demon's powers, as the human dimension suppressed the foreign races.

Demons above Dukes should not pass through the portal, as the human dimension begins a process of rejection from foreign races, which causes great harm to the soul.

Marquises like Arabeth would lose 20% of their strength when entering the human dimension and another 20% if they took the form of a local race. Of course, by taking the form of a local race, the demon would also feel less suppression and could defend itself from sacred energy or natural energy, which were harmful or nearly fatal to demons, so they would take less damage.

That's why the wars between angels and demons can only happen in the human dimension, so they would have "equality" at the time of battle.

For the Grand Marqueses, the penalty was increased and they could only exert 30% strength, whereas the Dukes only exerted 20% strength. Of course, even with these percentages of strength these demons could obliterate a small town or throw a large imperial capital into chaos.

"Arabeth?" Emery's voice woke Arabeth from his thoughts. Of course, his skin was standing on end, signaling that there was a very dangerous being now in the Abbey.

"Hehe, a great marquis dares to spread his energy so blatantly" Azarphy laughs in a sarcastic way. He thought the demons were getting bolder and bolder. Azarphy's sacred energy glowed and gently covered Emery's body, making the human feel more comfortable.

"What did you say? A Marquis?" Emery asked incredulously and was shocked.

Wasn't it too much of a coincidence that he and Azarphy were talking about more demons from the Hellgate and that Giovanni could choose any one of them, then suddenly a marquis appears in the next few minutes?

"It's not a Marquis. It is a Grand Marquis, they are superior to the Marqueses as they command a greater legion of demons" said Azarphy with indifference. In the eyes of a big BOSS like Azarphy, he didn't care for small fish that were below the Demon Emperors.

Emery was once again surprised and after a short while, he sighed in resignation, feeling a huge weight on his back.

The plot had managed to bring another powerful demon into this world, eventually, that demon would form bonds with Giovanni. Even though this could be a coincidence, Emery didn't think so.

They were still within the week when Giovanni would be beaten and bound to a powerful demon. Wasn't it too much of a coincidence that Emery had become master of Arabeth (Marquis) and sometime later a Grand Marquis would emerge to cover the ML's absence?

Also, in the original plot, there was no great marquis, but now something like that has come out of nowhere.

"Oh, from your expression, do you seem to know something, Arabeth?" Azarphy's voice sounded a little amused.

Emery glanced at Arabeth who didn't look cocky as usual but looked rather disgusted and with a look of disgust.

"This is Forneus, he is the Grand Marquis who serves the Emperor Envy," Arabeth said in a detached way, which showed that their relationship was quite bad.

"Oh, as I recall, the Emperor of Lust and the Emperor of Envy are mortal enemies," Azarphy commented very lightly, earning a sharp look from Arabeth.

Emery was curious, so Azarphy explained to him some of the rivalries within hell. Hellish emperors had their own territories and a well-established hierarchy, of course, that emperors could fight for more land or more enslaved souls.

"Anyway, Satan favors Emperor Lust much more, which makes Emperor Envy with a lot of resentment. Therefore, the followers and descendants of Emperor Envy always get into a fight with the followers and descendants of Emperor Lust. They compete in everything from strength rankings to the number of souls captured from other worlds"

"Forneus and I are from the same year of birth. We were always compared. My father is Emperor Lust, but Forneus is just the son of a follower of Emperor Envy. By very radical means, Forneus became a Great Demon, and doing external work for Emperor Envy he got the title of Grand Marquis, but his fighting power is still inferior to mine. Only he has more soldiers on his hands," Arabeth said grimly as she glanced at Emery.

Arabeth briefly explained that the powers of the nobles also depended on their followers, knights, soldiers, and mages, all very similar to some human hierarchies. The greater the military power of a demon, the greater its own status.

"Even having an army bigger than his, is Forneus still weaker in a single battle?" Emery asked curiously. In his heart of hearts, he knew Arabeth had to be stronger, after all, he was the ML of a Dark BL world; he couldn't be weak.

"There's still a big difference between being the son of a Demon Emperor and just being a follower," Azarphy said with a bit of sarcasm. Arabeth can only nod in confirmation.

"So what did this big demon come here for?" Emery questioned Arabeth.

"How will I know? He could have come to do anything…" Arabeth began to say sullenly.

"The important thing is to know if he came on his own or at the behest of the Emperor Envy." Azarphy interrupted Arabeth, returning to the main question.

"As long as he doesn't interfere with us, I don't think we need to pay attention to him," Emery said after a little thought. He was not a good person, despite having helped Giovanni. He was still weak and ignorant, how was he going to face a Grand Marquis?

Besides, if this Forneus had come with a quest from the demon emperor, Emery didn't want to get involved in anything even more complicated. The plot that seemed to want to force him and Giovanni to remain imprisoned at the Abbey Matteo until the end of the seven days was enough.

Of course, there is the possibility that Forneus will join Giovanni, but when the time came, Emery would act accordingly.

"That's nice. I would have been worried if you wanted to mess with this demon. You already have a little dog and now a little cat, you don't need more," Azarphy said full of sarcasm, but his tone was like he was enjoying himself.

Emery thought anything was fun for this big BOSS, as long as someone was unhappy. In that case, Arabeth was the unfortunate person in the round.

"Human, are you really going to explain Arabeth to that person?" Azarphy asked after seeing Arabeth putting on some of Emery's clothes. Now that Arabeth was in human form, he couldn't walk around naked.

"If I don't speak, how am I going to explain Arabeth's existence?"

"I can keep it invisible if that's the problem"

Emery was silent for a moment, considering what Azarphy had said, before nodding, only to look at Arabeth.

"What do you think? I don't want to explain anything to Giovanni yet. I feel there is something odd about him." Emery made his opinion and distrust of the young novice very clear.

"What do you suspect?" Arabeth asked curiously.

"Even if I said you might not believe me. Besides, it's nothing too serious. If that's what I'm thinking, then I don't have to worry about this Forneus guy or the path Giovanni chooses for himself, but..."

Emery stopped talking, he didn't want to talk too much about it either.. He thought that if that was the hypothesis he thought, then he wouldn't have to worry about the Great Demon Marquis or the plot.

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