I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 112 - Nightmares For Someone And End Of Nightmares For Another (R-18)

(TRIGGER, Scenes contain a description of rape, caution is advised when reading)

Rutger could even run, but wearing a priest's cassock it was impossible to run without falling, this would be a silly action, so he can only walk as fast as he can in an escape gait. Unfortunately for the priest, Knight Mulder quickly caught up with the man.

Things happened too fast, as there was no one in the hallway, Rutger was restrained by Levi. The knight covered the priest's mouth and dragged him into an open storage room. A room for depositing chairs and study tables that were used in classrooms. Only after closing the door and placing chairs and tables to prevent others from entering did he release Rutger, who was fighting bravely, but being a thin and weak priest, how could he escape the muscular arms of a knight?

Levi Mulder had a big smile and a hot gaze glowing with wickedness, making the priest shudder at this large and dangerous predator.

Before long Rutger's clothes were on the floor he was forced to take off under the threat of the holy knight's sword, he was naked and in a humiliating position on Levi's lap. But the dagger the knight held close to his neck kept him from pulling away. The hands were bound by a rope that cut into his pale skin and reminded him of the current situation of submission he would have to go through at that moment.

He felt the thick stick of meat rubbing against his entrances, it was disgusting and Rutger felt his stomach churn..

"I learned new tricks" Levi Mulder whispered in Rutger's ear, he had some kind of essential oil in his hand he smeared his fingers and went to dig the priest's chrysanthemum.

Even learning new tricks that would make it easier for him to enter, which would be more comfortable for Levi himself, he just stuck one finger in, moving uncomfortably until he felt the opening widen a little.

"I hate you! Damn you!" Rutger said in a low voice, wanting to bite that bastard to death, unfortunately, he didn't want to get outsiders' attention, he didn't want to get caught in this kind of humiliating position so he can only grumble.

Feeling Levi's finger brushing inside him, in addition to discomfort, he felt the strong humiliation of going through this again. When he was younger he begged and no one listened or cared, after a while, he was just afraid of getting caught and further humiliated by others and being called a servant of the devil for practicing sodomy, even if it was against his will.

Levi was impatient and wanted to bury himself in Rutger and I felt that wonderful pleasure of dominance, so having sex with men was more exciting and challenging because he liked to humiliate the other party and make them match famous brothel whores with loud moans, but less theatrical and make men lose their pride.

What followed were Rutger's moaning sounds of pain, pleasure, and hate, as Levi wasn't too careful entering and becoming more violent, the priest's white body was all scarred with bites, hand, and nails, each piece of skin had purple, red bruises, and painful bite marks.

When it was all over, Rutger was slumped in a chair, he had scraped knees, bruised hands, and weak legs because Levi had him on all fours on the stone floor. He was so violent that Rutger cried and begged for something he swore he would never do again, but he couldn't take it anymore he felt he was hurt in his inner parts, so he could only beg and humiliate himself, there was no longer the Priest's pride Exorcist, just a man who looked like a wounded animal.

Unfortunately for Rutger, Levi didn't care because he was immersed in his own pleasure, and seeing Rutger's pain was part of his pleasure. There were bruises on Rutger's back from when the knight had thrown him into the stone wall and raped him there too with force and violence.

The body of a frail priest could not be able to carry that much, especially if the other person is a strong and well-trained knight. Rutger was struggling just to breathe, he felt he had been beaten up and that he was going to die.

"Take this" Levi Mulder already dressed and with a look full of satisfaction pulled out a small blue vial and took it to Rutger's mouth. The priest still tried to fight, but Levi grabbed his blond hair and pulled it back, so Rutger drank the liquid and nearly choked.

"This liquid will help heal you," Levi Mulder said, watching Rutger's startled gaze.

"And what else? It can't just be that... A bastard like you can't be good to anyone!"

"You're absolutely right. This is a poison, which has the action of healing wounds at the cost of the individual's vitality. You will heal from minor wounds so it won't affect you much, of course, the other effect of the poison is heated like your skin is on fire starting from the inside out until the brain dies. Of course, I have an antidote that's even more interesting than poison, do you want to know about that?"

Rutger's face grew even paler and the look of hatred seemed more intense, only to end up with despair. He could already imagine that the antidote would cost more than his pride, he would be this hateful knight's newest sex toy sacred.

Levi Mulder smiled meaningfully, he had gotten his favorite toy back, he was in such a good mood, he had even forgotten about Bishop Darcy. After all, touching Bishop Darcy was very high risk and he didn't know if it would be satisfying or not in the end, plus he couldn't kill the Bishop without heavy retaliation and likely death.

Meanwhile, Rutger was always his favorite and was also easier to control, especially now because of the poison. The priest was in the palm of his hand and would be obedient, Levi's vile smile looked even bigger.

Rutger's hell was just beginning.

On the other hand, Mattias Basile was in the garden looking around and acting nervously, he walked cautiously to the hut where several items were placed that he had nowhere to discard, but which would be dangerous for common people to get their hands on.

Of course, most were considered heretical books like books by budding alchemists and about necromancers, there were also strange items brought from the priests' travels abroad, but they seemed profane by some older priests and ended up molding in the hut.

The novice knocked on the wooden door lightly and took the key which made his attitude a little awkward.

"It's me" he spoke against the door before fitting the key into the door. He held a cloth bag that had food in one hand and slung a bag with a spare garment of his around his wrist.

He opened the door and found a pair of iris green eyes gleaming like precious emeralds lit by dim lighting items, even cheaper and uglier than those used daily in the abbey.

"Sir…" the soft, gentle voice started only to be interrupted.

"I've already told you to call me Mattias, I'm not a lord, but a novice. It's bad you call me that, Bryan"

Mattias said softly closing the door letting the environment return to semi-darkness, just like that the dark elf with pink hair came out into the light, his body was bandaged and he walked a little limping.

When he and the other novices were looking for the missing persons in the garden, Mattias found the black-skinned elf passed out on the ground, he was surprised and his first thought was to call the superior to notify the intruder, but the elf woke up at that moment and he looked terrified.

Mattias wasn't sure what went through his mind when he decided to hide the elf in the hut they all had forgotten, but as they all gathered for lunch, he bandaged the elf, who trembled slightly at every touch and his eyes showed constant alertness.

The young novice didn't even know if the name presented to him was true, but he didn't care too much, he just wanted the elf to heal and leave before the superiors found him and created more problems for himself.

Classes were suspended and the novices were still cleaning the abbey for the visit of the people of the capital, opening the rooms and cleaning, Mattias' round had already passed and now he was on a break, he boldly went to the kitchen and stole a little food, taking advantage of the fact that everyone in the kitchen was distracted by making dinner.

"Mattias, don't worry about me, I'm leaving soon," Bryan said gratefully but still cautious.

"I'm just bringing you some food and some clothes... Which is better than the rags your clothes have turned into" Mattias said shrugging like it was no big deal. He didn't dare ask about what had happened to the elf before he arrived at the abbey, it could bring more confusion.

Bryan looked at the rags that only covered his private parts and felt embarrassed, and they reminded him of the terrible situation he had barely escaped.

"Thank you" Bryan ended up saying at the end without having much to say thanks with just rags on his body.

"Okay, eat first. I'll get you a bucket of water so you can wash up and change your bandages again... The clothes aren't very comfortable, but it's warm and you won't feel cold at night."

Mattias said putting the food on the old but clean table and a leather skin of wine, he then left the hut, as Bryan was afraid he would approach, only he knows how difficult it was to put the bandages and the few healing herbs that he managed to dodge the herb garden.

The sun shone down on the milky white cubic stone and a golden glow came over the small object, but as the sun's rays fell on Mattias' eyes, he did not notice the peculiarity of the stone.

He took the bucket and collected some water in the boiler that was used to get hot water for the superior clerics, at this time it was empty and those who were in charge of the fire did not question him to take some water, it would surely be for someone father, soon Mattias was back in the hut with the water already warm.

Mattias was tall for his age and strong, he had a lot of strength and in the future, his path would be a knight, he even managed to fall in the good graces of Knight Giuliani and got a little attention to train.

If all went well, he could be taken by Giuliani to apprentice with him while he graduated as a Paladin, but he remained neutral and didn't bring up the subject so as not to generate envy or discontent from the other novices.

Mattias sighed and opened the door to help Bryan wash and change the bandages. He would pick up food at night since tomorrow everyone would be supervising even more strictly because of the visit from the capital.

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