I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 113 - Thanks And Trying To Understand His Own Body

Returning to Emery's group already back in the bishop's room.

Azarphy told Emery what happened to Father Rutger and Knight Levi, he didn't know how he should react... He felt that the villain's karma came too fast at almost light speed, as the villain's original punishment would only happen 12 years later and at the hands of the MC and ML.

However, it was only four days after he transmigrated and the villain was already severely punished, by a character even more hateful than the villain himself.

Of course, this had nothing to do with Emery and now he was in the bedroom with Giovanni.

"Here it is. These are your documents, I'll keep the transfer documents and you keep your IDs, it will be quite useful for when we travel across the border." Emery said taking out the sealed envelope and handing it to Giovanni, who had round eyes in surprise.

Yani himself was also surprised and slightly moved, after all, since he was expelled from the abbey, he had never seen the documents and objects given to him by the family again. And when Yani had enough power he no longer cared about these trivialities, he already had a new identity as a wizard that made the authorities fear him.

This envelope and these objects represented that his future was finally changing.

"Thank you," Giovanni said in a choked voice. He had seen Yani's memoirs, so he knew how important these documents were. That meant he wouldn't be chased and nearly dead from the abbey this time.

"I'm just doing what I promised," Emery said gently stroking Giovanni's soft, short heads.

Giovanni closed his eyes, seeming to be enjoying the caress, which made Emery's heart melt. He hugged the young man and kissed his forehead.

"Don't be so nice or generous like that, otherwise you'll be taken advantage of," Emery said looking into Giovanni's pale eyes that blinked, seeing the blush spread across his smooth young face like fire in the meadow.

"I'm just like that to you," Giovanni muttered, but Emery didn't hear, as Azarphy was breaking the startling news that the villain had been tangled up with the perverted knight from earlier.

On the one hand, Giovanni was relieved that Bishop Darcy hadn't listened, and at the same time, he felt very anxious as he realized the new feelings of affection he had easily given the man.

The rest of the day was quiet, Emery and Giovanni spent the day reading, luckily in Bishop Darcy's dimensional bag there were several types of books, from rare and complex books to leisure books and travel books, with him there were even some interesting maps.

It should be known that having maps in this world is having power and maps, in general, are rare and expensive, the bigger and more detailed the map the more expensive it is. Typically, travelers who cannot buy maps pay native guides in towns and villages to be taken around and explored.

Finally, Emery could read about the geography and history of this world, he urgently needed to analyze this information and compare it with the original Emery memoirs.

He knew he couldn't depend on the book, after all, the original MC had traveled all over the Kingdom of Dawn before traveling to other countries, meaning it was many years from now, so the book's information about other countries didn't they were reliable.

Of course, there were some other things Emery wanted to look for like researching the abnormality in his body and understanding how the rules for Dantin, Dan, and Soul Gems work, in this case, what would be considered normal and what he could or could not show in the future for others.

To begin with, the history of the Aurore Empire was as long as the existence of the Rising Sun Religion, where Emery is still a Bishop. The Empire had been around for nearly two thousand years, which was pretty surprising. Of course, the empire was once just a strong clan that became an independent city and then became a kingdom, only in the last 500 years has it conquered enough land to be called an empire.

However, when compared to the Draconian Empire in the mountains and the Elven Empire in the forests, the Aurore Empire is just a small rookie, after all, the longevity of draconian and elves was superior to human lives, even if they were powerful mages or knights who could live longer than ordinary humans.

The current imperial family is from the Galahad Family, they have been in power for five generations, that is since the Kingdom of Aurore became the Aurore Empire. The Galahad Family is known for its vast magical power and vital power, in short in the family there are mighty mages and knights.

The current emperor is Emperor Galahad V, who is currently 50 years old and is a Knight of Magic. Knights and Mages have different growth systems, the existence of Knight Magicians was rare and powerful, but in the imperial family of Aurore, they were normal existences. This made the imperial family even more mysterious and powerful, which generated fear in other kingdoms and in the Church of the Rising Sun, this facilitated control over the advancement of religion in the territory and also control at the borders, because it was known that some generals and diplomats were part of this strong imperial family.

People are born with Dantin, Dan, and Soul Gems, but few people can develop one system or another. Development systems were different. The Dantin system focuses on fortifying the body and maintaining vital energy, strengthening bones, muscles, and organs, which makes regeneration and strength supernatural. Dan focuses on the Mana veins and nervous system as it is located in the brain, which makes magicians more sensitive to the environment, as Mana reaches the five senses and even develops the sixth sense of prediction.

The growth systems of a Mage and Knights are different, one focuses on the five senses and nature (water, wind, fire, earth, and thunder) with its variables, the body is strengthened as the Mage interacts with the elements of nature. , unlike the Knight who focuses first on the growth of the body.

Naturally, there is greater and lesser affinity, as a Mage who has an affinity with the wind rarely has an affinity with the earth, a Wind Mage acquires agility ability and makes the body more flexible, whereas an Earth Mage makes the body more robust and strong, in addition, develops high defense skills.

Knights after reaching a certain level they can also acquire elemental powers, in which case incorporate these elements in their weapons and armor, in addition to some special items, a few can control elements with secret techniques.

A Knight Magician is an existence that has a powerful body in every way and can control a specific element of nature as if it were part of his body, as a magician would normally do, so the existence of a Knight Magic is rare and precious.

Soul Gem is very special and studies believe that only priests and witches can correctly develop the Soul Gem. The Soul Gem can be divided into Energies and Elements, the energies are related to the sacred and the demonic; on the other hand, the elements have nothing to do with the elements of nature such as water, fire, earth, air, and thunder, but with the mysterious elements such as Chaos, Death, Time, Space, Life, among other elements that exist in the world, but are not so palpable or easy to prove.

The Healing Energy is different and special as only a few races can have this type of energy, usually the wild people, elves, beastmen, fairies, and beasts. Humans can rarely develop this type of energy unless in the family lineage there is some distant relative related to the people of nature.

As Energy Healing is special there isn't much being explained in the book Emery was reading, just obvious explanations of Energy Healing could restore bones and if very powerful it could help with the growth of new limbs, which Emery doubted.

The book also said that a human can only develop one type of soul gem and nurture that gem for the rest of his life. Soul jewels are generally inherent, meaning it is determined from birth, it is rarely seen that a human possesses more than one soul jewel.

"The Original Emery already had the soul gem of the Healing Energy and already had the Sacred Energy even before entering the clergy," Emery thought, recalling the memories of the original body.

So doesn't that mean the Emery Original was a prodigy that hadn't been seen in centuries?

The book also had some examples of the powerful people who are born with double-souled jewels, often they were elements that complement each other, like Chaos and Death, Life and Sacred, Time and Space. There were some observations and studies that warned that people who were born with death gems and demonic energy were abhorred in human society and hunted.

Already in another older book exalted those who had the soul jewel of the element of death, since they were excellent doctors and could discover diseases and poisons seeking a cure and improving the development of humanity. In this book the noble Necromancers and Alchemists specializing in poisons were spoken of, how they were exalted and loved by humans and other races.

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