I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 167 - [Bonus ]We Aren't Poor Anymore!

A request for help and a warning, I'm doing this little campaign to raise money due to situations of famine and now natural disasters that have been taking place in my country. Thank you very much in advance. Follow the link:



Nadia, Dolores' daughter-in-law, wasn't much of a cook, she was something of a popular waitress in their pub and ended up marrying Carlos because he was an only child who would inherit the bar.

Which was a much better situation than many men in that poor neighborhood, besides, Old Dolores despite being a surly person, always acted like an aunt to Nadia when giving her a job in the pub despite many gossips that women shouldn't work in places like this.

Sure, prostitution was all right, but working as a waitress was pretty outrageous to pub-goers.

However, Emery would eventually discover that this pub was very different from other places in town

Well, after a few pans and scathing looks from Old Dolores, the customers didn't dare comment further on the matter. The two women started talking loudly, and more noise was made in the kitchen, but in some weird way, it seemed very harmonized and lively in there.

"Yes, I was looking at my space item when I suddenly passed out" Naill spoke, showing his simple cloth bag with a thin cord, which if you don't look closely you can't tell it's made of dark gold threads.

Emery breathed a sigh of relief, so they weren't entirely broke.

"How much?"

"A thousand gold coins, I know that's too little, Bishop Darcy... But that's all I was able to get before I was sent to the abbey," Naill said sheepishly and passed the cloth bag to Emery.

Emery: (...)

Author: (...)

Other people: (...)

Louis: So poor! 

Author: (!!!) Q_Q

"I also have some money and some food my uncle sent me," Mattias said after the long awkward silence that fell over the group after Naill's speech.

Emery looked at Mattias and thought he was very brave to speak at that moment, after all, after such a "humble" or clueless speech by Naill, he himself would be ashamed to say that he would have something.

Author: You are rich... Oh, forget it. *Outraged by the rich characters from the novel itself*

Anael just looked at the human and felt curious about what was in his head, even if he wasn't concerned about money because he was a spirit and in his world, the coin was called stars (small stones that gave spiritual power, which value was defined by the power within the small stones), he knew that gold was worth more than silver or copper.

Once a thousand gold coins were a lot of money, Anael looked down at the size of the Central Continent coins that were the size of a baby's fist with the image of a sun and sea waves carved into the refined golden metal.

Yes, the Central Continent had well-developed banks and a strong monetary system. A single coin circulated across the continent is divided into copper, silver, and gold, there were also silver notes and gold notes, the richest had magical notes certified by magicians who were dimensional and tracking specialists who put a special stamp on these notes magic.

In small towns, banks only carried out deposits, payments, transfers, and withdrawals, there was no exchange of currency or exchange. If they came from other countries, it was necessary to go to medium-sized port cities or capitals.

Some Central Continent countries like the Aurore Empire or the Elves Empire had a strong economy and a strong local currency that would generally have a value close to the mainland currency or higher, as is the case with the Aurore Empire, so many people prefer to work in these places and then exchange and send the families in other countries to be sold to the banks there.

Furthermore, Empires were much more developed than kingdoms and had many more jobs, lands, and growth opportunities even in smaller cities.

"Do you also have a space item?" Emery asked curiously, he looked at Mattias' simple outfit.

"A small item, my uncle is a priest in my hometown and won the scholarship once he performed a successful ceremony for some merchants," Mattias said, smiling a little sheepishly.

That ceremony was deemed successful when the merchants returned safely to their town, so Mattias' uncle received the space item and some silver coins.

Mattias' uncle sent copper coins for the space item, luckily from the poor appearance of the cloth bag no one tried to steal from it on the way to delivery and the others looked contemptuously and mockingly at Mattias when he won the bag, they thought he was being deceived by his own uncle.

The cloth bag he took out was made of coarse cloth and a simple hemp rope tied the bag.

"That's good enough, your uncle must be a great priest," Emery said when he saw the embarrassment on Mattias' face. He wanted to avoid embarrassing the young man, he was just surprised how lucky two of the four in the group had lifesaving items at that moment.

"Yes, he is a great priest," Mattias said very proudly only to be embarrassed afterward, as he spoke too loudly because of the excitement of talking about a person he admired.

Mattias had 100 copper coins, warm blankets, pillows, and some native foods that appeared to be wrapped in magic paper that retained their flavour when shipped.

Strangely, no one ate the food when it was sent, well, when you think about the issue of the pandemic... customs were forced to change and no one would dare to eat food in another city and without knowing its origin, no matter how fragrant the food was.

Life should be worth more than a few mouthfuls of delicious food.

"Mattias, let's use your coins first, and then we'll go to the bank and exchange some Naill coins. Then I'll pay you both back." Emery said, holding up both bags, trying to show sincerity to the two young men.

"No problem Bishop Darcy, as long as I can help a little" Mattias said blushing a little, he didn't need assurance from a person as famous and rich as Bishop Darcy.

He was too rich to refuse to pay such a paltry debt.

"If I can help it's alright too," Naill said calmly, he had more items on his body that were worth more than 1000 gold coins, so he was happy to share that money with the group.

Furthermore, he felt indebted to Emery for having healed him when he became ill and for sending the "angel lord" to help him when he was cornered by a holy knight and nearly raped.

A thousand gold coins seemed like too little, so Naill pulled a rather flashy item out of his novice's outfit and gave it to Emery.

"This is a protection talisman, in case anyone tries to harm Bishop Darcy," Naill said a little shyly, he knew that such an item of average quality could not be as much to the taste of the famous and wealthy Bishop Darcy.

Ah, but it was what he could give right now.

Emery: Do you know I'm poor today? Do you want to crush me with your wealth? *Deeply disturbed*

Author: You're Just Poor Today... I prefer not to comment more. *Deeply disturbed too*

The protection talisman was a brooch made of gold in the shape of a butterfly with several small magical stones that were valuable and on the butterfly's body, a "Protection" rune made with black ink that Emery pulling from the memory of the original body could deduce that it was an ink made from the sap of black iron trees.

Dark Iron Trees are widely used to make items such as weapons, blades, shields, magical paint bases, and for refined gears for more modern items such as the steam engine or magical stone engine, and they are cultivated in the Northern Lights Kingdom where Naill was native.

Every gram of wood from those trees would be worth the weight in gold in exports, the Aurore Empire and the Magi Republic were the biggest buyers of such materials of production.

"It doesn't take that much" Emery wanted to refuse the item because he had Anael and his own strength. He wasn't a helpless person, but Naill was very insistent on that.

"Fine, I'll put it on this person here then," Emery said, quickly putting the item on Bryan, who flinched at being touched and looked suspiciously at the much paler human than the two young men standing beside him.

"I don't need..." Bryan tried to protest in a low voice and looked away from the serious and somewhat frightening face of the fire red-haired human.

"Yes, you will. You didn't hear that man earlier say that Dark Elves were unusual in this region, it's possible that someone will target you when we go out... Though I can do a spell to disguise you a little... But I don't know if it would work on elves very well…" Emery started to say before losing himself in his own thoughts and looking curiously at Bryan's pointy ears and pink hair.

The black colour of Bryan's skin wasn't something Emery was surprised by, as he came from the modern world and had seen very dark-skinned people before, but the pink hair and the fact that the young man was an elf made him a little excited.

After all, there was an elf!

Azarphy: (...)

Arabeth: (!!!)

Bao: (???)

Aillil: Hey, I'm a god, and you weren't even too excited about it! *Perplexed*

Author: I know... It's sorrowful... *Consoling others*

A request for help and a warning, I'm doing this little campaign to raise money due to situations of famine and now natural disasters that have been taking place in my country. Thank you very much in advance. Follow the link:


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