I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 168 - Don't Be Nervous Dear Elf!

The truth is that Emery felt too improper in this fantasy world that looked more like a terrible horror film that mixed angels, demons, witches, and corrupt priests... Seeing an elf with pink hair... That was it, an idealized fantasy world.

Azarphy: So it's like this... I'll show you the fantasy plot *taking off his clothes*

Author: (!!!) *blushing*

Emery: Cough... Cough... *turns the novel page and continues the plot*

Bryan looked at that talisman in his hand feeling an imaginary weight, he still tried to say something, but he could only say many "buts" and shyly looked at Mattias who just looked away pretending not to see.

After all, it was for Bryan's own good, Mattias himself also thought Bryan's beauty and different aesthetic would put the elf himself in danger, so it was good to have an item that could save lives.

Mattias worried that being in an unknown place and with no contacts if they lost the elf…well, it would be lost forever, they wouldn't be able to find him later.


"There's no 'but' if you don't accept it will make us all tense and worried, we're already in a tough spot right now." Emery gently brushes aside Bryan's denials.

"But how did a Dark Elf end up with us here? By the way, where is this one?" Naill asked suddenly, looking at Bryan with suspicion, does the dark elf have something related to what happened to them?

"He has nothing to do with the situation right now... He... I... Ah, I helped him when he was injured, and I left him a few days ago in the abandoned cabin to recover from his injuries" Mattias ended up confessing when he saw Bryan's face grow paler and Naill give them a suspicious look.

Mattias said almost everything but what he suspected had happened to Bryan and some things a little embarrassing, even the name of the elf he ended up saying, the last thing he wanted was for Bishop Darcy to also suspect the black elf and himself.

Before Emery could calm things down, old Dolores and Carlos came out with steaming bowls of soups on soft bread, but with a slightly dark crust (which denoted the poor quality of the wheat flour) and a few fruit salad sides and vegetables.

Emery felt spittle trickle down his mouth, luckily the others seemed as focused as he was on the food on the tray.

"This is the special soup here and the salad is with a special sauce of local spices... An old family recipe" old Dolores said with a proud tone in her voice and her breast swollen.

"My mother's food is the best in town, even the Chefs at Plié Restaurants and Inn Horizon cannot compare to my mother... She has already won the city's biennial cooking competition for two years in a row..."

"Enough, Carlos. Let them eat now." Old Dolores interrupted her son's speech, but her smile seemed to say how much she enjoyed the compliment.

"Don't forget about the Autumn Fair competition, mom won with the best meat and best salad dressing, and she should win again soon" Nadia spoke excitedly leaving the kitchen, and she looked very proud of old Dolores.

"Come on, let's not call them and eat," Old Dolores said, shrugging and smiling, still delighted by the compliments.

"Thank you very much, my employee had the money bag, so we'll pay you," Emery said wiping some saliva I would imagine he was due to hunger not so much I would imagine.

He remembered that he hadn't had dinner yesterday.

Ah, what a terrible sin!

"Don't worry about it..." old Dolores said, and didn't know how to call Emery and the others.

"Call me Darcy, this is Bryan, Brother Naill, and Brother Mattias. Bryan is my assistant, but he's a little freaked out by the new surroundings. So, I apologize to you if he seems a bit rude"

Emery said in a polite tone which left Dolores and the others surprised, the nobles were generally rude and arrogant, but this noble is being very polite and kind to them, which was far more unnatural.

"Well, young Master Darcy need not worry about payment. For the local church that helps this neighborhood a lot, it's a pleasure to be able to help the novices now," Old Dolores said, raising her hands as if she were pushing away some bothersome insect.

She ended up calling Emery with the young master Darcy since he was a noble, although he is a polite and good-humored noble it would be better to keep the courtesy, maybe some other noble would see her behavior and cause trouble for her.

Dolores, well, she knew how cruel the nobles could be to humble people like them.

"Well, mom, let's let them eat. We have to cook food for the others who will be coming down soon." Nadia called her mother-in-law and her husband into the kitchen again.

Carlos left the slightly worn-looking skin on the table with the wooden glasses, taking the empty beer glasses to the kitchen.

The wineskin had delicious and sweet wine, but it had an acidity that made Emery's tongue tickle with a pleasure he thought he couldn't get from wine from a world like this.

"It's an excellent food" Naill praised, stroking her belly that turned a little round. It had been a long time since he had tasted such good food, since he fled his older brother's territory.

The others agreed, only Bryan didn't eat the soup which was made of venison, he ate the fruit and vegetable salad, he found the sauce very delicious, even the temple elves didn't make such type of salad dressing.

"Don't elves eat meat?" Emery asked excitedly, after all, there was a simple and cool cliché of a fantasy world, without any apparent complications.

"There in the temple you don't eat meat" Bryan replied automatically without realizing that he was giving important information, only when the eyes of the three humans rounded when looking at him did the young elf realize that he had said things that humans shouldn't know.

"Temple? Are you a priest in the Empire of the Elves?" Emery asked with the shattered illusion of a good, simple elf from a fantasy story.

Emery was already imagining that Bryan was some kind of archer or hunter, after all, in fantasy plots the elf played that role of support or a healer, but looking at the thin, petite body he couldn't be either of those first two professions.

"I… I…" Bryan started to stutter and shiver, he felt he had somehow betrayed his race.

When he was sold, the sellers didn't tell buyers where he came from because buyers would be afraid to buy him because of the repercussions, so they sold him as an elf mestizo.

So, the damn bastard who bought him had no idea he was buying a temple priest from the Elven Empire.

While the buyer was a sick pervert this might not have been a hindrance, but for Bryan, the fact that he hadn't been tortured into confessing the secrets of the Temple of the Elves was the only thing that could have left him sane, the fact that not betraying his race or putting his older brother in danger.

The madman who bought him wasn't interested enough in him in that sense, just his body and the fears his eyes showed at being hurt.

"Calm down, you don't need to say anything else. I just need to know if you have any powers that can help us in the future," Emery said, holding up both hands as if to show he was unarmed.

Bryan looked like he was hyperventilating, his eyes glazed over, and Emery's voice sounded far away.

"Holy shit! Don't die from the heart attack!" Emery said, a little startled by Bryan's reaction.

Mattias promptly rushed to his friend's side, but he became somewhat violent when he felt the contact of the human's hand on his back, the beautiful green eyes turned a strange shade of gold and the power of nature seemed to emerge from the dark elf.

Well, Bryan wasn't dying, but it looked like he was going to end up killing someone.

Emery was lost for an instant at the dark elf's reaction, but then the same mysterious power he'd used earlier manifested itself once again, the power of Bryan's nature that looked like it wanted to hurt Mattias was swallowed up by a power that couldn't be seen with the naked eye.

"Ah, the power of death is always so scary" Anael muttered, feeling a shiver common to all living beings.

Bryan felt himself weaken and looked at Emery with fear and fascination, the power of his nature that had been sealed when he was sold blossomed to his feelings and was then held back by the human in front of him.

The dark elf was sure that until the moment he woke up in that unknown place the seal was still on his body, but now his power was there again.

When waking up in an unknown place, Bryan could still feel the slave seal on his chest that sealed his powers and left him as weak as a human child, the only person who had touched him very lightly was the fire-haired human.

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