I Transmigrated To A Mafia Character From A BL Dark !

Chapter 2 - The Beginning Of Everything (R-18)

R-18 (sexual abuse and rape description).

In the kitchen of Abbey Matteo, something as terrible as Father Lattanzio's shocking death was taking place in the cold and damp pantry. The soft, painful moans of a young man just 18-years-old were muffled by an adult hand. This same adult grunted while committing the rape against the weakest and most helpless young man.

The young man barely cried when it was over, he had a scraped knee and skinned hands, his body had hand and bite marks, the adult man's semen ran between his weak legs.

"For you to learn not to seduce others by swinging your ass around with an easy smile ... This is a small lesson since you tried to hold on to others to lift yourself over our heads," the man said with a sadistic smile, watching the 18-year-old lying and weak, he was breathless and pale as a sheet.

The naked body of the young novice hadn't only the marks of recent violence, but there was a lack of whip and beatings typical of the punitive rules of Abbey Matteo to instill gentleness in his lambs.

"You even tried to seduce an old man who is old enough to be your grandfather! I gave you what you were looking for ... Now, this is a lesson for having induced me to sin!" The priest who had risen and composed himself was mad and mad again, with hatred, desire, and disgust at the same time he started hitting the young man on the floor.

This priest was not afraid to be punished, because he was a prestigious exorcist and had many inside the Abbey Matteo in his hands, so he didn't hesitate to kick the young man still naked, weak, and injured. Each kick seemed to break a bone from the young man, but the young man didn't scream or express any emotion, he just cringed to protect his head and stomach. The 18-year-old looked broken and his fate sealed with eternal disgrace.

Thirty minutes later on the third floor of the clergyman's building, in the wing of the rooms of the high clergy.

Lee Fei opened his eyes suddenly, his body arched out of breath and he sat on the bed. He was breathing hard, trying to keep some air in his lungs, everything around him was in darkness, but he couldn't see anything right. He was sweating and shaking, his body was strangely sore. He felt his throat dry and his head was throbbing, so he closed his eyes briefly and tried to calm his agitated breathing, but he still felt sick and in pain.

Suddenly his throbbing head worsened and he grabbed his head with both hands and lost consciousness again, images and memories that weren't there before came to mind like a long film in which he cannot pause, Lee Fei felt as if you're having his head split in two.

After a few long minutes of suffering, Lee Fei finally calms down, but he remains unconscious, inwardly he was analyzing his new memories. The memories ranged from childhood to that moment when he had been sent to the capital of the Kingdom of Dawn when he had the misfortune to stop and stay for a week at the Matteo Abbey on the way to the capital. Strangely, there were some blurry memories that Lee Fei couldn't understand.

"Bishop Darcy! Bishop Darcy!" A voice called from outside the room where Lee Fei had lost consciousness. After a few minutes, the person outside continued to call but still has no answer.

"Should we go in?" said a young priest with a slightly concerned look, but even so he didn't dare enter the bishop's room easily.

"You know Bishop Darcy's arrogant personality. If it's not his servant entering the room, he can punish us." Said another older-looking priest.

"Something so big has happened, but Bishop Darcy is still sleeping peacefully," said the younger priest with a sigh.

"Father Lattanzio's death is a big thing, but it has nothing to do with Bishop Darcy. When things are clean and the priest's body is in the coffin, then we will send some novice to call Bishop Darcy again" said the older priest a little thoughtfully, he had a more practical view of the situation than his young companion.

They came to call Bishop Darcy because of this extraordinary event of the terrible death of one of the members of Matteo Abbey, but the young bishop wasn't part of the abbey, he was just a temporary guest, so he would not be required to participate in the investigation.

The two priests came out of the door of Bishop Darcy's room, they had to organize the coffin and call the priest doctors to find out if the priest's death was suicide or homicide, and who would have stolen the priest's eyes after death.

Only after this was confirmed would the priests deal with Father Lattanzio's body, if it was suiciding the priests would cremate the body of the priest who was considered a heretic and didn't deserve burial in sacred territory. However, if it were a homicide, some investigators would have to be dispatched from the capital's headquarters to investigate the case, to satisfy Father Lattanzio's family.

Things would get hectic at Matteo Abbey, which was south of the territory of the Kingdom of Dawn. It was in a county that bordered the territory of the Aurore Empire. If it weren't for the Divine Mountains to the west and the Infernal Vulcano to the east, the abbey would be in a much more precarious position. Of course, Matteo Abbey is far from the capital of the country, it brought too many problems such as being ignored by the center of ecclesiastical power and receiving far fewer resources, also far less labor, such as investigators and exorcists.

For the time being, the superiors of the clergy had given the order to say that Father Lattanzio's death was suicide so as not to create chaos within the abbey.. The priests left and went down the three floors to meet with other priests, they still had to take care of the novices of the first year of the course and prepare to receive the newly graduated priests who would arrive that afternoon.

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