When Lee Fei woke up again, he sat down slowly on his bed and took a deep breath, his body was still sore as if he had been beaten recently, but his head had at least stopped hurting and he had calmed down a little more.

His bed is very comfortable, there was a feather pillow, but it wasn't a goose, which was very unfortunate, the sudden thought about it came to Lee Fei, it was like a reflective thought of the original body. The sheet that covers his bed is made of high-quality fabric, the blanket that was covering it was made of the best quality wool and was soft, warm, and malleable.

His room was quite spacious, there was a glossy wooden desk, with several sheets of paper that had a peculiar color of blue that looked metallic, but Lee Fei's new memories told him they were quite common in this world.

Besides the papers was an inkwell and a long, elegant quill, Lee Fei didn't know what animal that quill was, but it was so shiny that he could even see a layer of gold speckles on the white down.

The chair, which fits on the desk, had a luxurious red upholstery, there was an armchair next to the fireplace and a small table with two elegant chairs by the window.

The entire room is made of stone, the floor was covered with a soft and well-worked tapestry, next to the bed was a piece of furniture that had a water jar, next to it was a well-polished aluminum cup, a ceramic tub refined to wash the face and a cotton towel used to dry the face, below the bed were two copper basins for basic needs.

There was a screen on the diagonal side of the room, it was a wooden screen used for bathing in a large tub, next to the wooden screen there is a small wooden bench, which is used by a servant or novice who would help bathe someone.

Next to the wooden door, there was a sleek and elegant chest, which must have his clothes and things. The chests were widely used to store objects, there was no facility in closets or wardrobes, not in a place like this.

After his vision adapted to semi-darkness, Lee Fei groped near the bedside table next to his bed and got something like a match, but in fact, it was a magical iron tool that at the press of the button created a small golden light.

Lee Fei felt that something was being extracted from the hand that held this magical tool, was this his Mana?

"Like in online RPG games?" Lee Fei thought, surprised to feel that soft energy coming out of his hand.

He pressed the button on the magic tool, the golden light was warm and soft. Lee Fei waved his wand of light and the small ball of light wandered in the air and lit the candlestick beside his bed, illuminating the dim room a little. The little ball of light went out after lighting all the candlesticks in the room.

Lee Fei was a little stunned by this magic lighter, but he was too tired to get excited about the magic in this place, he wanted to look for a mirror and some book, the first to see his figure and the second to understand this world a little.

With the soft lighting of the candlesticks, he observed the decor that had a little luxury, but in general, it showed a simplicity when compared to some noble rooms, which he saw in photos and paintings in his past life.

What caught his attention were the ornaments that didn't seem to be part of a common medieval fantasy world, since there were metal sculptures and there was even a gun made of silver and gold with inlaid jewelry, the designer was very reminiscent of the modern guns of the Lee Fei's original world, but at the same time there were some glaring details that seemed to show that they were from another world.

Lee Fei's new memories said you were "jewels", in fact, they were Mana stones and that this weapon is an expensive weapon used by magicians or those who have an affinity for Mana. The common guns of this world, in fact, reminded Lee Fei of the Steampunk sets he used to watch in Western cinema on his travels, however, the original body lacked any of these common guns, although he had memories of this.

He stops looking at the gun and the strange metal sculptures, since this was making him even more confused, after all, where was he? Was this a magical fantasy world or a steampunk world?

He still had no way of knowing. Lee Fei had a suspicion in his heart, but he couldn't believe it yet. He needed to find a mirror to confirm his heart's speculation.

There were three large windows on the north wall that were covered with heavy wine-colored velvet cloths, but even so, it was possible that the sun would partially illuminate the room, but the cool breeze of that autumn didn't pass through the velvet curtains, which indicated that the windows were closed.

Observing all this, Lee Fei knew that he was not in 21st century China, if he was in China in any century, in fact, he seriously doubted if he was on planet Earth.

The last thing Lee Fei remembers is going to work that autumn morning, he happened to walk around the university library and found a fantasy book with a dark, black cover in the Advanced Calculation area. Which was quite curious, the book was relatively short for him since he had a quick read and a photographic memory.

Then, as soon as he finished reading the book when his work shift was over, he felt a headache and his vision darkened.

When he woke up again, he was already in this strange place.

Did he die?

Was he dreaming?

There were some possibilities, but now he could only investigate slowly anyway.

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