I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through in Naruto World Chapter 103

Body 205.

What Mizuki said to Kakashi just now was not abrupt, but a psychological consideration.Because she didn't believe it, Kakashi was letting Sasuke go.Or does he want Sasuke to make his own decision?

If this is the matter of the seventh class, as a water tree of "outsiders", there is no reason to be nosy.But she and Naruto are friends, she also has a close relationship with Sakura, and Sasuke is at least a classmate.

She also didn't want to see the split of Class 7——!

But while waiting for Mizuki to find Sasuke, he found that there was a mess here, and he immediately understood that it seemed that a "guest" had come.

"Sasuke?" Looking at Sasuke who fell to the ground with injuries on his body.Mizuki came to him and asked, "What happened here? What happened to your injury?"

Sasuke's mood may not be very good, but he left a cold sentence: "You don't need to worry about it!"

What bad temper is this guy playing?I'm really annoyed to punch him.

But looking at his appearance, I also know that this is something on my mind.I had no choice but to suppress my anger first, and said, "Let me guess if someone is looking for you? Who is it? Isn't it a big snake?"

Of course Mizuki knew that it would not be Oshemaru in person, otherwise Sasuke would not be here anymore.

Seeing him not talking, Mizuki's psychology became even more clear.With a sigh, he said to Sasuke, "I know what happened to you. I have seen that person. I want to gain strength and revenge against that person. Is this what you want?"

Sasuke sat there blankly, still speaking.

Really, should I be alone and sing a one-man show here?Mizuki was depressed, but still said, "Maybe I don't have your energy to understand your revenge. But I have also lost. I know the feeling of losing a friend is indeed very heartbreaking. At least on this point. , We all have something in common."

"Fujiwara Bubi, Musashino, they died for me, and I watched them get killed with my own eyes. What kind of powerless feeling at that time, I want to have the same experience as you? I have relatives, mine Father, sister. Although you have no relatives, you still have Naruto and Sakura, right?"

After the words were finished, Sasuke remained silent, not knowing if he listened.Just seeing him slowly stand up, find a reason casually, and leave immediately.

Seeing Sasuke's departure, Mizuki couldn't help sighing. It seems that this guy's obsession is too deep.

Sure enough, the second generation of Hokage was right. The people of the Uchiha clan were delicate in mind, and as long as it was a matter of recognition, it was easy to get into the horns.

At that time, it might be a bit prejudiced, but now it seems somewhat reasonable.

Sasuke is definitely not a bad person, this can be guaranteed.It was just because of what happened that year that he almost lost everything, and it was his favorite brother.

"The depth of love, the depth of hate."

This sentence should be the most appropriate to use here.

Seeing Sasuke leave first, Mizuki felt that what should happen was always going to happen.Thinking of looking for Naruto, or Kakashi?

After thinking about it, forget it: "Let's do whatever it takes!"

It was late, and when she went home, she was trained by sister Huazi and asked her why she disappeared all day.

There is no way, the water tree is not easy to say, just casually perfunctory.Fortunately, Hanako is also a caring person, knowing what she doesn't want to say, she can't force anything.

But when I saw Hinata, I was asked if I saw Naruto.

Mizuki couldn't help showing a smirk: "Yes, I saw Naruto, that guy, play with me all day!"

Well, only in Hinata can you find a little fun.

Well, hey~

But even when I went to bed at night, the water tree obviously didn't sleep well.Of course, I still wondered whether Sasuke would leave.

Murphy's Law: "If you are worried about something happening, then it is more likely to happen."

Sure enough, on the second day, I heard the news that Sasuke had left the village.

If the development of the plot is exactly the same, Sasuke still chooses to take the road of revenge, and Sakura feels that he is waiting on the road that must be taken.Trying to persuade him not to leave, but was knocked out on the spot!

What a nice girl, so infatuated with him.This Sasuke is really ignorant of good and bad, right?

Text 206. Don't consider

Of course, Mizuki knew better than anyone about Sasuke’s departure from the village, but he was still wondering if his appearance would change the plot?

But now it seems that the obsession of revenge is gaining the upper hand in Sasuke's heart.It might also be because he wanted to become stronger, even if he knew that Da She Wan was looking for him, he still made such a choice.

But at this time, Mizuki's first reaction was Kakashi, because she really couldn't guess. Is this Kakashi deliberately doing it, or just wants Sasuke to choose his own way?

If it's the former, is it already expected that Sasuke's desire for revenge in his heart, that's why he wanted this.If it belongs to the latter, what are your considerations?

Well, it's not the time to think about this, because someone wants to invite Mizuki to take part in the recovery of Sasuke.

The original inviter was Shikamaru, but Naruto said in a loud voice: "Mizuki, please, Sasuke—"

Mizuki is also very difficult to do yesterday's things, and she is the person who understands the meaning of Sasuke's journey best.To be honest, this must be her, the least willing to see it!

But thinking of the development of the plot, Sasuke will follow the practice of Oshemaru, and it seems that there is no threat in the end.It's just the fight between Sasuke and Itachi behind, I don't really want to see it.

If you think about it, Mizuki tactfully refused: "Naruto, Shikamaru, I already know what you said. But two months ago, I was injured when I was on a mission, so combat effectiveness cannot be guaranteed. If it affects the whole This is not good. I recommend someone here. I don’t know if you can see it?"

Speaking of the person recommended by Mizuki, there is no doubt that it should have been Neji who joined the team.

The reason is also very simple, because when it comes to Hyuga's unique knowledge, Mizuki isn't actually very proficient. On the contrary, Niji is a real genius.And judging from the results of the plot feedback, although the coefficient of threat is very large and there is almost a danger of death, in the end there is nothing.

The water tree follows the development of the plot without directly participating in the action.But in order to express her concerns, she still saw off a few people.I wish to bring Sasuke back smoothly!

But there are two things I have to say here, one thing is about Shikamaru's battle plan, and the layout of the formation is quite in place.

Using the strengths of the temporary organization of each person is not only a good mind, but also a strong analytical and observational ability to know where each person should be.

It is no wonder that in the future, this guy will be the second in command of Konoha Village, and he is almost the manager in charge of the entire village.

The other thing to say, of course, was that before leaving, Kozakura arrived unexpectedly.Last night's dissuasion was useless, Sasuke gave up everything Konoha, knocked her out and left.

Alas, seeing this infatuated Sakura, I really don’t know if I want to praise her, or can she be stupid?Sakura cried and pleaded to Naruto: "This is my lifelong wish. Please bring Sasuke back!"

As the plot developed, Naruto smiled stupidly, raised his thumb, and said: "I will definitely bring Sasuke back. This is a promise of our life!"

Mizuki looked at this picture, no matter what the others here look at, at least she knows the ending here.However, despite the ups and downs of this process, it is a bit beyond imagination, and it will even take a big battle to recover.

But looking at Naruto's confidence, she still held an affirmative expression.To the crying Sakura comforted: "Don't worry! Naruto will definitely fulfill his promise, don't forget: He must do what he says, but his forbearance."

In order to catch up with Sasuke, the group left first.

Mizuki sent Sakura home to let her rest first: waiting for good news.

Knowing the development of this plot, Mizuki didn't go home directly after thinking about it again and again.First, she didn't want to miss the development of the plot, and second, she felt that she should do something.

Of course, she still found Xiao Li before that, don't look at him still wearing bandages, but according to the needs of the plot, this guy is definitely indispensable.

At the beginning, Li was a little worried about himself, could he finish it?However, with the encouragement of Mizuki, he still made his own choice.

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