I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Traveled Through the Naruto World Chapter 104

With Li's help, Naruto can go directly after Sasuke.In this way, according to the development of the plot, if there is no problem, Naruto finally catches up with Sasuke, and the place of battle must be the valley of the end!

Body 207. Hurry to the End Valley

Knowing that Shikamaru and Naruto and the others are going to recover the powerful enemy Sasuke will encounter.There must be a bitter battle, and it will be quite dangerous.Fortunately, in the end, no one died, so there was nothing to worry about.

Considering the battle on the road, Mizuki decided to go a little farther and go directly to the destination-the valley of the end.

She has white eyes, don't worry about encountering the battlefield on the road, and her instant ability: bow and slingshot, is definitely comparable to the speed of Flying Thunder God.

But here also pay attention, several places where fighting broke out.

Needless to say the first place, a fat man of Yinnin's four people hindered the sneaking of a group of people.In order not to be delayed, Ding Ci took the initiative to stay.

This is a duel of two power-type ninjas. The opponent is at least Zhongren or above, and it also has the pseudo fairy model of curse seal.Even the experienced and veteran Shangren may not be able to take advantage of their hands.

If I remember correctly, Ding Ci's actions this time had taken out the secret medicine of the Qiu Taoist school.A three-color pill?When you eat it, you can burst out the power of terror.

Because I knew that the plot was correct, but I saw it from a distance when Ding Ci ate the last red pill, and the amazing power burst out when he hung the enemy.

Mizuki couldn't help but exclaimed: "Exchange his own life? Oh~ Even if I know that there will be nothing wrong, I really worry about him. But it seems that this secret technique is pretty dazzling!"

The butterfly wings plus the weight loss effect, those with better aesthetics think it will be good, right?

The next place to fight is undoubtedly the confrontation between "Spider-Man" and Neji.Although I didn't have any good feelings about Ningci, I was a little disgusted because I had bullied Hinata's sister during the Chunin test.

But I can't say it's disgust here, it's just that I can't understand the old Ning Ci's attitude of complaining.But after experiencing the game with Naruto, I believe he should have begun to realize it.

What's more, in this battle, Ning Ci was pitted by her, but he had to be seriously injured and dying, and finally recovered.

By the way, having said that, this "Spider-Man" can discover the secret of the white-eyed, aware of the difference between the division and the clan, and the use of Huitian is for protection, and the only flaw is not exposed.

I have to say that this guy still has two brushes.Ning Ci, who had been made a genius, almost died in the hands of this guy, it was indeed not very wrong.

Mizuki also just used a white-eyed perspective to see a little change on the battlefield, and then hurriedly passed by: "Ningci, take care of yourself!"

The next battle was the battle between Shikamaru and Otoninchu, the only female member.

Looking at this guy, he was fighting with the same girl again.How many times is this already?At least three times!

The first time was the Nakanin exam, and during the preliminaries we played against the female members of Otonin Village.

The second time was the official competition of the Zhongnin exam, and I had already had two gestures with my future wife.

Now a girl again?The fate of this guy is surprisingly good!

I saw it here, Shikamaru and Tayuya fought together.After all, his opponent had already activated the curse seal, and it was not easy to kill it.

Toga and Akimaru didn't see it, and there was no trace of the other enemy.It should have fallen, and there is no time to find it.Anyway, the final result will definitely not be a problem.

It was a battle below, but Mizuki watched it for a while.When she arrived, Gaara appeared on the scene and used a wide range of ninjutsu. The entire terrain was changed, turning this place into a desert.

"Gaara? As the shadow of Sunnin Village Mirai, it's really amazing." Just looking at it from a distance, Mizuki felt incredible, at least she definitely couldn't do it.

If possible, she really wants to fight Gaara.

Of course, there is also Kaguya-kun Maro here, which reminds Mizuki of going to the Taketori family not long ago.But I really played against this guy, the legendary bones!

It's a pity that Mizuki understands that Junmaro has spent his life rushing here for Oshemaru.The ending is doomed, he will die today!

Seeing Junmaro's death, Mizuki felt a bit regretful: "It looks like we are going to fight Junmaro, and we can only wait for the fourth Ninja war in a few years."

The final destination-the valley of the end.

The origin of the name of this place was the battle between the first generation of Naruto-sama and Uchiha Madara many years ago.

The reincarnation of Indra and Asura, the great battle that broke out here many years ago, is breaking out again today.But this is not the end!

"Spiral pill!!"


Body 208. The departure of revenge

Naruto has become a tail beast, and a layer of tail beast chakra appears on the surface of his body.Similarly, Sasuke also entered the second form of the spell, and the two people used Helix Maru and Chidori to collide with each other.

The chakra with tail beasts and celestial skills, such a ninjutsu duel, the power that erupts is unimaginable and terrifying.The whole waterfall is cut off, the whole place is eroded!

Fortunately, the water tree at this time is still relatively far away, but such a shocking scene still makes her feel lingering.The strength they showed now is obviously not what she can compare.

"It's really a terrible power, and it's not because of these two guys." Seeing all this, there were fluctuations in Mizuki's eyes: "Growing is so fast, how long is this? Damn, I am already behind! "

She can now understand how Sasuke looked at Naruto.Obviously it was the tail of a crane not long ago, and now he has taken a stand.

This huge psychological gap brought about, as long as people with strong self-esteem, it is bound to be difficult to adapt.What's more, Sasuke used Naruto as his opponent!

There were dense clouds in the sky, and a heavy rain fell unstoppably.

Sasuke looked at the fainted Naruto. There is no doubt that his current psychology is definitely quite complicated, right?

Mizuki didn't come here to watch the excitement. After all, she didn't understand the plot here, let alone come to this world and have been with them for more than ten years.

Is it still unclear what kind of feelings they have between them?It is really a pity: "For revenge, are you really willing to let go of everything? Including the person who values ​​you the most, your companion?!"

Without hiding his meaning, Mizuki appeared with a bow and bullet.

Sasuke saw him, his face was very cold and said, "Are you here to arrest me?"

Sasuke must know how strong Mizuki is.A blank eye is not bad, and then there is a super instantaneous technique. It is definitely not easy to escape from the hands of the water tree.

But fortunately, Mizuki here, because he knows Sasuke’s psychology, waved his hand here: "Sorry, you are not considered Renin, and I have no mission to arrest Renin. I just heard the news that you left Konoha, It surprised me a little bit before I decided to come and have a look."

Sasuke felt relieved that he was not trying to catch himself.But his gaze still stared at Mizuki warily: "For what? Do you still want to persuade me?"

"No!" Mizuki shook his head: "Sakura, Naruto, Kakashi-sensei, even your closest companions can't change your mind. I don't have this carefully. It's just that everyone has a classmate, and the past I'm an opponent, I want to sue you!"

This is a bit of nonsense, but if you change it, you still have to say: "If you fight with the dragon for too long, you will become the dragon; if you stare at the abyss for too long, the abyss will look back."

The meaning of the words is not difficult to understand, very similar to the meaning of "near Zhu is red, near ink is black".When a person's mind has only revenge, his heart is only left with revenge.

Now Sasuke is like that, he just thought of revenge.Only the fetters of Naruto from the bottom of his heart are his only salvation left.

Sasuke's expression is still cold: "Have you finished?"

"Forget it—" The Mizuki here didn't want to be singing a one-man show anymore, so he opened a road so that Sasuke could leave.

There is indeed no blocking, because Kakashi should be coming soon. In fact, it is not difficult to stop Sasuke, but what Mizuki said just now has proved that blocking is destined to have no meaning.

But just when Sasuke was about to leave in an instant, Mizuki dropped another sentence: "Your brother's matter, I heard three generations of adults mentioned it. I shouldn't have said it, but I don't want you to regret-- "

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