I traveled through the days in Naruto World

The Days I Passed in Naruto World Chapter 110

Thinking of this, Mizuki also felt that what was said was right, and agreed and said: "It is not wrong. The geographical location of the country determines that these bandits have no way to escape unless they go to the sea. We are too. You should look carefully first, maybe you can find something new?!"

We have come to this point, just go more!

Because there were a few traces on the side of this stream, so I just walked along this river.Mizuki opened his eyes and kept searching the surroundings.After walking a few miles in this way, what suddenly she found?

In Mizuki's white-eyed vision, although he did not see the interpersonal relationship, he was surprised to find that there were artificial things standing upright.Concentrating on looking carefully, it seems to be some kind of hidden watchtower?When she noticed these, she knew that she might be close.

But when she saw the whole picture clearly, it turned out that there was a small village hidden somewhere on the back slope of a mountain about a mile away from her?That hidden watchtower was built on the highest point of the mountains here. It is estimated that you can see it at a glance for dozens of miles from a condescending perspective.

Seeing these scenes, Mizuki hurriedly said to his companions around him: "There is a discovery! About one mile ahead, there is a village on the northern slope of the mountain, and there is a secret post on the top of the mountain."

"Shuishu, are you sure?"

"It can't be wrong, if I think it's right, this place should be the robber's nest!" The place in the mountains is still hidden so deep, if it is not the robber's nest, Mizuki dared to write the name upside down.

But what is a bit strange here is that the water tree seems to have no human traces found?Is it true that these robbers have already left, as Tian Tian said just now?

Text 219. Bandit VillagePart 2

If you look right, the village is surrounded by forests, and it seems that you have not seen an external road.But looking through the white eyes of the water tree, did not see anyone's shadow?

I noticed something was wrong, and I hope it won't really escape.Otherwise, what about their tasks?

Mizuki thought for a while, and asked Takahashi, "Is there a map of this area?"

"Yes!" Takahashi took out an exquisite map from the bag he was carrying: "Because this is close to the country of Rain, during the Second Ninja World War, troops bypassed the border defense line of the country of Rain. ."

It turned out to be a military map, so it's much more detailed.

Open the map to view, Mizuki quickly pointed out: "It is in this place, I saw a village, but no human traces were found."

Look at the location on the map, simply use the calculation method to measure, roughly calculate.

Takahashi nodded: "Well, this place is very hidden. It happens to be on the north slope. A post is set up on the top. It looks a little tight. No wonder I have searched for this area and I haven't found anything."

But the strange thing here is, why don't even people see it?

"Did you really escape?" Several people thought it was unbelievable: "If these robbers left, where would they go? The country of fire? The country of wind? The country of rain? It's always a pirate, right?"

I couldn't think of a reason for a while, and after a brief discussion, a few people decided to go to this forest village to have a look. If there are people living here, there will be clues, right?

As Mizuki's white eyes did not see any traces of people, it was determined that this was an empty village.

When a group of people walked into this village, they only felt that it was exceptionally desolate. Some houses were obviously damaged. It seemed that no one had lived here for a while.

Mizuki walked into a room and saw a table covered with dust, but looking at the whole room, why didn't there even a spider web?

At this moment, Mizuki understood what was there and shouted loudly: "Be careful! There is an ambush!"

But at this time, it was obviously too late.Everyday, Li searched elsewhere, trying to find a clue.Tiantian, who is familiar with hidden weapons, has also found something wrong.

However, Li, who had a bigger heart here, didn't know what mechanism he had touched, and arrows suddenly flew out of the sky.

"King Kong is not bad, let's go!" Mizuki shouted, Chakra violently violently covered his body.

Even though these arrows hit her body, they couldn't hurt her. Only with this attack strength, she still couldn't break her defense.

Mizuki is no problem, as long as she is not found in her flaws, almost any attack cannot harm her.But a few other people can't do it, and they must find a way to resist.

Every day, he took out a three-section stick and waved these arrows.Li has superb physical skills, and there is no problem with dodge. Just looking at Brother Takahashi, he can only show up with no resistance, which is a bit laborious.

Turning on the King Kong is not bad, these arrows are no threat to her, but the metal arrow hit her body, it is still very painful, this can not be offset.

He quickly overturned a table, used it as a shield to block in front of him, and protected Takahashi, so that he would not be shot by the hedgehog.

"What's the matter, where did these attacks come from, can you see Mizuki?"

After being reminded, Mizuki opened his eyes again, and soon saw that the arrow was launched from the organ.A chakra projectile condensed in his hand: "Finger magical power!!"

With the help of white eyes, the chakra bullets that popped up, one after another accurate destruction mechanism.

But destroying these launching organs was only the beginning, and soon many people appeared from all directions outside the village.

Those who come are not good, those who are good will not come!Needless to say, these are the goals of Mizuki and his team.

These robbers have a strong sense of counter-reconnaissance. Gao Qiao and the others chased them near their lair, and they already knew that it was impossible to hide them for long.So from a very early time, I started to arrange everything here.

Use the abandoned old nest as bait, set up traps here, and then they will lie in ambush around, as long as these traps are touched, they will be killed from all sides.

It can be said that these guys are very cunning, set up traps and wait for the prey to jump inside!

Seeing that there are a lot of robbers, it seems that they are more than those in the intelligence. It is definitely not just dozens of people, at least hundreds of people, and possibly more.

The four hurriedly formed a formation, paying attention to the robbers vigilantly: "These are a bit troublesome, I didn't expect to ambush it, but it's really careless!"

Mizuki knew this was her fault, she believed her eyes too much, and did not pay attention to some details here.

Of course, this is also related to her, not very familiar with hidden weapons and the like, so even if she sees it, it won't attract her attention.And she was thinking more about finding the traces of human beings. This would be ignored, right?

But it’s too late to say anything now.

Putting his special glove on his hand, squeezing his fist fiercely, Mizuki's eyes have opened: "It looks like there is a fierce battle, I hope these guys will fight it a little!"

Text 220. Siege

Because of the absolute defensive ability of "King Kong is not bad", ordinary swords can't hurt her.Regardless of the number of robbers in this group, there is no threat to the water tree.

Mizuki squeezed his fists and said to his companions around him: "Every day, you are covering from a distance, Li, Brother Takahashi, everyone be careful."

She is a brave artist, and has enough confidence in her own defense.But there are no companions around her, they are all highly skilled ninjas, facing the attack of hundreds of desperadoes, there is still a risk of injury.

But now is not the time to worry about this. Seeing these desperadoes look fierce and vicious, it is obvious that even if they want to leave, it is impossible to let them go easily.

Now there is only one word left-do it!

This group of robbers screamed loudly, brandishing their swords and rushing, because of the large number of them, it seemed to be quite imposing.But looking at the chaos, it is a typical mob.

Mizuki showed disdain to these people. If it was just such a group of people, even if more people fight, it can only be a little troublesome.

King Kong's undamageable skills are activated, and you are not afraid of any swords.There was no worries, her fists used all their strength, and all of them were smashed out. A robber who rushed toward her was flew several meters away with a punch and knocked down two of his companions during the period. I don't know how the injuries were.

But at this time, the robbers rushed from all directions.Not only was Mizuki fighting here, at the same time Li and Gaoqiao also encountered robbers who rushed.

Needless to say Li's battles, he is also a person who is not very good at using weapons.But with superb physical skills, although he can't resist attacks with his body like a water tree, he can still use his skills to clamp the sword and attack the enemy with a backhand. He is still very good.

"Konoha Tornado!!" The beautiful whirlwind legs swept a poor robber.

Don't forget Li's feet, but there are heavy objects tied, so the force that sweeps over them is no less than the force of hitting with a hammer.Imagine the feeling of hitting your body with a hammer, right?

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